Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP all Versions

The preparing and copying of DCPs to hard drives is not a component of the easyDCP programs. We provide information about our customer’s experience from their practice

Quality and kind of hard disk are not important but it is recommended to use a powerful interface, e.g. eSATA or USB 3.0. Commonly, carriers from the CruDataPort series are used.

The file-systeme is very important. According to DCI specification:




is required. These file systems are supported natively by LINUX. 

Third party drivers/emulations are available for MAC and Windows (e.g. Paragon).
Another recommendation is to install a LINUX system either on a remote or virtual system and have it share the mounted DCP via SAMBA.

The time it takes to copy a DCP onto a mobile hard-drive depends on the DCPs size and on the bandwidth. A 90-minute DCP can take up to 200 GB.

It is highly recommend to verify the DCPs integrity.  To do that, you can start the DCP validation (included in easyDCP Creator+ and easyDCP Player+) and run a Hash-check (e.g. with MD5) of the DCP before copying to the hard disc. After copying run the Hash-check again. The results of the hash-check must be identical otherwise the DCP may crash.

This extra work is in no relation to later exchange of the DCP in the cinema. 

Copying needs to be done independently from the easyDCP application, e.g. with Finder or Windows Explorer. Customers with macOS like to use the program DCP Transfer
Also professional mass-duplication software is available and convinient for larger copy batch jobs.

Additional hint: Using of Digital Cinema Naming Convention is higly recommend to ease the workflow in the cinema server. Create correct syntax of Digital Cinema Naming Convention is embedded in easyDCP applications. 


This FAQ is valid for
All easyDCP applications All Licenses  All Versions


This instrucions informs you how to export your public server certificates for internal or external use e.g. for partners who want to create DKDMs for your application.

HINT: Every easyDCP Application uses different Server Certificates. DKDMs issued for one easyDCP application cannot be used in any other easyDCP application.  

The content decryption context menu is available in the

  • easyDCP Creator+
  • easyDCP Player+
  • easyDCP KDM Generator+

The menu option File -> Content Decryption -> Export Public Server Certificate

will copy both the public leaf certificate (easydcpcreator_ _.cert.sha256.crt) and the signature chain (easydcpcreator _ _.chain.sha256.pem) to the selected folder. The signature chain contains the leaf certificate as well as intermediate certificates and the root certificate.
You may safely distribute these certificates to content providers who want to issue a Distribution KDM to your easyDCP + installation.

When issuing (D)KDMs with easyDCP KDM Generator+, place only the leaf certificate file (*.crt) into the server certificate’s folder or just drag and drop it into the corresponding input form.

HINT: Every easyDCP Application uses different Server Certificates. KDMs issued for one easyDCP application cannot be used in any other easyDCP application.  

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus &
easyDCP single licenes
in online Activation from Version 4.0.X
IMF Studio &
IMF single licenes 
in online Activation from Version 4.0.X


When trying to log into any easyDCP application you receive a "SSL handshake failed" error.

Let’s Encrypt’s original root certificate of your OS was expired and replaced at the end of September 2021. The new root certificate is probably not available on your system, yet.

Solution 1 – Automatic Root Certificate Installation

  1. Close any running easyDCP instances.
  2. Open the Microsoft Edge Internet Browser installed with Microsoft Windows.
  3. Go to This should automatically trigger the installation of the new root certificate.
  4. Close Microsoft Edge and start any easyDCP Application. Login should work again

Solution 2 – Manual Root Certificate Installation

This should only be done if the first solution does not work at all. (Automatic Root Certificate Update disabled via Group Policies). If possible, rather enable Automatic Root Certificate Update via Group Policies and try the first solution again. Also, take additional precautionary measures like a system backup.

  1. Go to
  2. Locate the entry for "ISRGX Root X1" and download the certificate.
  3. Open the certificate file (directly from the Browser or your download folder).
  4. (Optional) Check if the thumbprint of the certificate matches the one on the website.
  5. Install the certificate with the "Certificate Import Wizard".
  6. Finish and restart easyDCP. Login should work now as expected.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP from Version 3.X
IMF Studio from Version 4.X
easyDCP Resolve Plugin  all Versions


You’re working for the Digital Cinema and On-Demand Video industry with optimized workflows and leading software like DaVinci Resolve?

You deserve to work with the best software available!

easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio form the leading solutions for the digital cinema supply chain and are acknowledged as Netflix Post Technology Alliance products. Benefit from our exclusive offer for users of the easyDCP Resolve Plug-in.

Extend your services with the capabilities of easyDCP Plus and/or IMF Studio

Click a row show more information

Create Multi Language/Subtitle DCP/IMF Packages in one package with minimal overhead
DCP and IMF specifications allow several language- or subtitle-tracks in one DCP. easyDCP Creator+ is specialized for creating those DCP and IMF Creator for IMF packages (both includes multiple CPL) in a very easy and simple way. easyDCP Player+ an IMF Player are very powerful tool for quality control and export.
Create Supplemental DCPs/IMF Packages
With supplementals (also called version files) you can easily correct content errors or add further languages and/or subtitles to an existing DCP. This is also often required for Netflix accreditation.
easyDCP Creator+ and IMF Creator allows to create easy and reliable supplemental files. easyDCP Player+ and IMF Player is ready to playback and QC the well prepared supplemental DCP or IMF package.
Arrange and Visualize INTEROP/SMPTE Subtitles
Become an expert for subtitling. Subtitling and Captioning is a more and more required feature for DCP and IMF Packages. easyDCP Creator+ and IMF Player supports the standards: CSUB (Closed Subtitle), OSUB (Open Subtitle), CCAP (Closed Caption) and OCAP (Open Caption). easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio supports the standardized INTEROP/SMPTE and TTML subtitles.
easyDCP Player+ and IMF Player is prepared for playback subtitles, for QC and quality control. All these options can be combined with Multi Language DCP resp. IMF-Packages and Supplemental DCP resp. IMF-Packages.
Burn in Subtitles
Although XML subtitles is the intended solution for DCP/IMF packages, sometimes it is helpful or necessary to burn the subtitles firmly and permanently into image files. With one click you can decide in easyDCP Creator+ and IMF Creator whether the subtitles should be provided as an XML file or burned in.
easyDCP Player+ will playback DCPs and IMF Creator playback IMF Packages.
Create and Design stunning 3D DCP/IMF Packages
3D playback has given a tremendous boost to digital cinema and is now state of the art. Whether you need to create a commercial, a trailer or a feature film. With easyDCP Creator+ you only need a few clicks to make your movie perfect for the cinema. Moreover, of course you can play the movie perfectly on different stereoscopic standards (Windows only) via the easyDCP Player+.
All options like subtitles and supplementals are also available in both applications.
Use the separation of reels in your DCP/IMF Packages
Reels are a well-used way to split content within the DCP/IMF workflow. Add an intro, add a logo sequence or add credits into a movie - you will be happy to have this feature available. Latest when you start to work with Supplemental DCP/IMF packages or run through the Netflix accreditation you will be excited to use reels.
Validate your DCP/IMF Package before you distribute it
A DCP/IMF-Package consists of countless file detail and there are a variety of experience to be considered. Both easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio have a powerful tool to check all these details. If your DCP/IMF package has been successfully tested with easyDCP resp. IMF Validator, you can be sure that your DCP/IMF package can be easily used in any movie theater.
Many of our customers also use the easyDCP Plus/IMF Studio Validator for incoming inspection.
Create and Playback a DCP with ATMOS Soundtracks
Atmos technology is a proprietary sound standard that can usually only be applied and processed in selected cinemas. Nevertheless, the easyDCP programs are also able to process these files. easyDCP Plus can easily bypass these ready-made audio files to create a DCP, process them and play them back via the easyDCP Player+ (although without processing the Atmos technology itself).
Create and Playback a IMF with Dolby Vision
Dolby Vision technology is a proprietary video and sound standard that is required e.g. for Netflix deliveries. Nevertheless, the IMF Studio are also able to process these files. IMF Creator can easily bypass these ready-made audio files to create a IMF with Dolby Vision, process them and play them back via the IMF Player (although without processing the Atmos technology itself).
GPU-Encoding and Decoding accelerates the workflow
All easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio applications can greatly speed up DCP / IMF mastering on Windows using the impressive graphics adapter graphics adapter. With a technology developed for this purpose, the computation times for JPEG2000 encoding can be significantly accelerated.
A WOW feature: Correct the Metadata of your DCP/IMF-Package
Who has not had to quickly fix or update a description (such as naming convention) or file naming for an already completed DCP or IMF package? With easyDCP PLus and IMF Studio the effort is negligible and the DCP / IMF package does not need to be recalculated. Once you've used this feature, you can’t do without it.
Regular updates keep easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio customers up to date
Changing and correcting standards for DCP and IMF packages has no release cycles. The development of easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio is specifically committed to this market and provides new releases immediately upon availability and need. Compared to easyDCP resolve applications, easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio has no partner restrictions.
Free your DaVinci Resolve Workstation from long encoding or KDM-Generating
Workstations for the color grading including the accessories required are expensive workstations. The generation of a 90 min DCP / IMF package is a long-lasting process that may need to be repeated.
Shift the elaborate JPEG2000 encoding and the DCP mastering including the design of language and subtitle versions to a possibly more suitable standard PC.
Powerful KDM Generating Tools for bulk delivery and distribution
An important step in the distribution of encrypted DCPs is the creation of digital movie keys - the KDMs. easyDCP Plus contains a stand-alone tool only for the generation of movie keys. It is suitable for simple and intuitive creation of large quantities of KDMs. If required, the tool can also be automated using a command line interface.
Online Activation and Roaming 
easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio comes with the comfortable option of Online Activation. This allows to start the application with your username and password. The activation will start automatically and is not fixed binded to your hardware. 
If you want to start the same application on another PC you can do this when the previous session on another PC is finished. 
Subscription or Lifetime 
easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio gives you the option to select between a cost effective subscription alternate to a classic lifetime license. The acquisition adapts to the respective needs of a customer more easily.

In fact, this is the major difference between easyDCP KDM Generator and easyDCP KDM Generator+.

While easyDCP KDM Generator can be used to issue KDMs for DCPs created and encrypted by yourself using easyDCP Creator+, easyDCP KDM Generator+ can also be used to generate KDMs for DCP that have been created by a third party mastering station.

Just like easyDCP Player+, easyDCP KDM Generator+ also allows you to export its own public certificate. Provide this certificate containing your public key to the content owner so they can issue a Distribution KDM (DKDM) to your easyDCP KDM Generator+ installation.
You can load this DKDM into easyDCP KDM Generator+ and generate new KDMs for other recipients from it. The new KDMs time windows have to be completely covered by the DKDMs time window.

easyDCP Creator and easyDCP Creator+ allow to convert QuickTime-videos to DCPs.

1. Create a new 2k or 4k DCP project, dependig on the resolution of your QuickTime movie.

2. Click on the "Picture" button and select the QuickTime file.

3. Click on the "Sound" button and select the same QuickTime file again.

4. Now drag & drop both track files into the first reel of a new composition, edit the composition´s title and click the "Generatre DCP" button.


For further information please refer to:

easyDCP Creator

easyDCP Creator+

JPEG 2000 files generated with the easyDCP Creator meet the required requirements.

You can also import pre-generated JPEG 2000 files. Make sure that the input format "Option", the entry "JPEG 2000 Re-encoding" is disabled. In this case, easyDCP Creator does not check if these files are compatible with current standards. The software merely copies the files to the DCP.

This may eventually lead to a rejection of the DCP by certain playback devices / digital cinema servers. In such cases, we recommend checking the entire DCP with the DCP validation function of easyDCP Player + or easyDCP Creator +.

Currently, we are not aware of any problems with DCPs that are generated by easyDCP Creator.

  • fix: XML Signature for encrypted DCPs causing issues on some playback systems.
  • fix: Correct signature of DCPs using signer certificate from online license.
  • fix: Correctly check subtitle language uniqueness of off-screen text.
  • fix: Switching between reel and timeline view preserves metadata.
  • fix: Update metadata correctly when changing project specification.
  • fix: Correct parsing of --resultInFilename command line argument.
  • new: SystemHash v6 Support for reliable Certification.
  • new: Option to explicitly enable/disable Metadata in editor.
  • new: Redesign ReelView.
  • new: UI Overhaul for Encryption & Generation Page.
  • new: Add Recommendation that Metadata should be added to SMPTE DCPs.
  • new: Add Option to use Relative PathNames in ProjectFile.
  • new: Standalone Transcoder - Option to set higher bit rate in command line
  • fix: Metadata Editor when loading DCP without metadata
  • fix: Correct Handling of Burn-in Subtitle Checks.
  • fix: Potential mismatch between Annotation and Content Title Text.
  • fix: Zooming in Timeline View aligns with Pointer.
  • fix: Enable State of View-Preview.
  • new: Setting to update MXF file names if DCP is saved or MXF files are copied.
  • new: Function to delete custom added items in DCNC editor dialog.
  • new: Validation test for file names in Assetmap (case sensitive).
  • new: Validation test to verify that 'OriginalFileName' in PKL matches actual file name.
  • new: Rework of 'Track Defaults' settings page.
  • fix: Retain subtitle language metadata in Composition when subtitle track is supplemental.
  • fix: Check if Immersive Bitstream Audio is added to Composition with supplemental Sound Track.
  • fix: Better error messaging when adding Immersive Bitstream Audio MXF files.
  • new: Allow to open invalid JPEG2000 images and DCPs with missing profile (Profile 0 error).
  • new: Error if filenames (incl. subfolders) in DCP exceed 100 characters.
  • new: Add additional CPL metadata extensions presets (Application Property IAB Profile).
  • fix: Improved update of CPL metadata if DCP parameters change.
  • fix: CPL metadata and title difference warning if new DCNC title is generated.
  • fix: CPL metadata and sound track layout mismatch on sound track edit.
  • fix: Support of multiple CPL metadata extensions with the same scope.
  • fix: Update Edit Rate(s) warnings and recommendations in validation to reflect latest standard.
  • fix: Improved overall remaining generation time calculation.
  • fix: Hide subtitle track color space settings if burn-in is not active.
  • fix: Render all subtitle entry marker in preview window beyond first reel.
  • fix: Modifying language of empty subtitle track updates language in actual subtitle file.
  • fix: Disable "No Reels in Composition(s)" error for new and empty projects.
  • fix: In generation dialog enter key goes to next page instead of closing dialog.
  • fix: Opening and generation of MAP/IAP Packages.
  • fix: Generation of DCPs with archival framerates.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Remove irrelevant CPL related generation settings.
  • new: Pad Sign Language Video with black frames to match 2 second blocks.
  • new: Add information about required audio forensic disable flag to dcpdigest files.
  • new: Add CLI validation argument "--resultInFilename" to put result in report filename.
  • new: Standalone Transcoder - Add buttons to set first and last frame as index.
  • fix: Vulkan support is not required anymore to run easyDCP Creator+.
  • fix: Remove space in soundfield group MCA tag name for "7.1DS" and "7.1SDS".
  • fix: Allow burn-in of subtitles in encrypted RDD-52 DCP.
  • fix: False positive validation error regarding soundfield group for Sign Language Video channel label.
  • fix: Add required audio forensic marking disable flag to KDM when using Sign Language Video.
  • fix: Correct safe area overlay rendering in preview.
  • fix: Write correct value for ZPositionInUse to SMPTE 428-7 MXF subtitle file asset descriptor.
  • fix: MAP & IAP generation (If supported by license).
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Generation of single frames.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Show error messages on license import.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Dropping of source files does not trigger license import.
  • new: (MacOS) Universal app.
  • new: (MacOS) Use Apple VideoToolbox to encode/decode ProRes.
  • new: Always allow editing language entry of audio tracks.
  • new: Support for loading MKV files.
  • new: Improved display of sound track metadata.
  • new: Automatically synchronize FFOC and FFOC CPL markers.
  • fix: Correctly identify left and right surround channels from a wave file.
  • fix: Generated RDD-52 DCP from loaded DCP contains all expected MCASubDescriptors in CPL(s).
  • fix: Always use unique UUIDs for empty subtitle tracks.
  • fix: Allow PNG-based subtitle to be loaded without requiring font assignment.
  • fix: Show expected error messages when files are added by drag&drop.
  • fix: Metadata Inspector can be enabled/disabled from view menu.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder: Improve selection of target resolution.
  • fix: (Apple M) Standalone Transcoder: Potential crash after encoding finished when called from CLI.
  • new: Add project based settings to project file.
  • new: Store default audio layout preset and container resolution in project based settings.
  • new: Store DCNC editor configuration in project based settings.
  • new: Option to apply changed defaults in project configuration to existing elements.
  • fix: Improved composition marker compatibility.
  • fix: Improve adding of empty subtitles to reels shorter than 5 seconds.
  • fix: Default composition content kind is saved in settings.
  • fix: Enable language option on sound tracks when switching to RDD-52 via project configuration.
  • fix: Auto detect test specifications when validating package from command line.
  • fix: Make sure to always use MCA Subdescriptor of Sound Track in first Reel for writing to Composition Playlist (CPL).
  • fix: Improve stability and performance of timeline waveform generation.
  • fix: Case insensitive language tag validation as per RFC5646 section 2.1.1
  • new: Standalone Transcoder - Add start and end frame index selection to GUI.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - CLI flag "-subfolder" works as expected.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Print complete CLI help text.
  • new: Add SMPTE ST 429-16 Composition Content Kind types (Clip, Promo, ...).
  • new: Allow "Copy MXF" mode with encrypted tracks if new material is added to the package.
  • fix: Improve overall stability.
  • fix: Using custom 3DL LUT can cause crash on package generation start.
  • fix: Potential freeze with hash check in package validation.
  • fix: Improve behaviour of playhead in timeline view.
  • fix: Improve error resilience when loading corrupt packages.
  • new: Copy MXF is now a separate option to enable reuse of MXF files without the need to rewrap MXF files if not all sources are MXF files.
  • fix: Adding multiple sound tracks will not reset previous selected preset.
  • fix: Loading of single channel audio files with channel label now works when multiple sets of files are in the same folder.
  • fix: Store VF Track encryption state in project file.
  • fix: Store VF Sound Track MCA subdescriptors in project file.
  • new: Add option weather empty CPL marker tracks are written to CPL: "Options" -> "Package Generation" -> "Write empty CPL Marker Tracks".
  • new: Add detected package type to validation dialog and report.
  • new: Write used validation specifications to validation report.
  • new: Preselect validation specifications based on detected package type.
  • new: Reduce duration of empty spot in empty subtitle to 1 second to avoid potential conflict with subtitle in next reel.
  • fix: Online licensing more robust against temporary connection losses.
  • fix: Downgrade any additional framerate warning to recommendation.
  • fix: Potential crash when opening package right after generation.
  • fix: Detection of channel labels in filenames if the labels are not at the end.
  • fix: Validation of subtitels if package is encrypted.
  • fix: Loading of SMPTE subtitles with nested <font> tags.
  • fix: Generation of RDD-52 IAB packages no longer fails with "Invalid none soundfiled group" error.
  • fix: Use valid MCA soundfield group for RDD-52 "Stereo" preset.
  • fix: Retain correct CPL MCA subdescriptor when adding a new composition in a supplemental/VF RDD-52 package.
  • fix: Do not write EntryPoint and Duration for Marker Track Files.
  • fix: Automatically fill in correct notation for MainSoundConfiguration
  • in Composition Metadata whenever possible(RDD-52/Bv2.1).
  • fix: Loading of individual mono audio files in "Add Sound Track" dialog.
  • fix: Loading of 3D Lut color transformation files.
  • fix: Adding empty subtitle track will no longer trigger "First Timed Text Event" warning (RDD-52/Bv2.1).
  • fix: Validation of DCPs with supplemental Subtitel Track Files will no longer give resource access error.
  • new: Edit Rate warning in validation is downgraded to recommendation.
  • new: Support ProRes files as source for Sign Language Video.
  • new: Automatically add and update FFOC and LFOC CPL marker in RDD-52/Bv2.1 project.
  • new: Enable editing of sound configuration for Sound Tracks from loaded package
  • when package configuration was changed.
  • new: Store last selected new project configuration.
  • fix: Invalid warning "Subtitle document contains 1 subtitle entries that are never visible."
  • when InterOp subtitle is used.
  • fix: Invalid value in PKL when creating supplemental/VF from InterOp DCP.
  • fix: Add SMPTE 429-13 framerates to SMPTE 429-2 validation. Validation will
  • no longer fail for 25 fps SMPTE DCP.
  • fix: Framerate error with 25 fps RDD-52/Bv2.1 projects.
  • fix: Invalid active image warning with RDD-52/Bv2.1 projects.
  • fix: Update Sound Track UUID when generating new DCP from existing ATMOS DCP.
  • fix: RDD-52/Bv2.1 validation pollution may cause oversized validation reports.
  • fix: Dropping single channel left audio source in "Add Sound Track"
  • dialog will try to auto match other files by label in
  • filename for other configurations than 5.1 as well.
  • fix: Generating DCP with supplemental from saved project file.
  • fix: Restore DCNC dialog values so that on reopen they are not
  • set to the first available entry.
  • fix: In "Add Sound Track" dialog display correct channel labels of sources.
  • fix: "Add Sound Track" dialog presets match previous versions again.
  • fix: Correct positioning of 3D text subtitles in preview and burn-in.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Correct detection of GPUs for encoding.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Reporting of encoding progress.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Correct image resolution when letterboxing is used.
  • new: SMPTE RDD 52 DCP Bv2.1 Application Profile support
  • new: Composition Markers
  • new: Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework support
  • new: Basic SMPTE 429-2 and SMPTE RDD 52 validation
  • new: Reading of DPX 12bit packed
  • new: Support for mixed 2K/4K and 2D/3D DCP and projects
  • fix: Reactivate support for PPM files
  • bugfix: fixed 4k picture encoding on GPU
  • added option to always write InterOp subtitle language to CPL
  • bugfix: easyDCP Creator doesn't launch when Windows username contains special characters
  • bugfix: original mxf framerate is written to CPL instead of project's target framerate
  • bugfix: subtitle burn-in issue using picture track file in multiple reels with and without burn-in subtitles
  • bugfix: confusing error message when trying to save package and exceeding Window's path limit
  • bugfix: timeline becoming unresponsive adding certain audio files
  • bugfix: creating subtitle mxf fails when containing more than 1522 png resources
  • bugfix: opening unsupported mxf format doesn't show error message
  • bugfix: wrong re-encode mode displayed in pre-generation summary
  • bugfix: adding custom DCNC entry does select it in combobox but not update title
  • bugfix: certain audio files can crash in timeline view
  • bugfix: merging CPL with subtitle can yield error message
  • added recommendation check for Creator tag in CPL to validation
  • bugfix: Standalone Transcoder can crash on some Mac systems
  • bugfix: "Force no re-encoding" always falling back to "Re-encode if necessary"
  • bugfix: "Copy MXF" is possible even though mxf needs to be encrypted
  • bugfix: "Copy MXF" with audio mxf as input causes a UUID mismatch between mxf and CPL/ASSETMAP
  • bugfix: validation of package containing encrypted subtitles fails when started from Generation Wizard
  • bugfix: undo of "Add CPL" in timeline doesn't clear CPL list
  • bugfix: changing CPL metadata can't be undone
  • bugfix: broken digest file saving encrypted package
  • bugfix: CPL Creator tag can't be configured for Save Package
  • bugfix: dropping package on login widgets deletes the package
  • bugfix: empty Rating entries in CPL cause package loading to fail
  • bugfix: generation to folder containing special characters fails
  • added warning when editrate of imported material doesn't match project configuration
  • bugfix: reencode mode gets reset in some cases
  • bugfix: command line interface not working in demo mode
  • bugfix: crash when validating stereoscopic DCP
  • bugfix: validating empty InterOp subtitles causes warning
  • bugfix: validation of encrypted subtitle causes error message
  • added auto-update for some DCNC entries
  • bugfix: validation mentioning Virtual Tracks
  • bugfix: validation sometimes fails on first run due to mismatch of subsampling
  • bugfix: component bitrate check issue when validating 4K DCP
  • bugfix: adding second subtitle clip in timeline not working as intended
  • bugfix: custom filenaming can break generation
  • bugfix: crash validating stereoscopic DCP
  • bugfix: frame duplication using web license when connection failure happens during generation
  • bugfix: channel preset when editing audio source doesn't match the preset in use
  • made CPL Creator tag optional
  • bugfix: wrong source color space auto-selected after decryption of standalone video mxf
  • bugfix: subtitle position in CPL preview shifted when there is a gap in front
  • bugfix: encrypted packages can't be decrypted anymore using Copy MXF option
  • bugfix: force no-reencoding possible for sources not matching target format (e.g. none JPEG 2000 encoded files)
  • bugfix: inconsistent file naming when using Copy MXF option
  • bugfix: some DCNC audio tags aren't extracted
  • updated macOS minimum requirements
  • improved Copy MXF speed
  • added possibility to merge CPLs from another package into the opened project
  • added possibility to choose XYZ destination color space
  • bugfix: duplicated mxf with track file trimming when using same track file in multiple CPLs
  • bugfix: codestream validation test fails when two CPLs use different resolutions
  • bugfix: HMAC issue with encrypted SMPTE subtitles on some servers
  • bugfix: legal range color conversion wrong
  • switching between timeline and reel view easier (View => Timeline or Ctrl + T)
  • added option to export License & Certificate Set to create a backup
  • added option to remove License & Certificate from settings to allow for an easier transition to new licensing model
  • updated DCNC entries
  • bugfix: Channel assignment labels inconsistent when adding wild track format sound track
  • Introduced new licensing model
  • Split DCP/IMF functionality into two separate tools for better user experience
  • added validation test to check for namespace prefix usage in SMPTE subtitles
  • added new reencode modes to just copy mxf files and rewrite mxf without reencoding
  • bugfix: wrong duration of sign language audio tracks with enabled trackfile trimming possible
  • bugfix: check for CPL metadata in InterOp package when sign language is present
  • bugfix: burn-in png subtitle at wrong frame position using GPU for encoding
  • bugfix: invalid warning about duration mismatch between mxf and cpl duration
  • bugfix: crash when adding empty subtitle to supplemental track
  • recently used DCNC audio language gets stored
  • added option to specify start time code of CPL for IMF packages
  • bugfix: timeline state can get invalid when switching compositions
  • bugfix: "Add composition" menu entry not working for timeline view
  • bugfix: tracks can be set to supplemental state that don't qualify for it
  • bugfix: decryption during generation not working when previewing track first
  • bugfix: decryption of sound track containing Dolby Atmos not working
  • bugfix: VF generation with enabled track file trimming not working due to changed UUIDs
  • fix regression: "Append at end" option in timeline is overlapping clip at drop position instead of really being appended
  • added possibility to relink missing sources when opening dcpproj file
  • dropping single picture file is handled as still picture track
  • changes in subtitle xml are reflected in preview and timeline
  • added separate color space for subtitles to color transform the independently from picture during burn-in
  • bugfix: no waveform rendered for silence audio track added to timeline via context menu
  • bugfix: clips in DCP timeline can get smaller than 1 second when loaded from project
  • bugfix: subtitle burn-in at wrong position with enabled track file trimming and offset on picture track
  • bugfix: wrong intrinsic duration for trimmed track files
  • bugfix: save package not working when track file trimming is enabled
  • added optional track file trimming to only encode the used frames of a track file
  • bugfix: timecode/frame editing in timeline is not applied when clicking outside
  • bugfix: timecode/frame in timeline not updated when playhead after last track
  • bugfix: export folder for Standalone Transcoder is not created automatically
  • bugfix: insert at the end of a clip appends extra frames
  • bugfix: certificate chain file was not backed up correctly
  • bugfix: wrong audio length reported for IMF mxf
  • bugfix: wrong subtitle duration when adding to timeline in DCP
  • moved validation common practice tests to separate recommendation tab
  • recently used DCNC properties for Territory, Facility, Studio and Rating are stored
  • bugfix: validation report only shows first audio track
  • bugfix: for complex projects changes in timeline can block UI for quite a while
  • Fixed file permission issue within app bundles on macOS
  • bugfix: generation of Dolby Atmos DCPs broken
  • improved waveform rendering performance
  • bugfix: auto detection of audio channels in separate files didn't always work properly via drag&drop
  • bugfix: undo setting language lead to empty subtitle language being displayed
  • bugfix: save package mode enabled when changing mca configuration in IMF
  • bugfix: invalid intrinsic duration in CPL metadata when first reel has offset/duration
  • bugfix: automatic audio channel detection for properly named single files didn't work when opening the file browser instead of drag&drop
  • bugfix: generation with LUT not working
  • added undo/redo feature
  • introduced editor for CPL metadata (for SMPTE DCPs only)
  • added CPL metadata extension presets for Dolby EDR, Eclair Color and Sign Language Video
  • added CPL metadata test to validation module
  • added new color space for Eclair Color DCPs
  • improved last opened folder handling for folders containing just a few files
  • restore last used path for still picture track
  • restore last used preset in Add Sound Track Dialog
  • added command line argument to enable/disable CPL metadata generation
  • bugfix: it could happen that wrong destination color space is loaded from settings for generation of DCPs
  • Updated Dolby Vision Mastering Tools to 5.0
  • write aux data DataType in lower case to CPL
  • bugfix: full range IMFs are loaded as legal range
  • Updated Dolby Vision Mastering Tools to 5.0
  • subtitle duration automatically gets adjusted to picture duration in DCPs
  • added "no" language code for Norwegian audio in IMFs
  • bugfix: crash when adding ProRes video as sign language audio
  • bugfix: crash when using Final Cut bridge with a video without audio
  • bugfix: crash when generating from encrypted source
  • bugfix: Final Cut bridge not working if easyDCP Creator+ 3.7.0 is not installed
  • bugfix: wrong offset when splitting reels/segments in timeline
  • bugfix: timeline actions (add empty subtitle, add silence audio, append/prepend black frames) not available for supplemental/encrypted tracks
  • bugfix: wrong offset when inserting into sequence that already have an offset in timeline
  • bugfix: display order of virtual audio tracks in timeline can be different compared to CPL
  • bugfix: preview color space was not properly stored/restored
  • bugfix: preview was not updated when loading decryption keys
  • bugfix: wrong color space displayed in preview when selecting picture track/reel, disabling color transform for preview and selecting a color transform for the picture track
  • bugfix: subtitles of all reels are rendered on top of each other in preview
  • bugfix: CPL metadata contained wrong MainPictureStoredArea
  • bugfix: channels of audio mxf files were not displayed correctly
  • bugfix: drag and drop of left audio channel on Add Sound Track dialog didn't add other channels
  • bugfix: not every entry of the DCNC dialog could be edited for CPL when opening via Package Content view
  • bugfix: default color transform was not properly stored/restored
  • bugfix: bitrate validation failed for high bitrate DCPs
  • bugfix: some dialogs always on top
  • bugfix: reel annotation text empty when loading a package
  • bugfix: generation of Dolby Vision IMF fails in case MaxFALL and MaxCLL aren't part of Dolby Vision metadata
  • bugfix: generation of 4K IMF not working
  • bugfix: InterOp subtitle generation not working when subtitle has no BOM and locale on machine uses different default encoding
  • component bitrate between 190 and 200 shows up as warning instead of error as it is standard compliant, but might cause problems on some older servers
  • improved generation speed when using GPU
  • bugfix: after splitting a clip in timeline all action are available for new clip
  • bugfix: component bitrate for 4K DCPs sometimes wrong in validation
  • bugfix: position of clip in timeline wrong with gap between inserted one and previous clip when loading project
  • bugfix: fixed rare case where generation could hang on macOS
  • bugfix: absolute font URIs in InterOp subtitles pointed to wrong system drive
  • bugfix: prepend/append black frame in timeline sometimes didn't add silent audio track
  • regression: command line generation of DCP works again
  • regression: Save Package works correctly again
  • regression: subtitle burn-in on GPU works correctly again
  • bugfix: fixed some generation checks not being executed when using command line
  • bugfix: fixed error about color space mismatch when creating Dolby Vision IMF
  • added support for DCPs containing sign language
  • added support for IMF App ProRes
  • added support for DTS:X
  • added new dialog for adding sound tracks that allows for better control over sources and channels used
  • added J2C component bitrate limit test to validation module
  • added support to edit all fields in DCNC dialog
  • added support for IMF packages containing Dolby Vision 4.0 metadata
  • added Final Cut Pro X exporter modules (macOS only)
  • improved timeline workflow for compositing
  • updated Photon to version 4.6.0
  • bugfix: dpx component order not detected correctly
  • added audio padding to next full frame
  • bugfix: maximum bitrate was always limited to a fixed value
  • bugfix: fixed encoder layout error during generation
  • bugfix: fixed audio MXF generation failing sometimes
  • fix regression: fixed import of ProRes files not working
  • added option to manually edit CPL/PKL title
  • opening existing package CPL/PKL title is used from the package
  • bugfix: size of validation report
  • bugfix: generation using GPU with low CUDA compute capability
  • added option to specify target bitdepth in generation wizard for IMF packages
  • added option to change component order for dpx input
  • bugfix: synchronisation of CPL title with PKL title
  • bugfix: facilities in naming convention dialog are ordered alphabetically
  • bugfix: fixed Y'Cb'Cr identity color transformation
  • Dolby Vision IMF support
  • added support for TTML preview and burn-in
  • added possibility to add empty subtitles to reels
  • added conformity as configurable project default
  • added photon validation for IMF packages
  • improved performance for generation of tracks with still picture (without burn-in)
  • improved software activation process
  • added new naming convention dialog, that also auto-fills entries that can be determined from the project itself
  • duplicating a CPL (with duplicate enabled) with multiple reels referencing the same tracks duplicates the tracks just once
  • VFs can be stored to .dcpproj and be correctly restored
  • it is possible to properly use e.g. 23,97fps audio in a 24fps project
  • timeline can be switched to show either time code or frames
  • deletion of picture track in timeline deletes the whole reel
  • it is possible to use a picture track file that will get burn-in subtitles in multiple reels as long as the same frame of the picture track isn't used more often than once
  • added preview for Safe Areas
  • generation of stereoscopic DCPs using QuickTime as input works as long as they're encoded with ProRes codec
  • audio track in waveform has a bigger maximum height so it's easier to see the discrete channels
  • mbits used for generation of a package can be specified also on command line
  • bugfix: fixed waveform in timeline not being correct for audio tracks
  • bugfix: fixed shutdown of Creator/deletion of audio track being stuck for a while in case waveform wasn't generated completely yet
  • bugfix: fixed order of subtitles with different languages in timeline
  • bugfix: metadata of second sound sequence in a reel is displayed correctly
  • bugfix: generating an encrypted package allows to preview it in Player without asking manually for the keys
  • fix regression: bitrate validation now works again as expected and doesn't show wrong results for encrypted packages anymore
  • added more sensible default values for track defaults (Dcp and Imf)
  • color space processing of preview now is stored/restored correctly
  • standalone attribute in CPL now can be set to false if necessary (some servers might complain otherwise)
  • bugfix: fixed rare case on some newer Macs where license import via drag and drop didn't work
  • bugfix: loaded dcpproj with source color space = destination color space now doesn't reencode anymore if it's not necessary
  • bugfix: fixed waveform in timeline not being correct for audio tracks
  • bugfix: fixed crash when validating package containing supplemental subtitle track
  • bugfix: fixed crash when duplicating a composition with a supplemental picture track and selecting the picture track afterwards
  • bugfix: fixed rare case where generation could hang
  • bugfix: fixed timeline always using 24 fps for new projects
  • bugfix: fixed possibility to split segment of IMF at reel 0
  • bugfix: fixed possibility of easyDCP Creator hanging when dragging playhead on supplemental picture track file
  • bugfix: fixed crash adding silent audio track to a referenced picture track file
  • bugfix: fixed problem with server certificate password that couldn't be restored on Macs sometimes
  • bugfix: fixed rare case on some newer Macs where license import via drag and drop didn't work
  • bugfix: audio language code for supplemental tracks is correctly loaded from CPL now (IMF only)
  • bugfix: splitting reel in timeline now updates "Edit parameters" dialog
  • bugfix: fixed mismatch of intrinsic duration and mxf ContainerDuration at least in cases where subtitle contained less spots than reel length
  • fix regression: fixed generation of supplemental IMF that was previously stored as dcpproj
  • added warning/error message before generation in case no color transformation is selected as incorrect metadata can appear in resulting package (especially IMF) otherwise
  • bugfix: duration in TTML subtitle mxf now matches real subtitle length
  • bugfix: ResourceID of TTML subtitle generated from xml now is filled properly
  • bugfix: splitting of sequence > 1 in timeline doesn't abort anymore due to wrong duration error
  • bugfix: splitting of IMF sequences with multiple entries per sequence works now
  • bugfix: dragging clip in timeline just upwards/downwards now snaps to original position again
  • added functionality to drop files and tracks directly on the timeline
  • added rearranging of sequences/reels in timeline
  • added functionality to timeline to automatically insert new track inbetween an existing reel for supplemental workflow
  • added functionality to split a reel at the playhead marker
  • added new composition content kinds for IMF
  • ruby nodes in subtitles are partially displayed now (Rb tag)
  • added functionality to directly jump to a timecode in timeline
  • added frame wise stepping using arrow left/right for timeline
  • added reel wise stepping using arrow up/down for timeline
  • bugfix: duration in SMPTE subtitle mxf now matches again real subtitle length
  • bugfix: 4K 3D DCPs created with easyDCP Creator 3.5.x now can be opened again in Creator and Player (might have caused issues on servers, too)
  • bugifx: waveform in timeline now is always rendered completely
  • fix regression: fixed crash re-generating a signed package in easyDCP Creator (non +)
  • fix regression: generating an InterOp package with special characters in subtitle with UTF-8 encoding without BOM works now again
  • fix regression: generating 3D DCP with subtitles doesn't give error message about mismatching editrate anymore
  • fix regression: subtitle burn-in on GPU works correctly again
  • bugfix: validating VF only with referenced and unreferenced pictures tracks didn't pass j2c profile consistency check
  • bugfix: "Do not show as warning anymore" for filesystem warning in Generation Wizard is stored correctly now
  • bugfix: fixed memory usage during generation with burn-in subtitles
  • bugfix: fixed crash opening encrypted package with audio after unencrypted package with audio was opened
  • fix regression: Generating package with InterOp subtitles replaces SubtitleID now correctly again when the uuid contains upper case letters
  • fix regression: for IMF packages the default edit rate is 23,98 again
  • fix regression: Generating package with UTF-8 BOM encoding works now again
  • bugfix: hash check comparison with trailing spaces/newline
  • bugfix: thumbnails in timeline after loading key for encrypted packages now are displayed correctly
  • bugfix: adding QuickTime movie with unsupported codec into reel doesn't crash anymore
  • bugfix: waveform not rendered for encrypted packages after switching composition
  • fix regression: subtitles can be previewed again when loading an InterOp package
  • fix regression: JPEG 2000 bit rate violation was detected for valid DCPs
  • (PLUS only) added timeline for preview, navigation and editing of track offset and duration
  • added new automatic letterbox assignment as Track Default
  • font merging option works now also on Mac
  • bugfix: some IMF packages could not be opened, because the the MXF essence coding label's version byte was not ignored.
  • bugfix: IMFs are generated without signature now
  • bugfix: texts of source subtitle xml stays untouched when generating InterOp DCP
  • bugfix: fixed subtitle offset editing in case of large offsets
  • bugfix: saving package is disabled if opened via KDM as saved package couldn't be opened again with the same KDM
  • bugfix: saving Atmos track to project file keeps valid path now
  • bugfix: replacing burn-in subtitle in reel with another burn-in subtitle caused both to be rendered
  • bugfix: saving DCP in place keeps digest valid now
  • bugfix: fixed subtitle burn-in on GPU when offset is set
  • bugfix: generating package with invalid subtitle font is forbidden now
  • known issue: adding subtitles with same language in different order (English in reel 1, German in reel 2, English in reel 2) messes up their order in timeline
  • known issue: Show/Edit Metadata of MAP/IAP projects broken
  • moved to IMF 1.1 (2016 version of App2/App2e)
  • enabled J2K Mainlevel Profiles (with option to use legacy BCP, if applicable)
  • additional MCA metadata editable: ContentKind, ElementKind, Title, TitleVersion
  • fixed J2K profile validation for IMF
  • creating dummy-OPLs for compliance with Netflix spec
  • changed ATMOS related MXF Label to resolve incompatibilities in the field
  • bugfix: fixed edit rate/duration issues when loading certain IMF VFs
  • bugfix: fixed an issue where licensing was not possible on some Macs with High Sierra and Apple FS
  • bugfix: fixed an issue where KDMs and certificates became inaccessible after installing Windows 10 Anniversary/Creators Update
  • bugfix: fixed a crash that occurred when creating packages from certain project files created by easyDCP Player+
  • bugfix: fixed an issue in the Standalone Transcoder command-line application, where the default bitrate was not set correctly for all project types
  • bugfix: fixed an issue in the Standalone Transcoder command-line application, where certain images could not be transcoded to IMF compliant codestreams
  • bugfix: noise at end of sound track when sound track was mix of wav file inputs and auto-generated channels (silence or Atmos sync track) and wav length was not a multiple of the video frame length
  • bugfix: characters missing from the specified font of a subtitle spot were not detected in some cases
  • bugfix: incorrect error message about track duration mismatches when loading certain IMF Packages
  • bugfix: loading audio language from IMF Trackfiles when loading full IMF Package
  • bugfix: incorrect error message about audio labeling when creating certain supplemental IMF Packages
  • bugfix: missing RegXML descriptor when creating supplemental IMF Packages from saved easyDCP project
  • bugfix: standalone transcoder cli parameter ‘-f’ was assigned twice
  • bugfix: standalone transcoder bit depth handling aligned with easyDCP Creator for IMF
  • not creating empty OPLs anymore to avoid possible future incompatibilities
  • bugfix: flickering burnt-in subtitles when using GPU encoding
  • bugfix: MCA sub-descriptors got lost when loading and re-generating IMF Packages
  • bugfix: added missing regxml descriptor elements in IMF CPLs
  • bugfix: using correct SoundCompression label for IMF Sound Trackfiles
  • bugfix: using correct JPEG2000 EssenceContainer label for IMF Picture Trackfiles
  • fix regression: burn-in timed text had antialiasing disabled
  • add support for GeForce 10 series
  • Preview window now resizes to higher resolutions
  • Added option to automatically update package date to the current date
  • replacement of missing font characters can now be dynamically enabled or disabled (Windows)
  • Improved speed when re-packing DCPs
  • Improved the detection of cases where re-encoding is not necessary
  • Improved preview with easyDCP Player functionality
  • bugfix: Correctly restore the previous window geometry
  • bugfix: Fixed am issue that provoked crashes when starting from the command line
  • Offset and duration for subtitles are now accessible in the GUI
  • Configurable Timed text rounding method (timecode to frames)
  • Several bugfixes regarding subtitle positioning and rendering
  • Several bugfixes regarding file sequences
  • bugfix: Could not load encrypted, stereoscopic DCP ("No decryption key set.")
  • bugfix: Import of WAV files with different durations
  • bugfix: Settings file size is so large that slowdowns the application
  • before starting a DCP/IMP validation, check if the selected location for HTML report file is writable
  • make default timed text outline width configurable and use a size relative to the font size so that it works well with both 2K and 4K content
  • bugfix: Generation with QuickTime on Mac was failing in some cases due to a timeout
  • bugfix: Creator incorrectly complained about a wrong target resolution in some cases, when 4K material was packaged in IMF App2E
  • bugfix: remove incorrect warning "Package contains Trackfiles of different package types" when opening certain types of supplemental DCPs/IMPs or mixed 2D/3D/2K/4K DCPs/IMPs
  • fix regression: calculate position for right-aligned timed text overlays correctly
  • bugfix: position for centered timed text overlays was slightly off by a few pixels when outlines are enabled
  • bugfix: KDM was not generated for supplemental packages
  • bugfix: Default values for Creator and Issuer were not loaded
  • (PLUS only) Validation module that validates a DCP or IMP and creates an interactive report in html format
  • Fordable redesign of main user interface
  • supports 4K 3D DCPs
  • supports creation of Higher Bit Rates (HBR) DCPs up to 500 Mbps
  • supports creation of files with custom name schemes
  • bugfix: sporadic crashes during package generation
  • GPU-accelerated JPEG 2000 Encoding
  • Advanced Scaling Features
  • New user interface
  • Preview during encoding
  • Supports IMF App2
  • Supports Archival Formats (IAP/MAP)
  • Parallel CPU/GPU encoding
  • Dolby Atmos Support
  • More scaling/cropping options
  • Supports 64bit architectures
  • Supports Retina Displays
  • Pre-Render-Playback
  • Support for Closed Subtitles/Closed Captions and Open Captions
  • Extended Pillar-/Letterboxing
  • Feature to preview and burning the subtitles directly into the image content
  • New work-flow for activating the software within minutes
  • SMPTE subtitle format supported
  • Easy to use certificate requests
  • Optimized workflow for existing supplemental and/or encrypted DCPs
  • Generation of KDMs directly in easyDCP Creator+
  • Support for QuickTime input format
  • Generation of supplemental DCPs
  • Load and save existing DCPs
  • Duplicate compositions
  • Drag and drop, insert or duplicate reels
  • Support for MXF input format
  • Open Key-Message (Key Delivery Message and Fraunhofer DCP-Digest)
  • Up to 16 audio channels
  • Performance improvements
  • 16 channel & multichannel-wav-file support
  • Support for subtitles
  • fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • fix: Correct signer certificate file name in License & certificate request.
  • new: SystemHash v6 Support for reliable Certification.
  • fix: CLI option for TDL (Trusted Device List) now is -tdl.
  • fix: UTC instead of regional time was used for KDM validity.
  • new: Custom defined timezone offset for KDM validity.
  • new: User defined forensic watermark "disable-above-channel" flag.
  • fix: Vulkan support is not required anymore to run easyDCP KDM Generator+.
  • new: (MacOS) Universal app.
  • fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • fix: Minor bugfixes and improvements.
  • new: Add additional button to select output folder.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements.
  • fix: Online licensing more robust against temporary connection losses.
  • new: Add disable picture forensic mark flag option.
  • new: Move forensic mark flag options from menu to advanced settings.
  • new: Add CLI option to pass certificate data as string.
  • new: Add CLI option to pass KDM/DCP-Digest as Base64 encoded string.
  • new: Add browse option to export server certificate message.
  • fix: Automatically add forensic marking flags if ATMOS key is detected.
  • new: KDM validity is not limited by signer or server certificate validity.
  • bugfix: certificate thumbprint in KDMs causing servers to fail to ingest KDM
  • bugfix: logging broken
  • updated macOS minimum requirements
  • added support for digest folder using CLI
  • added option to export License amp; Certificate Set to create a backup
  • added option to remove License & Certificate from settings to allow for an easier transition to new licensing model
Tagged as: Changelog
  • fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • fix: Proper shutdown of beta decoder backend when app closed during playback.
  • fix: Correct parsing of --resultInFilename command line argument.
  • new: SystemHash v6 Support for reliable Certification.
  • new: GOP Option for H264 Export under Advanced.
  • fix: Zooming in Timeline View aligns with Marker.
  • new: Validation test for file names in Assetmap (case sensitive).
  • new: Validation test to verify that "OriginalFileName" in PKL matches actual file name.
  • fix: Crash going fullscreen if monitor was unplugged.
  • fix: Potential HD-SDI glitch switching to lower resolution layer while playback.
  • fix: Potential incorrect HD-SDI background color level.
  • new: Massive performance improvements with HD-SDI enabled.
  • new: Support for AAC export with 5.1 channel configuration.
  • fix: Fullscreen with dual monitor setups (Windows and MacOS).
  • fix: Opening of MAP Packages (with special license).
  • fix: Update Edit Rate(s) warnings and recommendations in validation to reflect latest standard.
  • fix: (Windows) Remove support for obsolete MME audio hosts.
  • new: Add CLI validation argument "--resultInFilename" to put result in report filename.
  • new: Resolve VF package from CLI when OV is specified as well to allow VF export.
  • fix: Potential playback hang when V-Sync is enabled.
  • fix: Potential crash when project file with unequal reel parameters is played back.
  • fix: HD-SDI device detection if input-only Blackmagic HD-SDI device is present.
  • fix: (MacOS) Improvement of fullscreen with dual monitor setups.
  • fix: Show current state of settings that require restart.
  • fix: Remove warning when decoding is done on primary GPU.
  • new: Switch to Vulkan for rendering instead of OpenGL.
  • new: (MacOS) Universal app.
  • new: (MacOS) Use Apple VideoToolbox to encode/decode ProRes.
  • new: Support for loading MKV files.
  • new: Disables all file overwrite warnings in export dialog when "always ignore" is selected.
  • fix: Metadata inspector shows correct value for audio bit depth.
  • fix: Potential crash when loading single picture files.
  • fix: Statistic window updates correctly if SDI is turned on/off during playback.
  • fix: Fallback to parent folder if last open location is not present anymore.
  • fix: Line alignment of status column in the hash checker.
  • fix: Save column widths when resizing elements of the hash checker.
  • fix: (Apple M) Rendering of colored text subtitles in correct hue.
  • fix: (Apple M) Export uses correct color-transform settings for PNG subtitles.
  • fix: (Apple M) Render overlapping subtitles of the same spot in the correct order.
  • fix: (Apple M) Potential crash when DeckLink initialization failed.
  • fix: (Apple M) Subtitles are rerender when enabled/disabled if playback is paused.
  • fix: Potential issues and slowdowns caused by validation when loading packages.
  • fix: Improved composition marker compatibility.
  • fix: Save and restore of custom input audio mappings.
  • fix: Auto detect test specifications when validating package from command line.
  • fix: Improve stability and performance of timeline waveform generation.
  • fix: Case insensitive language tag validation as per RFC5646 section 2.1.1
  • fix: Remove false positive errors when loading package with subtitles.
  • fix: Potential freeze with hash check in package validation.
  • fix: Improve overall stability.
  • fix: Improve playback performance and responsiveness (may depend on system).
  • fix: Improve error resilience when loading corrupt packages.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements.
  • new: Add option to use fixed and custom number of CPU decoders to improve playback performance and stability.
  • new: Rewrite Hash Checker to improve stability and performance.
  • new: Add detected package type to validation dialog and report.
  • new: Write used validation specifications to validation report.
  • new: Preselect validation specifications based on detected package type.
  • new: Updated Blackmagic Design DeckLink SDK to version 12.4.2
  • fix: Online licensing more robust against temporary connection losses.
  • fix: Validation of subtitels if package is encrypted.
  • fix: Loading and exporting of SMPTE subtitles with nested <font> tags.
  • fix: Loading of 3D Lut color transformation files.
  • fix: Validation of DCPs with supplemental Subtitle Track Files will no longer give resource access error.
  • new: Edit Rate warning in validation is downgraded to recommendation.
  • new: Add "Don't show again" to export output folder not empty warning dialog.
  • fix: Use correct aspect ratio in description for FLAT safe area overlay.
  • fix: On restart negative values for audio latency values where increased by one.
  • fix: Add SMPTE 429-13 framerates to SMPTE 429-2 validation. Validation will
  • no longer fail for 25 fps SMPTE DCP.
  • fix: RDD-52/Bv2.1 validation pollution may cause oversized validation reports.
  • new: Composition Markers
  • new: Basic SMPTE 429-2 and SMPTE RDD 52 validation
  • new: Reading of DPX 12bit packed
  • new: Improved support for DCPs with Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework
  • fix: Reactivate support for PPM files
  • bugfix: easyDCP Player doesn't launch when Windows username contains special characters
  • bugfix: dragging playlist item to timeline deletes it from playlist
  • bugfix: timeline becoming unresponsive adding certain audio files
  • bugfix: opening unwrapped package from export dialog doesn't work
  • bugfix: sometimes single frames aren't color transformed on export
  • added back support for 32bit wave file exports
  • bugfix: cancelling export to network drive causes a crash
  • bugfix: re-opening export dialog after a failed export causes a crash
  • bugfix: H.264 export with odd dimension raises error
  • bugfix: dropping package on login widgets deletes the package
  • bugfix: empty Rating entries in CPL cause package loading to fail
  • bugfix: crash when trying to play back
  • bugfix: command line interface not working in demo mode invalid sign language DCP
  • bugfix: playback of encrypted sign language track not working
  • bugfix: crash when validating stereoscopic DCP
  • bugfix: validating empty InterOp subtitles causes warning
  • bugfix: validation of encrypted subtitle causes error message
  • added auto-update for some DCNC entries
  • bugfix: validation mentioning Virtual Tracks
  • bugfix: SDI color space selection is restored on startup but wrong one is used for display
  • bugfix: validation sometimes fails on first run due to mismatch of subsampling
  • bugfix: component bitrate check issue when validating 4K DCP
  • bugfix: crash validating stereoscopic DCP
  • bugfix: some DCNC audio tags aren't extracted
  • bugfix: KDM end date of validity displayed as same as start date
  • bugfix: audio playback stops on track borders when previewing supplemental dcpproj
  • updated macOS minimum requirements
  • improved compatibility with older macOS versions
  • bugfix: codestream validation test fails when two CPLs use different resolutions
  • bugfix: SDI output color space not stored/restored
  • bugfix: legal range color conversion in export wrong
  • added option to export License & Certificate Set to create a backup
  • added option to remove License & Certificate from settings to allow for an easier transition to new licensing model
  • Introduced new licensing model
  • Split DCP/IMF functionality into two separate tools for better user experience
  • added validation test to check for namespace prefix usage in SMPTE subtitles
  • bugfix: ProRes export using offset causes invalid video file
  • bugfix: invalid warning about duration mismatch between mxf and cpl duration
  • bugfix: crash when adding empty subtitle to supplemental track
  • bugfix: playback of sign language not working when first reel doesn't contain sign language
  • bugfix: external subtitles removed when restarting playback in Remote Desktop mode
  • bugfix: crash when pre-rendering subtitles in background on macOS
  • added possibility to relink missing sources when opening dcpproj file
  • bugfix: reloading package removes external subtitle from Canvas and Timeline
  • bugfix: audio export for container formats broken
  • bugfix: certificate chain file was not backed up correctly
  • bugfix: bitrate tests fail for unloaded encrypted package
  • improved export performance
  • improved waveform rendering performance
  • added CPL metadata test to validation module
  • added new color space for Eclair Color DCPs
  • moved validation common practice tests to separate recommendation tab
  • bugfix: Dolby Vision content mapping not working for inserts
  • bugfix: component bitrate for 4K DCPs sometimes wrong in validation
  • bugfix: wrong subtitle display type in case the same subtitle is used in multiple reels with different display types
  • bugfix: display order of virtual audio tracks in timeline can be different compared to CPL
  • bugfix: validation report only shows first audio track
  • bugfix: opening DCPs containing CPL metadata failed
  • added support for DCPs containing sign language
  • added support for IMF App ProRes
  • added support for IMF packages containing Dolby Vision 4.0 metadata
  • added mute and solo buttons to audio meters
  • added J2C component bitrate limit test to validation module
  • added CLI support for exporting IMF package containing Dolby Vision
  • enhanced naming of video and audio files when exporting assets
  • enhanced performance when playing back ProRes QuickTimes
  • updated Blackmagic Design DeckLink SDK to version 11.4
  • updated Photon to version 4.6.0
  • bugfix: dpx component order not detected correctly
  • bugfix: Dolby Vision displays of metadata will be favoured for content mapping
  • bugfix: allow Dolby Vision content mapping if display properties of metadata does not match with displays from cm config
  • regression: export with Dolby Vision content mapping was broken
  • bugfix: QuickTime Player was unable to playback exported containers with H.264
  • bugfix: validation reports were unnecessary large
  • bugfix: decoding issues due to usage of GPUs with low CUDA compute capability
  • added option to change component order for dpx input
  • bugfix: crash when opening export wizard due to deprecated settings entry
  • added audio meter for input and output channel peak visualization
  • added support for 3D subtitle preview
  • added video scope module that displays parade, waveform and histogram of current canvas image
  • added photon validation for IMF packages
  • added Dolby Vision support
  • added new timeline timing representation (frames)
  • enhanced export module supports with audio routing
  • enhanced export module has with preview functionality for range selection and video settings
  • enhanced TTML / IMSC1 support
  • enhanced view on license details
  • removed waveform visualizer, which is replaced by timeline and audio meter module
  • bugfix: fixed incorrect color component order when exporting DPX
  • bugfix: fixed waveform in timeline not being correct for audio tracks
  • bugfix: fixed shutdown of Player being stuck for a while in case waveform wasn't generated completely yet
  • fix regression: bitrate validation now works again as expected and doesn't show wrong results for encrypted packages anymore
  • bugfix: fixed rare crash during startup when SDI is enabled and another program already uses the connected SDI device
  • bugfix: correctly store and restore decoder selection for playback and export
  • bugfix: fixed rare case on some newer Macs where license import via drag and drop didn't work
  • bugfix: fixed waveform in timeline not being correct for audio tracks
  • deactivated multi-GPU usage for playback and export when starting player via command line interface, since this can lead to unexpected behaviour
  • bugfix: timed text images were not exported to the correct directory when unwrapping package
  • bugfix: audio preloading never finished and therefore playback did not start on some systems
  • bugfix: V-Sync was available even when environment does not support V-Sync (e.g. when starting via Remote Desktop)
  • bugfix: fixed problem with server certificate password that couldn't be restored on Macs sometimes
  • bugfix: fixed rare case on some newer Macs where license import via drag and drop didn't work
  • bugfix: audio language code for supplemental tracks is correctly displayed now (IMF only)
  • bugfix: fixed crash when unsupported audio device was selected
  • deactivated multi-GPU usage for playback and export, since this can lead to unexpected behavior
  • bugfix: SDI playback stopped after canvas was closed
  • bugfix: positioning of subtitles in export with enabled scaling is correct now
  • ruby nodes in subtitles are partially displayed now (Rb tag)
  • added functionality to directly jump to a timecode in timeline
  • added reel wise stepping using arrow up/down for timeline
  • bugfix: validation module's codestream check has detected wrong JPEG 2000 profile
  • for VF package, when VF package was loaded first
  • bugfix: all reels were exported, even if only one reel was selected for export
  • bugfix: fixed scaling / letterboxing in export, when option keep aspect ratio is disabled
  • bugfix: fixed crash after export was canceled
  • bugfix: audio waveform visualizer has always shown encrypted data
  • Updated Blackmagic Design DeckLink SDK to version 10.9.12
  • bugfix: export of DCP with more than one reel failed
  • bugfix: excessive memory usage during export when burn-in is enabled
  • bugfix: export does not start with invalid scaling values
  • bugfix: validating VF only with referenced and unreferenced pictures tracks didn't pass j2c profile consistency check
  • bugfix: fixed crash when deleting custom audio output channel routing preset
  • bugfix: fixed crash opening encrypted package with audio after unencrypted package with audio was opened
  • bugfix: fixed stuttering playback when previewing DCPPROJ
  • bugfix: fixed crash when starting via CLI and HDSDI is enabled
  • bugfix: hash check comparison with trailing spaces/newline
  • bugfix: fixed crash when starting player via remote desktop
  • bugfix: fixed issue that prevents QuickTime export on macOS
  • bugfix: fixed issue that prevents start of playback on less powerful systems
  • bugfix: waveform not rendered for encrypted packages after switching composition
  • fix regression: JPEG 2000 bit rate violation was detected for valid DCPs
  • (PLUS only) timeline module for better navigation and preview
  • validation module supports now VF and encrypted packages
  • audio routing and channel mapping can now be done via GUI
  • export module is now able to use gpu
  • export module supports now scaling for all formats (except JPEG 2000)
  • replacement of missing font characters works now on macOS as well
  • bugfix: misidentified JPEG 2000 BCP level 6 as level 5 and thus assumed a max bitrate of 800 Mbit/s instead of 1600 Mbit/s.
  • bugfix: some IMF packages could not be opened, because the MXF essence coding label's version byte was not ignored.
  • bugfix: subject png-subpictures to color transform had no effect
  • fix regression: x-coordinate for vertical timed text was not calculated correctly anymore
  • bugfix: false error message in some cases during IMF J2K profile validation
  • bugfix: crash when opening *.jp2 files
  • bugfix: fixed edit rate/duration issues when loading certain IMF VFs
  • bugfix: fixed an issue where licensing was not possible on some Macs with High Sierra and Apple FS
  • bugfix: fixed an issue where KDMs and certificates became inaccessible after installing Windows 10 Anniversary/Creators Update
  • bugfix: fixed an issue where a request for the certificate password would cause infinite hang
  • bugfix: characters missing from the specified font of a subtitle spot were not detected in some cases
  • bugfix: incorrect error message about track duration mismatches when loading certain IMF Packages
  • bugfix: loading audio language from IMF Trackfiles when loading full IMF Package
  • bugfix: quality check "Timed text entries are not sorted by increasing time-in timestamps" prevented timed text from getting loaded and displayed
  • bugfix: missing RegXML descriptor when creating supplemental IMF Packages from saved easyDCP project
  • fix regression: burn-in timed text had antialiasing disabled
  • fixed loading MXF audio files without timecode tracks
  • add support for GeForce 10 series
  • add possibility to show title safe, action safe, container boxes or custom overlays in canvas
  • add solo and mute button in audio waveform module
  • audio waveform channels are now resizable
  • added 2016 IMF Schema files for XML validation
  • replacement of missing font characters can now be dynamically enabled or disabled
  • new check: warn if timed text font ID does not match the ID in the LoadFont element
  • new check: warn if font used by Interop DCPs has an .otf file extension. It needs to be .ttf or else it will get ignored by some servers.
  • bugfix: only one channel got rendered in 3D viewing modes
  • bugfix: timestamp rounding mode was not restored after a restart
  • don't reject external timed text documents when warnings were found while parsing them
  • remove incorrect warning when timed text duration is stated differently in MXF and CPL
  • remove incorrect warning when a reel's first timed text spot number is not 1
  • validation module: promote warning to error when characters present in a timed text document are missing in the referenced font file
  • bugfix: JPEG 2000 bit rate violation was detected for lossless IMF packages
  • bugfix: JPEG 2000 bit rate violation was detected for lossy IMF packages with broadcast profile under 5
  • bugfix: stuffed memory leak in QuickTime audio writer that caused occasional crashes for long exports
  • bugfix: switching between 24 bit and 30 bit SDI pixel formats did not work correctly
  • bugfix: solo/mute audio channels ignored audio channel routing
  • bugfix: unable to load some IMF Picture Trackfiles
  • fix regression: screensaver was not disabled on Mac OS X anymore
  • fix regression: Frame Forward/Backward keyboard shortcuts did not work when in fullscreen
  • fix regression: fullscreen was not restored after a restart
  • bugfix: validation module's bitrate check has calculated wrong codestream sizes for encrypted DCPs
  • bugfix: switching from CPU to GPU decoder resets the selected source color space
  • bugfix: loading of unsupported MXF subtitles leads to a freeze
  • bugfix: atmos trackfiles are ignored when using the export option "Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles"
  • bugfix: show error message if not enough disk space is available during export
  • bugfix: export does not remember last selected color transform
  • bugfix: "additional offset from bottom" is inverted when burning in subtitles during export
  • bugfix: wrong naming of subtitle files when converting from Interop to SMPTE
  • bugfix: using an imported color transform LUT for export leads to a crash
  • bugfix: adding TTML subtitle to IMF package leads to a crash
  • bugfix: fix "Active sound card doesn't support current audio format - Unanticipated host error" for ASIO sound cards (including Blackmagic Audio)
  • bugfix: remove incorrect warning "Package contains Trackfiles of different package types" when opening certain types of supplemental DCPs/IMPs or mixed 2D/3D/2K/4K DCPs/IMPs
  • bugfix: remove incorrect warning "Resolution for picture track file in reel #x is unknown because it is a referenced track"
  • before starting a DCP/IMP validation, check if the selected location for HTML report file is writable
  • make default timed text outline width configurable and use a size relative to the font size so that it works well with both 2K and 4K content
  • fix regression: calculate position for right-aligned timed text overlays correctly
  • bugfix: position for centered timed text overlays was slightly off by a few pixels when outlines are enabled
  • bugfix: don't complain about timed text spot number order when (optional) spot number attributes are absent
  • show original spot number values in timed text editor, even when they are not numbers.
  • bugfix: when testing if all charachters used in a timed text document are included in the corresponding font file, control charachters (e.g. newline, tab) were not ignored
  • bugfix: timed text fade out duration was one frame too long.
  • (PLUS only) Validation module that validates a DCP or IMP and creates an interactive report in html format
  • support for playback of QuickTime movies
  • bugfix: fix subtitle alignment on HD-SDI output with "fit to window" disabled
  • bugfix: don't close full-screen when a dialog is opened on a separate monitor
  • bugfix: rendering got slower for the second and further DCP/IMPs
  • bugfix: fallback audio channel routing from settings file did not always take effect. Now the currently used routing is displayed in the audio options pane.
  • fix regression: fix "Invalid BER encountered" error introduced in 3.3.2
  • fix regression: unwrapping encrypted DCPs got broken
  • fix regression: when loading a new DCP or IMP, the CUDA codec in some cases complained for no reason about a max. bitrate violation so that easyDCP Player fell back to the CPU codec.
  • Extended Export Features
  • GPU-accelerated Real-time Playback of IMF Packages
  • Supports Retina Displays
  • Advanced Timeline Slider (eases subtitling)
  • Subtitles editor
  • Supports DPX/TIFF/JPEG/BMP/... as input format
  • Supports IMF App2
  • Supports Archival Formats (IAP/MAP)
  • Supports Atmos (no decoding/no downmix)
  • Supports 64bit architectures
  • GPU-decoding performance increased
  • Export performance increased
  • HD/SDI support for Blackmagicdesign Deckling and Ultrastudio playout devices
  • Support for Supplemental DCPs
  • Support for SMPTE subtitle
  • Option to accelerate playback performance significantly
  • New work-flow for activating the software within minutes
  • Extended export features including scaling options and burn-in of subtitles
  • Much faster export functionality
  • Export of Quicktime files supported
  • Extended command-line support
  • Improved issue reports
  • Audio visualization module (view waveform, mute, solo)
  • 10 bit DisplayPort output (Windows only)
  • Support for CineCanvas subtitles that reference PNG files
  • Automatically export reels into individual folders
  • Verify that 250mbit/s JPEG2000 datarate is not exeeded
  • Increase compatibility by degrading some failed integrity checks from errors to warnings
  • Show render fps
  • Process CineCanvas subtitles correctly, that use "Font" node within "Text" value
  • In the Commercial edition, server certificates are no longer auto-generated, and instead they can be requested from Fraunhofer support
  • Add automatic and configurable compensation for audio latency
  • By default, software codec now raises an error, when it encounters a corrupt jpeg2000 image
  • Support for NVIDIA GeForce 500 series
  • Add support for exporting 8-16 channel DCPs
  • (PLUS only) Export DCP to J2C/TIFF/DPX/WAV
  • Optionally check MXF file hashes
  • (PLUS only) new 3D modes side-by-side and top-and-bottom
  • Improved speed in software-codec
  • Restore window and player state after restart
  • (PLUS only) Playback of encrypted DCPs
  • (PLUS only) 3D playback (anaglyph, interleaved or quad buffered)
  • (PLUS only) Rendering of CineCanvas subtitles
  • Support for custom color transforms and LUTs
  • Fixed audio-video sync issues that occurred on some computers
  • Fixed "invalid enumeration" bug that occurred when the color transform
  • Hardware accelleration was enabled on computers with certain ATI graphics devices
  • "Choose composition" dialog shows more metadata
  • Added DCP security checks (hash values, file sizes, digital signature, certificate chain)
  • Multi-GPU-Mode does not need to be disabled
  • Improved software-codec performance on high-end multi-core CPUs
  • System information helps during graphics device configuration
  • "Fit to Window" mode scales video to optimally fill the current window size
  • Floatable toolbar allows "presentation mode"
  • Drag & Drop DCP folders or audio/video files onto canvas
  • Drag & Drop DCP folders or audio/video files onto icon
  • Improved synchronicity between audio and video
  • Improved user interface response
  • Settings are restored after restart
  • Added load progress dialog
  • Accelerated application start-up
  • More detailed error messages
  • Many bug fixes
Version 1.0.50
  • Added Support for the IMF Format
  • fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • fix: Minor bugfixes and improvements.
  • new: SystemHash v6 Support for reliable Certification.
  • new: Add Option to use Relative PathNames in ProjectFile.
  • fix: Correct Handling of Burn-in Subtitle Checks.
  • fix: Potential mismatch between Annotation and Content Title Text.
  • fix: Zooming in Timeline View aligns with Marker.
  • fix: Enable State of View-Preview.
  • new: Setting to update MXF file names if Package is saved or MXF files are copied.
  • new: Function to delete custom added items in DCNC editor dialog.
  • new: Rework of "Track Defaults" settings page.
  • new: Allow to open invalid JPEG2000 images and packages with missing profile (Profile 0 error).
  • fix: Improved overall remaining generation time calculation.
  • fix: Add missing content type entries in DCNC title generator.
  • fix: Disable "No Reels in Composition(s)" error for new and empty projects.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Remove irrelevant generation settings.
  • fix: Hide subtitle track color space settings if burn-in is not active.
  • fix: Render all subtitle entry marker in preview window beyond first segment.
  • fix: Modifying language of empty subtitle track updates language in actual subtitle file.
  • fix: Disable "No Segments in Composition(s)" error for new and empty projects.
  • fix: In generation dialog enter key goes to next page instead of closing dialog.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Remove irrelevant settings.
  • new: Add CLI validation argument "--resultInFilename" to put result in report filename.
  • new: Standalone Transcoder - Add buttons to set first and last frame as index.
  • fix: Vulkan support is not required anymore to run IMF Studio Creator.
  • fix: (MacOS) Videotoolbox encoder to support ProRes IMF generation.
  • fix: Correct safe area overlay rendering in preview.
  • fix: (MacOS) Adding empty TTML subtitle to IMF project.
  • fix: Write correct value for ZPositionInUse to SMPTE 428-7 MXF subtitle file asset descriptor.
  • fix: Asset descriptor dump of SMPTE 428-7 MXF subtitle file in CPL if ZPositionInUse is present.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Generation of single frames.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Show error messages on license import.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Dropping of source files does not trigger license import.
  • new: Add project based settings to project file.
  • new: Store default audio layout preset and container resolution in project based settings.
  • new: Store DCNC editor configuration in project based settings.
  • new: Option to apply changed defaults in project configuration to existing elements.
  • fix: Improved composition marker compatibility.
  • fix: Default composition content kind is saved in settings.
  • fix: Auto detect test specifications when validating package from command line.
  • fix: Make sure to always use MCA Subdescriptor of Sound Track in first Reel for writing to Composition Playlist (CPL).
  • fix: Improve stability and performance of timeline waveform generation.
  • fix: Case insensitive language tag validation as per RFC5646 section 2.1.1
  • new: Standalone Transcoder - Add start and end frame index selection to GUI.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - CLI flag "-subfolder" works as expected.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Print complete CLI help text.
  • new: Add additional Composition Content Kind types.
  • fix: Improve overall stability.
  • fix: Using custom 3DL LUT can cause crash on package generation start.
  • fix: Potential freeze with hash check in package validation.
  • fix: Improve behaviour of playhead in timeline view.
  • fix: Improve error resilience when loading corrupt packages.
  • new: Copy MXF is now a separate option to enable reuse of MXF files without the need to rewrap MXF files if not all sources are MXF files.
  • fix: Adding multiple sound tracks will not reset previous selected preset.
  • fix: Loading of single channel audio files with channel label now works when multiple sets of files are in the same folder.
  • fix: Store VF Track encryption state in project file.
  • fix: Store VF Sound Track MCA subdescriptors in project file.
  • new: Add detected package type to validation dialog and report.
  • new: Write used validation specifications to validation report.
  • fix: Online licensing more robust against temporary connection losses.
  • fix: Downgrade any additional framerate warning to recommendation.
  • fix: Preselect validation specifications based on detected package type.
  • fix: Detection of channel labels in filenames if the labels are not at the end.
  • fix: Loading of individual mono audio files in "Add Sound Track" dialog.
  • fix: Loading of 3D Lut color transformation files.
  • new: Enable editing of sound configuration for Sound Tracks from loaded Package
  • when package configuration was changed.
  • new: Store last selected new project configuration.
  • fix: Dropping single channel left audio source in Add Soundtrack
  • dialog will try to auto match other files by label in
  • filename for other configurations than 5.1 as well.
  • fix: Generating DCP with supplemental from saved project file.
  • fix: Restore DCNC dialog values so that on reopen they are not
  • set to the first available entry.
  • fix: In "Add Sound Track" dialog display correct channel labels of sources.
  • fix: "Add Sound Track" dialog presets match previous versions again.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Correct detection of GPUs for encoding.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Reporting of encoding progress.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Correct image resolution when letterboxing is used.
  • new: Composition Markers
  • new: Improved Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework support
  • new: Reading of DPX 12bit packed
  • fix: Potential crash when loading some ProRes OP-1a MXF files
  • fix: Reactivate support for PPM files
  • bugfix: IMF Studio Creator doesn't launch when Windows username contains special characters
  • bugfix: original mxf framerate is written to CPL instead of project's target framerate
  • bugfix: wrong OPL when trim trackfiles option is enabled and source package contains an OPL
  • bugfix: confusing error message when trying to save package and exceeding Window's path limit
  • bugfix: timeline becoming unresponsive adding certain audio files
  • bugfix: opening unsupported mxf format doesn't show error message
  • bugfix: wrong re-encode mode displayed in pre-generation summary
  • bugfix: adding custom DCNC entry does select it in combobox but not update title
  • bugfix: certain audio files can crash in timeline view
  • bugfix: merging CPL with subtitle can yield error message
  • bugfix: Standalone Transcoder can crash on some Mac systems
  • bugfix: "Force no re-encoding" always falling back to "Re-encode if necessary"
  • bugfix: "Copy MXF" with audio mxf as input causes a UUID mismatch between mxf and CPL/ASSETMAP
  • bugfix: undo of "Add CPL" in timeline doesn't clear CPL list
  • bugfix: undo does not remove Dolby Vision tracks added via "Add Black Frames" option and causes a crash deleting them manually from the Track Manager
  • bugfix: CPL Creator tag can't be configured for Save Package
  • bugfix: dropping package on login widgets deletes the package
  • bugfix: empty Rating entries in CPL cause package loading to fail
  • bugfix: generation to folder containing special characters fails
  • added warning when editrate of imported material doesn't match project configuration
  • bugfix: reencode mode gets reset in some cases
  • bugfix: command line interface not working in demo mode
  • added auto-update for some DCNC entries
  • bugfix: validation sometimes fails on first run due to mismatch of subsampling
  • bugfix: invalid warning about inconsistent edit rate/duration for CPL and MXF when sound track is used in two compositions
  • bugfix: adding second sound/subtitle clip in timeline not working as intended
  • bugfix: custom filenaming can break generation
  • bugfix: frame duplication using web license when connection failure happens during generation
  • bugfix: channel preset when editing audio source doesn't match the preset in use
  • made CPL Creator tag optional
  • bugfix: OPL gets lost when generating with Track File Trimming enabled
  • bugfix: Dolby Vision metadata gets lost when generating with Track File Trimming enabled
  • bugfix: Dolby Vision metadata version for black frames always 2.0.5
  • bugfix: subtitle position in CPL preview shifted when there is a gap in front
  • bugfix: force no-reencoding possible for sources not matching target format (e.g. none JPEG 2000 encoded files)
  • bugfix: inconsistent file naming when using Copy MXF option
  • bugfix: some DCNC audio tags aren't extracted
  • updated macOS minimum requirements
  • improved Copy MXF speed
  • added possibility to merge CPLs from another package into the opened project
  • added possibility to choose XYZ destination color space
  • bugfix: duplicated mxf with track file trimming when using same track file in multiple CPLs
  • bugfix: codestream validation test fails when two CPLs use different resolutions
  • bugfix: legal range color conversion wrong
  • added option to export License to create a backup
  • added option to remove License from settings to allow for an easier transition to new licensing model
  • fix regression: crash when generating from Quicktime source
Tagged as: Changelog
  • fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • fix: Proper shutdown of beta decoder backend when app closed during playback.
  • fix: Correct parsing of --resultInFilename command line argument.
  • new: SystemHash v6 Support for Reliable Certification.
  • new: GOP Option for H264 Export under Advanced.
  • fix: Crash going fullscreen if monitor was unplugged.
  • fix: HD-SDI glitch switching to lower resolution layer while playback.
  • fix: Incorrect HD-SDI background color level with legal range.
  • new: Massive performance improvements with HD-SDI enabled.
  • new: Support for AAC export with 5.1 channel configuration.
  • fix: Crash adding external TTML with HD-SDI enabled.
  • fix: Fullscreen with dual monitor setups (Windows and MacOS).
  • fix: Opening of MAP Packages (with special license).
  • fix: Update Edit Rate(s) warnings and recommendations in validation to reflect latest standard.
  • fix: (Windows) Remove support for obsolete MME audio hosts.
  • new: Add CLI validation argument "--resultInFilename" to put result in report filename.
  • new: Resolve VF package from CLI when OV is specified as well to allow VF export.
  • new: Improved TTML renderer error reporting.
  • fix: Potential playback hang when V-Sync is enabled.
  • fix: (MacOS) Reenable TTML rendering support.
  • fix: Potential crash when project file with unequal reel parameters is played back.
  • fix: HD-SDI device detection if input-only Blackmagic HD-SDI device is present.
  • fix: Rendering of TTML subtitle with some border types.
  • fix: (MacOS) Improvement of fullscreen with dual monitor setups.
  • fix: Show current state of settings that require restart.
  • fix: Remove warning when decoding is done on primary GPU.
  • fix: Potential issues and slowdowns caused by validation when loading packages.
  • fix: Improved composition marker compatibility.
  • fix: Save and restore of custom input audio mappings.
  • fix: Auto detect test specifications when validating package from command line.
  • fix: Improve stability and performance of timeline waveform generation.
  • fix: Case insensitive language tag validation as per RFC5646 section 2.1.1
  • fix: Remove false positive errors when loading package with subtitles.
  • fix: Potential freeze with hash check in package validation.
  • fix: Improve overall stability.
  • fix: Improve playback performance and responsiveness (may depend on system).
  • fix: Improve error resilience when loading corrupt packages.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements.
  • new: Add option to use fixed and custom number of CPU decoders to improve playback performance and stability.
  • new: Rewrite Hash Checker to improve stability and performance.
  • new: Add detected package type to validation dialog and report.
  • new: Write used validation specifications to validation report.
  • new: Preselect validation specifications based on detected package type.
  • new: Updated Blackmagic Design DeckLink SDK to version 12.4.2
  • fix: Online licensing more robust against temporary connection losses.
  • fix: Loading of 3D Lut color transformation files.
  • fix: Use correct aspect ratio in description for FLAT safe area overlay.
  • new: Add "Don't show again" to export output folder not empty warning dialog.
  • fix: On restart negative values for audio latency values where increased by one.
  • new: Composition Markers
  • new: Reading of DPX 12bit packed
  • fix: Reactivate support for PPM files
  • bugfix: IMF Studio Player doesn't launch when Windows username contains special characters
  • bugfix: dragging playlist item to timeline deletes it from playlist
  • bugfix: timeline becoming unresponsive adding certain audio files
  • bugfix: opening unwrapped package from export dialog doesn't work
  • bugfix: sometimes single frames aren't color transformed on export
  • added back support for 32bit wave file exports
  • bugfix: cancelling export to network drive causes a crash
  • bugfix: re-opening export dialog after a failed export causes a crash
  • bugfix: H.264 export with odd dimension raises error
  • bugfix: dropping package on login widgets deletes the package
  • bugfix: empty Rating entries in CPL cause package loading to fail
  • bugfix: command line interface not working in demo mode
  • added auto-update for some DCNC entries
  • bugfix: SDI color space selection is restored on startup but wrong one is used for display
  • bugfix: validation sometimes fails on first run due to mismatch of subsampling
  • bugfix: invalid warning about inconsistent edit rate/duration for CPL and MXF when sound track is used in two compositions
  • bugfix: some DCNC audio tags aren't extracted
  • bugfix: audio playback stops on track borders when previewing supplemental imfproj
  • updated macOS minimum requirements
  • improved compatibility with older macOS versions
  • bugfix: codestream validation test fails when two CPLs use different resolutions
  • bugfix: SDI output color space not stored/restored
  • bugfix: legal range color conversion in export wrong
  • added option to export License to create a backup
  • added option to remove License from settings to allow for an easier transition to new licensing model
Tagged as: Changelog
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  Status: Demo License  from Version 4.0.X  


Note: You can get the demo version here

With the free demo editions of the easyDCP Plus Package almost all functionalities of the full versions can be tested. However, there are the following restrictions:

In easyDCP Creator+

  • Visibly burned-in easyDCP™ logo in all frames
  • No loading of (D)KDMs (To test encrypted DCPs, please use the proprietary DCP Digest)
  • No Supplementals (DCP/IMF)
  • No validation report

In easyDCP Player+

  • Reduced quality and muted audio after 15 seconds of playback
  • No Export
  • No loading of (D)KDMs (To test encrypted DCPs, please use the proprietary DCP Digest from Creator+)
  • No validation report

In easyDCP KDM Generator+

  • Maximum KDM validity of 2 days
  • No loading of (D)KDMs (To test KDM generation, please use the proprietary DCP digest from easyDCP Creator+)
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Resolve Plugin  from Version 1.1

The demo version of the easyDCP Resolve Plugin is integrated in DaVinci Resolve. It is possible to test nearly every function.

The demo version has following limitations:

  •  Visible watermark in each frame of the DCP
  • KDMs can be generated with a maximum validity of 2 days
  • Loading KDMs is not possible
  • Playback-quality will be drastically reduced after 15s, playback of sound will stop after 15s

Note: From DaVinci Resolve 15, please make sure that the easyDCP decoder is used and the setting "DaVinci Resolve > Preferences > Configuration > Use easyDCP decoder" is switched on:

Here you find the easyDCP Resolve Plugin encoding options in DaVinci Resolve:

Use this link to find how to activate your easyDCP Resolve Plugin

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player+  Status: All Licenses  all Versions
IMF Player Status: All Licenses from Version 4.0.X


Yes, easyDCP Player+ and IMF Player supports all Blackmagic Design Ultra Studio and DeckLink series output devices for video and audio.

The performance of such a set-up depends on various parameters and is not only determined by the HD/SDI interface card.
The Graphic Board Check (PDF) table shows some example set-ups as well as the measured performance using certain HD/SDI interfaces.


  • Stereo 3D output is not supported.
  • Recently 4k output via HD-SDI is not real-time capable.
  • The minimally required driver version is 9.7.7.
  • HD-SDI output is a feature exclusive to easyDCP Player+. It is not available in the basic edition.


Yes, easyDCP Player+ does.

See our FAQ´s for performance measurements.


Yes, but you need to make sure your primary graphics card supports 4k output.
Here is a list of Nvidia devices:

Also, by default, easyDCP Player will only offer the 2k portion from a 4k package.

Enable options|Codecs|<selected JPEG 2000 codec>|"make 4k resolution level available"

Specifically, we recommend you

• configure your 4k display to be your main display
(Windows 7 and higher: right-click desktop|Screen resolution|<select display>|Check "Make this my main display"

• configure your display's refresh rate to be identical to your DCPs/IMPs edit rate, e.g. 24 Hz

• enable V-Sync rendering mode

For trouble-shooting, please follow the steps in FAQ: My DCP does not play back smoothly. What can I do?

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player (+) Bundle  from Version 2.0.X upto Version 3.8.X
easyDCP Creator (+) Bundle from Version 2.2.X upto Version 3.8.X
easyDCP SAM Rio Plugin Plugin Version 1.1

Licenses of easyDCP Player+ or easyDCP Creator+ can receive a free-of-charge bonus license for easyDCP SAM Rio PlugIn.

Following requirements must be met:

1) The easyDCP full version used for the bonus action must have version from easyDCP Creator(+)2.2 inkl. easyDCP Player(+) 2.0 or higher.

2) The bonus license for the easyDCP SAM Rio PlugIn can only be used on same hardware as the easyDCP standalone license was issued to.


This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plugin Permanent License only all versions
easyDCP Plus  all license types  all versions
IMF Studio all license types  all versions


With the easyDCP Plugin applications, Fraunhofer IIS has opened the popular easyDCP technology for a direct use within various cut or color grading systems.

These plugins are embedded in the applications by each provider like Blackmagic Design or Quantel. The previously known user interface of easyDCP standalone products will be replaced by the graphical interface of the cut or color grading system.

A direct comparison of all easyDCP application is only conditionally possible and need to be assessed individually from application to application.

What are the advantages of a plugin solution?

A key advantage of a plugin is the new workflow. First, DCPs can be used directly as an input format for the given applications. Because of this, time-consuming transcoding will not be needed anymore. Second, a complete image sequence without detours will be played directly as DCP. It remains to the provider himself which functions will be supported with the plugin. However, the central functions, such as the creation and playback of encrypted and unencrypted Interop and SMPTE DCPs as well as the creation of Key Delivery Messages (KDM), are generally available within all easyDCP Plugin versions.

For more information please check:

What are the advantages of easyDCP Pro application?

The easyDCP Pro products offer the maximum possible functionality of all easyDCP applications. easyDCP Pro are developed especially for the professional editing of DCPs / IMF packages.

For more information please check:

How can I purchase an easyDCP PlugIn?

The cut and color grading systems of the respective manufacturers always include a full version of the easyDCP Plugin which runs in a demo mode.

Once you have decided to use an easyDCP Plugin, you need to get a license to unlock the demo mode. The license can be purchased through the online shop By importing the License & Certificate Set, the selected easyDCP PlugIn modules (e.g. playback, decryption, generation and encryption) changes into unrestricted mode of operation.

I'm already an easyDCP user with a standalone version. Should I switch to easyDCP PlugIn?

We have a very interesting offer for existing users: You can use easyDCP Plugins and easyDCP standalone versions in parallel. All customers owning an easyDCP standalone version can get a free bonus license for an easyDCP PlugIn which can be used on the same hardware.

What do the PlugIn cost?

For more information about modules and prices please check:

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  from Version 4.2.4
IMF Studio from Version 4.2.4


Package Programm Windows
≥ 10.14
≥ 11.X
easyDCP PLUS easyDCP Creator+ X X X
easyDCP Player+ X X X
easyDCP KDM Generator+ X X X
IMF Studio  IMF Creator X X X
IMF Player X X X


OS Compatibility for previous versions
This FAQ part is valid for
easyDCP  all Versions before
IMF Studio all Versions before


Programm Version Activation
Windows 10
≤ 2H22
Windows 11
Windows 7

≥ 10.14
≤ 14.X

easyDCP Creator+ 4.2. - 4.2.3 Online
X - X X
  4.0/4.1 Online
X - X X
Rosetta is required 
and below
Offline X X X 1) -
easyDCP Player+ 4.2. - 4.2.3 Online
X - X X
  4.0/4.1 Online
X - X -
and below
Offline X X X 1) -
easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.2. - 4.2.3 Online
X - X X
  4.0/4.1 Online
X - X X
Rosetta is required 
and below
Offline X X X 1) -
IMF Creator 4.2. - 4.2.3 Online
X - X X
  4.0/4.1 Online
X - X X
Rosetta is required 
IMF Player 4.2. - 4.2.3 Online
X - X X
  4.0/4.1 Online
X - X -

1) macOS 10.12 for Intel or higher

easyDCP has been offering you products and support for the creation and processing of DCPs and IMF packages for over 10 years. In large and small post production, these programs are part of the daily work tool. However, a leading position in the market does not mean that there is no further development. Therefore, easyDCP will be modernized from 2021 and the user models will be optimized according to the market development for software.

What will happen in January 2021?

Applications for DCP and IMF Packaging are separated into their own packages

The individual easyDCP programs are combined in separate packages for DCP or IMF creation.

The new packages are available as a subscription or permanent license.

The licenses can be activated online fully automatically or optionally via L&C request (for permanent licenses).

With the new roaming activation, the same program can be started alternately from several PCs.

The new packages are based exclusively on the scope of the proven easyDCP+ programs.

What does this mean for you as a customer?

Your loyalty was the basis of our success. Of course you benefit from the new advantages.
  • With the update you receive two separate new packages for an easyDCP Bundle: easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio. 
    easyDCP Plus: consist of easyDCP Creator+, esayDCP Player+, easyDCP KDM Generator+ 
    IMF Studio: consist of IMF Creator and IMF Player.
    If you own a easyDCP Bundle with a valid service, you will receive the new versions for free. If you only have one application (with valid service) of easyDCP, you will receive the corresponding new application of easyDCP. easyDCP+ customers also receive the associated IMF program including the new options.
  • You can either activate the new programs as usual (offline licensing) or use the new online activation. The new online activation is available free of charge to customers with a permanent license with an uninterrupted internet connection. Extended roaming is available to customers with a valid service.
  • Instead of the previous easyDCP Resolve Bonus license, every customer who owns an easyDCP bundle receives after the update to the new packages a full version of easyDCP Resolve for installation on freely selectable hardware. The previous easyDCP Resolve Plugin Bonus model ends for new purchases when the new packages are introduced.
    Note: The options "Online activation" and "Roaming" are not available for easyDCP Resolve plugins.
  • Instead of the previous easyDCP KDM generator, all customers with a valid service receive the new version easyDCP KDM Generator+. This corresponds to the scope of services of the previous easyDCP KDM Generator+.
  • The fees for the service expansion including update and roaming will be reduced significantly for the new programs and will apply to an entire package after the update. Depending on the term, the cost per package is from Euro 42 / month.

What do you have to do as a customer?

We will make the switch to the new versions as easy as possible and take over as many of the known processes as possible.

  • With the final launch in January 2021, the new programs will be available under a new menu item as easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio after registering in the webshop
  • Customers with valid service will automatically receive these new versions.
  • Customers without a valid service still have the opportunity to prepare their existing programs for a free conversion through discounted updates and / or upgrades until they are finally released. Here you will find your personal offers.

You will see: The modernization of easyDCP makes your work with DCPs and IMF packages more cost-effective. At the same time, you can be sure that you are always using the full functionality of the leading software suite for the digital cinema / on-demand TV industry.

Any questions? You can find the FAQs here.

Kind regards and take care
Your easyDCP team

This is a known issue for Mac OS X 10.10. The option Save Power > "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off" seems to have no effect at all.

The only workaround is to disable monitor sleep for now.

The generation of personalized signer certificates for certain easyDCP applications is a free service provided by Fraunhofer IIS.

New personalized signer certificates will be issued with every License & Certificate Request during new installation of after migration of the software.

Requirements to get personalized signer certificates issued by Fraunhofer IIS are:

  • The email-domain used for your web-account at and the requested domain within the License & Certificate Set-request must match.
  • Requested domain for validation is not a public address like e. g., etc. Blacklist is supported.
  • If a comprehensible reason exist that email domain and requested domain cannot match please contact 
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player+   all versions
IMF Player   from Version 4.0.X

For your orientation we have tested a selection of hardware configurations.

The result may help you to find the optimized hardware configuration for your need. 

Performace SheetDownload the performace sheet here

We recomment that you read this important information describing the test-procedure:

Tested software:

easyDCP Player+ 2.0.8 using the CPU for JPEG 2000 decompression. The used memory-, storage- and graphics card-configuration had NO impact on the decoding performances.

Test material:

We generated Test-DCPs with white noise. White noise images can be regarded as a worst-case scenario for JPEG 2000 as well as many other image/video compression formats. We generated white noise DCPs for 2K/2D, 2K/3D and 4K/2D. We also used different container-sizes known as Flat (2K: 1998x1080, 4K: 3996x2160), Scope (2K: 2048x858, 4K: 4096x1716) and Full-Container (2K: 2048x1080, 4K: 4096x2160). Even if easyDCP Player has to decode more pixels in Full-Container-mode compared to either Flat or Scope, we did not notice a huge difference in the decoding-performances. 

Another effect that has to be considered is a special encoder setting when generating DCPs: easyDCP Creator, for example, generates JPEG 2000 files using Variable Bit Rate (VBR). This means, that, regardless of the maximum bitrate, source images with little details result in compressed JPEG 2000 files comprising a small file-size. On the other hand, source images with plenty of details result in larger file-sizes. Only the maximum size is limited by the maximum bitrate that was specified when encoding the images. When required, the encoder stops to include more information in the compressed images so as not to violate the maximum bitrate. For our worst-case DCPs, the encoder has constantly hit the maximum bitrate, so the data-rate appears in fact to be constant. VBR-encoded DCPs, however, usually show a varying data-rate throughout the playback of the DCP. The data-rate has a very strong impact on easyDCP Player’s playback performance. If a source DCP was encoded with a very low data-rate it may be possible to playback the movie in real-time, even when using a slow hardware configuration. Since the data-rate in our test-DCPs does not vary at all, the measured results show a worst-case behavior. So it may be possible to playback a DCP without any issues in real-time, even if the table shows an orange bullet-point for the test case.

* Quality Slider (QS):

Since version 2.0, easyDCP Player is capable of trading decoding precision for a better performance. Especially, when viewing DCPs (which have 36 bits per pixel) on a computer monitor (24  bits per pixel), some information from the JPEG 2000 codestream can safely be ignored without a significant impact on the resulting image quality.

** Level Skipping:

Using easyDCP Player’s Level-Skipping feature , one or more resolution levels of the JPEG 2000 code-stream can be discarded. Of course, the reduction of resolution levels has direct impact on the playback performance on the one hand. On the other hand, skipping a resolution level will half the resolution in both dimensions. Discarding the highest resolution level is often sufficient to allow for real-time playback even on notebooks.

easyDCP Creator 2.2.x (and newer) supports the following frame-rates when using the SMPTE packaging mode:

2k HFR:                     4k HFR:                     2k - 3D HFR (Creator+ only)

24 fps                        24 fps                         24fps
25 fps                        25 fps
30 fps                        30 fps
48 fps
50 fps
60 fps

At the time the above frame-rates are DCI-compliant and should be process able by today´s cinema playback systems.

If you need higher frame-rates for experimental purposes, please contact us at    

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP  all versions from Version 3.8


An entry in the list with the official "Studio Code" can be requested at ISDCF.
Whenever a new version of easyDCP Creator(+) is released, we integrate the latest list from there.

In the meantime, the "Studio Code" can be entered as follows:

  • Select the user dialog for editing the DCNC. 
  • Select the value specified under "Studio" (e.g., NULL).
  • In the dialog that appears, select "+" from the drop-down menu.
  • An overlay with the title: "Add Studio" opens
  • Enter the desired data.
  • Complete the entry with the button "Add".

The added "Studio Code" is now part of the local studio selection and can be used locally for the CPL naming.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  all license types  from Version 3.X


The Digital Cinema Distribution Master (DCDM) is a hierarchical set of uncompressed, unencrypted and unpackaged files. It can be used to exchange the image, audio, subtitles and auxiliary data to other studios, encoding or playback systems or film archives. The DCDM can also be used as the direct starting material for the production of a DCP.

easyDCP does not fully support the DCDM format as specified by the DCI ( However, using Creator and Player+, it is possible to create a DCDM-like set of files with the following restrictions:

  • TIFF files contain 16 bits instead of 12 padded bits
  • TIFF header does not contain metadata such as frame rate or frame count
  • WAVE header does not contain broadcast metadata
  • Folder and file names are slightly different and must be corrected manually

Please ask your partner if this format is sufficient.

To create a DCDM from the Digital Source Master (DSM), start a Creator project and arrange everything as if you would do a DCP:

  • Choose "XYZ (DCI)" as target color space for all picture tracks.
  • Letterboxing should not be used in DCDMs.
  • All reels should have a length of around 20 minutes.
  • Each reel will end up as a separate subfolder in the DCDM.
  • If your studio or archive expects leader countdowns, add them manually.

1. Create an easyDCP Creator project and click on "Preview Project" to open it in easyDCP Player:

2. In easyDCP Player, click on "Asset > Export" (or shortcut "e") to start the Export Wizard. In the first page of the Export Wizard, choose an output folder, select "Export sequence" and press "Next":

3. On the second page, enter the name of the composition "File Name Prefix" and select "Export from Reel":

4. For Video, select "TIFF", "Color Depth 16" and select the appropriate color space of your source material (here: "sRGB") and target color space to "XYZ (DCI)":

5. For Audio, select "Split-channel WAVs":


6. When the export is complete, click on "Browse Folder", move and rename all reel folders to "CompositionName.Reel_#". Also, move and rename all files to "CompositionName.Reel_#.FrameNumber.tif". In addition, copy all subtitle and auxiliary files to its appropriate reel folders.

Tagged as: easyDCP Creator
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator+  All license modells  all Versions


Closed Captions are timed texts that are intended for hearing impaired audience members. Captions usually include the dialog and descriptions of sounds ("phone rings", "door slams" etc.). "Closed" means that the captions are off-screen and not visible to the entire audience. On the other hand, "open" or "burned-in" means that the captions are on-screen and visible to all viewers.

The following caption file formats are supported:

  • CineCanvas™ DLP Cinema™ Subtitle XML file
  • SMPTE ST 428-7 D-Cinema Distribution Master Subtitle XML file
  • SMPTE ST 429-5 D-Cinema Packaging Timed Text Track MXF file

To add closed captions in easyDCP Creator, simply drag the track file onto the reel. Then select the Display Type "Closed Caption (CCAP)":

You can add up to 16 Closed Captions per reel.

Please make sure that all referenced subtitle assets like fonts (.ttf, .otf) or images (.png) are available, otherwise package generation will fail.

Finally, please add the abbreviation "CCAP" to the composition playlist annotation text:

Please note: The DaVinci Resolve easyDCP Plugin does not yet support captions.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  Status: All Licenses 


IMAX® DCPs typically have a resolution of 4K (3D) and a picture bit rate of up to 500 Mbps.

To create an IMAX® DCP, tick on the checkbox "Enable Higher Bit Rates" (HBR) in the "Package Options" dialog and set the slider "Maximum Picture Bit Rate" to 500 Mbps (see screenshot):

The naming convention for IMAX® DCPs is described here:

Please note: 3D, HFR and HBR are only available in easyDCP Creator+.

Load the DCP (along with the KDM) into easyDCP Player+ and select Asset|Export.


You have three options:

Unwrap DCP and create easyDCP project

Each picture track file will be unwrapped into a sequence of (unencrypted) JPEG 2000 files (*.j2c).

Each audio track will be converted into a set of (unencrypted) mono-wav files.

Each subtitle track file will be unwrapped into the subtitle XML document as well as any related resources (PNG image files, TTF font files).

Additionally, easyDCP Player+ will automatically create a project file for loading the unwrapped DCP into easyDCP Creator while maintaining all metadata.


Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles

This option is only available, when external subtitles have been added to the currently opened DCP.

In this case, an easyDCP Creator project file is created, that references all original track files from the DCP’s source folder and adds the external subtitle files.

If the external subtitle document was not added to a reel, but rather assigned to a CPL, it will automatically be split into reels.

If the subtitle format does not match the DCP’s format (Interop vs SMPTE), the subtitle will automatically be converted.


Export sequence

Export only the visible image data (optionally along with audio) into a variety of export formats. Optionally, subtitles, timecode or other overlays can be burnt into the exported images.






easyDCP Creator+ generates a proprietary DCP digest file along with each encrypted DCP.
This digest file contains all track files keys used for the encryption during the DCP creation process. Whenever one wants to generate KDMs, you can load this digest file into a separate tool called easyDCP KDM Generator.

easyDCP KDM Generator is included in each purchase of easyDCP Creator+.
All you need to do is collect your recipient´s public server certificates and put them into a local folder. Use only the "cert.sha256" files. Usually, they have either a *.crt or *.pem suffix.
In easyDCP KDM Generator, you merely need to load the digest file, point to the folder with the server certificates and specify the start and end dates of the KDMs validity period.

Upon clicking the "Generate" button, easyDCP KDM Generator will create KDMs for all server certificates in a single batch job. Please note, that a digest file may contain multiple compositions, but a KDM only ever contains keys for a single composition. Thus, easyDCP KDM Generator will create x KDMs.

For more details, please refer to the

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus in Offline Activation from Version 4.0.X
IMF Studio in Offline Activation from Version 4.0.X
easyDCP    till Version 3.8.X
easyDCP KDM Generator   till 1.4.411
easyDCP Resolve Plugin   all versions


Licenses of easyDCP software prepared for offline mode can be installed only on one computer system.

Hint: Sometimes this method is required as well to solve license issues when the hashcode doesn't match to the previous license anymore or you have lost the password. 

However, if you need to move the easyDCP license to another computer or operating system you can do this easily using Migration function in the web shop:

  1. Login in your account at
  2. Select license status
  3. Select the product you need to migrate
  4. Select: "migrate license"

easyDCP Resolve Plug-In customers can get additional important informations for migration here

After the migration is complete you can generate a new license for the new ware system. Please refer to the following FAQ on how to activate your product.


  • There is a limit of one automatic migration in six months. If you require a second migration within the six months period, please inform us via email why it´s necassary.
  • Since server certificates are tied to the system hash, they become inaccessible after a migration. New certificates will be automatically created, but all KDMs issued to the old cerificates will no longer be accessible. Please check our FAQ: Server- and Signer- Certificates.

Migration with older Versions: For version easyDCP Creator(+)2.1.X and older, easyDCP Player(+)1.9.X and older, and easyDCP KDM Generator(+)1.47 and older, be prepared to use the new hashcode of your target hardware/software.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus in online Activation from Version 4.0.X
IMF Studio in online Activation from Version 4.0.X


Licenses for easyDCP software can be activated in online mode on several computer systems (roaming). This applies as long as the service is valid.
When the service expires, the roamaing option is locked and activation is restricted to the last hardware on which the application was used.

This status is shown in your account at My Products:

Licensing: Device: Last active:
- Roaming (normal) Here you find the last device where your easyDCP application was used

Here you find your last active login on the displayed device 

- Single device
  (service is invalid)
- Offline mode

You can unlock and reactivate the roaming service by extending your service.  

However, if you decline to extend the service and need to move the easyDCP application to another computer or operating system you can do this easily using Migration function in the web shop:

  1. Login in your account at
  2. Select My Products
  3. Select the product you need to migrate
  4. Select: "migrate license"

After the migration is complete you can login on a new device. Next online activation assign the license to be used from this device until a new migration is required or you have extended your service.


  • There is a limit of one automatic migration in six months. If you require a second migration within the six months period, please inform us via email why it´s necassary.
  • Since server certificates are tied to the system hash, they become inaccessible after a migration. New certificates will be automatically created, but all KDMs issued to the old cerificates will no longer be accessible. Please check our FAQ: Server- and Signer- Certificates.
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  all licenses  from Version 3.6.X
IMF Studio all license from Version 4.0.X
Please see also FAQ "Validator"


easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio were developed as a quality control tool.

When a DCP or IMF package is loaded, hundreds of controls are executed automatically.

In addition, the DCP or the IMF can be checked with the validator option for correctness of the whole package can be checked.

Different versions of easyDCP can be installed side-by-side

However be aware that the all share the same user application data folder, where state settings, KDMs, server and signer certificate and license are stored.  

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP  All Applications till Version 3.8.9
easyDCP Plus Single License from Version 4.0.X
IMF Studio Single License from Version 4.0.X


You have an older easyDCP license or a new single license and want to get the best upgrade option for an easyDCP Plus and/or IMF Studio package.

The upgrade button can be found in your status of the license you want to upgrade, where you should find the "Upgrade Available" note.

Here are the next steps  

  1. Select the button: "Upgrade Now"

  2. An overlay opens with the two possible options to acquire the upgrade.
    INFO: In the lower part of the right window you will get the information which of your previous licenses are used for this upgrade.

  3. Variant Permanent License: Upgrade to easyDCP Plus & easyDCP Resolve
    - The upgrade price includes 6 months of service. More on this
    - You can extend the service period to 12 months

  4. Variant Subscription: Switch to Subscription
    - Alternatively you can switch to the new service-friendly subscription process.
    - You will receive a purchase discount of 50% at the list price for the first subscription order.
    - Choose the minimum subscription period that suits you.

    - Your previous licenses/versions will remain in your license status.
    - A new upgrade is no longer available for these licenses/versions.

  5. If you have chosen your selection, you will be directed to the shopping cart. 
    Please complete the payment process as usual.
    You can find your newly purchased license or subscriptions after a successful payment process in the main menu under "PRODUCTS". 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP SAM Rio Plugin    All Versions  


easyDCP SAM Rio Plugin is fully integrated in SAM Rio. You can activate it without further installation according to the following instructions.

A documentation  how to license/activate your easyDCP SAM Rio Plugin is part of Pablo PA Installation & User Guide, Appendix B, A12.


  • Please use for domain- and username in request form only US character (no: é,*,# etc.)
  • The file extension for the request file must use the extension .html.

Further Links for easyDCP SAM Rio Plugin:

Find more information in your SAM Rio user manual

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP (Plus):   Status: Permanent License   from Version 3.6.0  
IMF Studio: Status: Permanent License from Version 4.0.X  


easyDCP 3.6.0 and above will be activated within the application/preferences.

For macOS users: minimum macOS 10.12 is required for easyDCP ≤ 3.8.9 products. easyDCP Plus / IMF Studio ≥ 4.0 require macOS 10.14. 

Please watch our video tutorial or proceed as follows:

    1. Download and install the latest installer from your account at license status.


    2. If Select "Preferences (OSX)" or "Options (WINDOWS)" in the installed easyDCP application option "Activation Status" and select "Request License&Certificates"
      If you have a version ≥ 4.0 start the program in demo mode to enable activation


    3. Fill out the form according to the instructions displayed and select "Send request". Your license-and-certificate-request will be processed after you log in and have select the license you intend to activate.


    4. Then you can download your "License & Certificate" Data Set from your license status and import it with the corresponding easyDCP option "Import License & Certificates"


Note: This way of activating your easyDCP Product is only available from easyDCP Version 3.6 or higher.

  • If you use a easyDCP Creator(+) from 2.2.X, easyDCP Player(+) from 2.0.X and easyDCP KDM Generator(+) from 1.4.1X till easyDCP Version 3.5.8, you find help here.
  • If you use an Version below easyDCP Creator(+) 2.2.X, easyDCP Player(+) 2.0.X and easyDCP KDM Generator(+) 1.4.1X, you find help here.
  • If you use an easyDCP Resolve Plugin version, you find help here.
  • If you use an easyDCP SAM Rio Plugin version, you find help here.
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  Status: Permanent License  from Version 4.0.1  
IMF Studio Status: Permanent License from Version 4.0.1  


How do I activate the new online roaming services if I have already activated the new easyDCP version in the Offline mode?

  • The affected easyDCP Plus / IMF Studio (Version ≥ 4.0.1) is already installed and activated as Offline License.

The reset to the online activation takes place in 2 steps. 

Step 1: Preparation of the easyDCP Plus / IMF Studio Program

  • Navigate to Preferences/Options > Activation Status 
  • Press the Button "Remove License & Certificates"
    (older versions use alternate "Remove from settings")


  • Restart the affected easyDCP program and it will start again in online login mode.
    NOTE: You can't start the application with Online Activation without reset it also in your account settings 

Step 2: Re-activate the online activation in the webshop

    1. Login in your account at
    2. Select My Products
    3. Select the product you need to remove offline license 
    4. Select: "Remove Offline License"


  • Since server certificates are tied to the system hash, they become inaccessible after a migration. New certificates will be automatically created, but all KDMs issued to the old cerificates will no longer be accessible. Please check our FAQ: Server- and Signer- Certificates.
  • The offline license and legacy licenses you may have activated as parent to the offline license will be removed as well. 
  • When may receive the message that migration ist not available. This will occure when you have migrated a offline license within the last 6 month before. 

The DCI specifications demand that for a 2k DCP, which has a container size of 2048x1080, one or both sides of this container must be completely filled and that the container size must not be exceeded.

However, commonly 2k DCPs are eigther Flat (1.85:1) 1998x1080 or Scope (2.39:1) 2048x858.

If your input material does not meet one of these resolutions, you can individually configure for each picute track file how it shall be resized, using a combination of pillar-boxing (black bars left and right), letter-boxing (black bars top and bottom), scaling and/or cropping.


To do that, just follow these steps:

1) Add a new Picture track file

2) Right-click on the track file to show the context menu

3) Browse to Letterboxing and select one of the entries

  • Flat: Target resolution is 1998x1080 for 2k projects, 3996x2160 for 4k projects
  • Scope: Target resolution is 2048x858 for 2k projects, 4096x1716 for 4k projects
  • Full: Target resolution is 2048x1080 for 2k projects, 4096x2160 for 4k projects
  • Auto: The option that best matches the source footage´s native resolution will be chosen.

To see, what resolution is used, refer to the Metadata Inspectorwindow´s Target Resolution line.

Optionally, you can also scale your centent

  • Scaling Off: Frames will not be scaled. The source image is centered in the container. The rest is filled with black or cropped, if it extends the maximum container resolution.
  • Scale to Fit: The source image is scaled up until one side fills out the container. The rest is filled with black.
  • Scale to Fill: The source image is scaled up until the container is completey filled. If one side is now larger that the container, it is cropped.

Rather than repeating these steps for all track files over and over, you can also predefine a default pillar-/letterboxing setting in the global Preferences.

Just browse to the "New Track Defaults" tab and select the default letterboxing for new track files.

You can choose how your timeline is treated for easyDCP exports. Therefore, open the Lookup Tables tab in “File | Project Settings...”.

There is an entry "easyDCP/JPEG2000 Color Management" where you can select the correct timeline color-space.

DaVinci Resolve will apply the correct transformation into DCI X’Y’Z’ based on that selection.

easyDCP Creator+ is bundled with a tool called easyDCP KDM Generator. A demo version of easyDCP KDM Generator is included in the easyDCP Creator+ trial version.

easyDCP KDM Generator generates Interop- and SMPTE-compliant KDM files for DCPs created with easyDCP Creator+.

easyDCP KDM Generator has a separate manual that explains the procedure in more detail.

A full commercial version of easyDCP KDM Generator is part of the easyDCP Creator+ product.

Please note: easyDCP KDM Generator is not upgradable to easyDCP KDM Generator+

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP KDM Generator+  Status: Permanent License  up to Version 1.4.411


We recommend our easyDCP KDM Generator+ customers to set-up a second computer serving as backup machine for their (D)KDMs. If used properly, existing (D)KDMs can be recovered and ported to a fresh installation, in case the production machine is not working anymore. The set-up is simple and your existing (D)KDM workflow requires only small changes.

Please see Security backup for (D)KDMs for more details.

To create a complementory backup license please follow these steps:

  1. Download the easyDCP KDM Generator+ Installer for your target OS from your license status again and install it on your backup machnine.
  2. Request a license and certificate as usual and submit it to See also How do I activate my easyDCP Product?.
  3. The landing page will show your activated easyDCP KDM Generator+ license. You will have the option to create a complementary license by selecting "Complementary license".
  4. You will be redirected to the license status showing your new complementary license.
  5. Download the license and certificate data set and import it into your easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup system.

NOTE: The complementary license is locked for migration. If you need to migrate your easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup system please contact us at

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator(+)  from Version 2.2.X  to Version 3.5.8 
easyDCP Player(+) from Version 2.0.X to Version 3.5.8 
easyDCP KDM Generator(+)  from Version 1.4.1X  


easyDCP Creator(+) from 2.2.X, easyDCP Player(+) from 2.0.X and easyDCP KDM Generator(+) from 1.4.1X and above can be directly activated from within the application.

Known limitations:
macOS: Only easyDCP 3.5.5 or higher can be run as of macOS 10.12 (Sierra)
Windows: Only easyDCP 3.4.10 ot higher can run on Windows 10

Please watch our video tutorial or proceed as follows:

      1. Download and install the latest installer from your account at license status.


      2. Select in the installed easyDCP application at "Help" the function "Request License & Certificate" (or use F3)


      3. Fill out the form according to the instructions displayed and select "Send request". Your license-and-certificate-request will be processed after you log in and have select the license you intend to activate.



      4. Then you can download your "License & Certificate" Data Set in the license status pane and install them via Drag and Drop into your easyDCP application.
        Alternatively, you may store the license-and-certificate file (*.easydcp) to a disk and import it into the corresponding easyDCP application by using "Help" the function "Import License & Certificates" (or press F4).



Note: This way of activating your easyDCP Product is only available from easyDCP Creator(+) 2.2.X, easyDCP Player(+) 2.0.X and easyDCP KDM Generator(+) 1.4.1X or higher.

    • If you use a easyDCP Verion 3.6 or higher, you find help here.
    • If you use a Version lower as easyDCP Creator(+) 2.2.X, easyDCP Player(+) 2.0.X or easyDCP KDM Generator(+) from 1.4.1X, you find help here.
    • If you use an easyDCP Resolve Plugin version, you find help here.
    • If you use an easyDCP SAM Rio Plugin version, you find help here.
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Reolve Plugin    All Versions  


easyDCP Resolve Plugin is fully integrated in DaVinci Resolve. It runs in demo mode as long you haven't purchased a license and activate it.
You can activate it without further installation according following instructions.

See here how you can activate your easyDCP Resolve Plugin:

  1. Open DaVinci Resolve and click "File". In the submenu you find the entry "easyDCP".
    Then click "Request License & Certificate". Follow the dialogue and click "Save".
    Please use a system that is connected to the Internet to make sure that the HTML Request you saved works.

    Please do not use special characters for the password:
    Special characters in this case are all characters that are not Latin letters or Arabic numbers: a-z, A-Z, 0-9.
    For example if you used a password like "test_123$" when requesting the license and certificates, then the actual password would be "test123"

  2. After opening the HTML Request file (double click this file) your browser will connect to our webshop  Enter your login information and then the webshop will offer to buy the easyDCP Resolve plugin if you have not already bought it. The license will be activated automatically after receipt of payment. If you already own an easyDCP Resolve plugin, please select this and the activation will be processed immediately.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you want to activate a easyDCP Resolve Bonus License and the prerequisites are met, the webshop would offer you to activate the related easysDCP Resolve module automatically.   

  3. Download your "License & Certificate" data set from your license-status after it is just in time available. To finally activate your product use the "Import License & Certificate" function in your DaVinci Resolve and import your downloaded data set.


Please note:

  • Please use only US characters for the domain- and username in request form, e.g. no: é,*,# etc.
  • The file extension for the request file must use the extension .html.

Note: From Resolve 15, please make sure that the easyDCP decoder is used and the setting "DaVinci Resolve > Preferences > Configuration > Use easyDCP decoder" is switched on:


Further Links for easyDCP Resolve:

Pricelist easyDCP Resolve Plugin

easyDCP plugin or easyDCP standalone. What is the better solution for me?

Special conditions for easyDCP full version customers

Download DaVinci Resolve inclusive easyDCP Resolve 

Find more information in your DaVinci Resolve User manual

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP:   All applications without service    all versions < 4.0
easyDCP Plugin:     all versions
easyDCP: Legacy licenses    all versions
also for 
easyDCP Plus:   Offline licenses with permanent license  from version 4.0
IMF Studio: Offline licenses with permanent license   from version 4.0
easyDCP Plus: Single licences with permanent license   from version 4.0
IMF Studio: Single licenses with permanent license   from version 4.0


How to find your licenses up to easyDCP 3.8.9 and others.

With the update to the new website, we have tried to keep the usual processes as before to make the changeover as easy as possible for you. However, there are some changes in how to find your licenses.

And this is how you find your easyDCP applications up to easyDCP 3.8.9:

  1. Login to the webshop as usual.

  2. Select My Products in the top menu.

  3. You will find a new section: Single Licenses 
    Here you can find easyDCP licenses up to Version 3.8.9 (without service) and easyDCP plugin licenses. Your previous legacy and bonus licenses can be found under Previous Licenses.

  4. When you select a desired easyDCP application entry, a submenu opens. Here you can select different services like e.g. download, migration, activation and upgrade.
    Available services depend on the type and the status of the license. 

As part of the conversion to the easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio packages, we have migrated your licenses with valid service. You can find an overview of your previous licenses in My Products after the section Single Licenses with the button Previous Licenses.

NOTE: Licenses that did not have a service at the time of the migration can be upgraded to one of the new packages for a fee. For your comfort, use the new button Purchase Upgrades next to the headline Single Licenses. Here, the webshop shows the best update/upgrade options for your licenses.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus:   Packages  with permanent license  from version 4.0
easyDCP Plus: Single licenses  with permanent license  from version 4.0
IMF Studio: Packages  with permanent license  from version 4.0
IMF Studio: Single licenses with permanent license  from version 4.0

How to find your new easyDCP PLUS or IMF Studio packages

with the update to the new website, we have tried to keep the usual processes as before to make the changeover as easy as possible for you. However, there are some changes in how to find your licenses.

We hope that you took advantage of our special offers so that you automatically got the new products already.

If you own a single easyDCP Plus or single IMF Studio license with valid service, special conditions apply. You can find it here⬇︎

And this is how you find the new packages:

  1. Login to the webshop

  2. Select My Products in the top menu.

  3. You will find a new section: License Packages.
    You can find your new packages here:
    - easyDCP Plus
    - IMF Studio

  4. When you select a package, a submenu opens.
    Here you can find the associated programs:

    easyDCP Plus package includes:
    - easyDCP Creator+
    - easyDCP Player+/easyDCP Player+ NE info
    - easyDCP KDM Generator+

    IMF Studio package includes:
    - IMF Creator
    - IMF Player
  5. In the submenu you can select and download the respective installer and 
    set up the Offline Activation.

  6. In the higher-level menu, you will be informed about service extensions, reactivations (if necessary) and updates (if available).

As a reference for the migration, you will find an overview of your previous licenses in My Products after the section Single Licenses with the button Show Previous Licenses.

NOTE: With the introduction of the new versions, service renewals are always concluded for an entire package. In addition to the previous free updates and technical support, the service also includes free roaming.
You can find more details about free roaming here: How to use the Online Roaming service


➡︎ Special rule and handling for easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio Single Licenses:

With the introduction of the new products, single licenes will continue as long as the service is valid. Single licenses also support the Online Roaming.

  1. Login to the webshop

  2. Select My Products in the top menu.

  3. You will find a new section: Single licenses.

  4. Here youn can find your new easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio single license 4.0.

  5. When you select a desired easyDCP 4.0 or IMF application entry, a submenu opens. Here you find the options for downloads, migrations and service extensions.

This message contains important information for customers who have created encrypted DCPs using the easyDCP Resolve Plug-In and want to migrate them.

If you come into the situation that:

  • your easyDCP Resolve license needs to be transferred to another computer, or
  • your easyDCP Resolve license must be reactivated due to an operating system update, or
  • a new operating system installation on the same hardware is required, including the reactivation of easyDCP Resolve,

we would like to point out that already created, encrypted DCPs can't longer be opened on the target system.
Also you can not generate KDMs for these DCPs on the newly activated system.

In order to be able to continue to process the DCPs (or create KDMs), the native film keys (so-called DCP digest) of the respective DCPs must be transferred manually into the folder structure of the newly activated easyDCP Resolve.

Please proceed as follows:

  1. Copy all contained files from the following directory:
    • OS X:
      • /Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/easyDCP/KDMs
    • Windows:
      • C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\easyDCP\KDMs
  2. Transfer these files to the corresponding directory on which the newly activated easyDCP Resolve is located.

Note: The use of these files is independent of whether your target system uses the same operating system or not. If you have easyDCP+ standalone application, these DCP-Digest files can also be re-processed here.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus:   all applications  all licenses types from version 4.0  
IMF Studio: all applications all licenses rypes from version 4.0  


How to use the Online Roaming service


  • You have downloaded the desired easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio installer from the webshop at MY PRODUCTS and installed it on your hardware.
  • The intended hardware has a permanent internet connection.
  • Customers with a permanent license have not set up the Offline Activation mode and have valid service.

Follow these steps:

  • Start your application
  • Enter your login data in the login window

    Use the login data for username and password as for

    Device Name
    Create your individual device name.
    The computer name will appear by default.

    Remember Password
    Select to save your login settings on this computer.

    Demo/Offline Mode
    Start your application without login data in Demo Mode with limited functions.

  • After logging in, your application starts
  • Now you can use your appliction

The application is now already in the Online Roaming mode. The usage of the same easyDCP program on another system will initially be blocked and a message window appears with corresponding information.

When you have closed the application on your current PC, you can start the same application on another PC on which it is installed, too.  Use the same login process to start the application. 

The use of the Online Roaming license procedure can be mixed between WINDOWS and macOS.

The new Online Roaming mode is available for each individual easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio program within the respective package.

If the service has expired and has no longer been extended, roaming is limited to the latest registered hardware.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus:   all applications  with permanent license   from version 4.0  
IMF Studio: all applications  with permanent license  from version 4.0  


How to use your application with Offline Activation


  • You have downloaded the desired easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio installer from the webshop at MY PRODUCTS and installed it on your hardware.
  • You have a permanent licence.
  • You have switched in the Webhop under License Packages the corresponding license to Create Offline License

For your information: When using your easyDCP application with Offline Activation, the services "online activation" and "roaming mode" are deactivated!

Follow this steps:

  • Start your application:
  • Start the program in Demo/Offline Mode mode via the login window

    Username/Password/Device Name/Remember Password
    Ignore these fields

    Demo/Offline Mode
    Launch your application in demo/offline mode

  • Select "Preferences (OSX)" or "Options (WINDOWS)" in the application. Use option "Activation Status" and select "Request License&Certificates".

  • Fill out the form according to the instructions displayed and select "Submit". The easyDCP website opens automatically in your browser.

  • Log in to your account and select the license to be activated. The license and certificate set will be created.


  • Download your "License & Certificate" set from your license status. Go back to your easyDCP application where you want to activate the Offline mode. Open the same menu as in the previous step and import the "License & Certificate" set with the option "Import License & Certificates".

  • Now the offline mode is activated and you can use your program as usual.

  • An online connection of the respective hardware is no longer required.

  • The Online Activation mode is deactivated for this license.  

If you need to use your application again in roaming mode with the online activation, please contact us here.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus:   all applications   all licenses types from version 4.0  
IMF Studio: all applications   all licenses types from version 4.0  


How to use your application with Online Activation


  • You have downloaded the desired easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio installer from the webshop at MY PRODUCTS and installed it on your hardware.

  • The intended hardware requires a permanent internet connection.

Follow these steps:

  • Start your application
  • Enter your login data in the login window

    Use the login data for username and password as in

    Device Name
    Create your individual device name.
    The computer name will appear by default.

    Remember Password
    Select to save your login settings on this computer

    Demo/Offline Mode
    Start your application without login data in Demo Mode with limited functions.

  • After logging in, your application starts
  • When you login for the first time, the licenses and certificates for the respective hardware are automatically created and loaded in the background
  • You are now ready to use the program

Note that a permanent internet connection is required. Nevertheless, whenever the Internet connection is interrupted, a seperate window with corresponding information will open after a predetermined period of time. All data will be cached in your project file for security.

Find more Informations about the Roaming service here.

This FAQ is valid for
All easyDCP products:     with permanent license  all versions  

How we took over your licenses in the new product structure

From the previous licenses


will be the new package

easyDCP Bundle

easyDCP Bundle#2
easyDCP Creator+, easyDCP Player+
has been migrated into

easyDCP Plus consists of:
- easyDCP Creator+
- easyDCP Player+ 
- easyDCP KDM Generator+

IMF Studio
consists of:
- IMF Creator
- IMF Player

Customers also receive a full version of easyDCP Resolve Plugin

easyDCP Bundle#1
easyDCP Creator+, easyDCP Player
has been migrated into easyDCP Plus
IMF Studio

Note: The longest service of a bundle application was used for the new package

easyDCP Single Licenses
with valid service  

easyDCP Creator has been migrated into easyDCP Creator+4.0
easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.0
easyDCP Player has been migrated into easyDCP Player+ 4.0
easyDCP Creator+ has been migrated into

easyDCP Creator+ 4.0
easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.0

IMF Creator 4.0

easyDCP Player+ or
easyDCP Player+ NE INFO
has been migrated into

easyDCP Player+ 4.0
or easyDCP Player+ NE 4.0

IMF Player 4.0

easyDCP KDM Generator+ has been migrated into easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.0
easyDCP JPEG 2000 Transcoder has been migrated into easyDCP JPEG 2000 Transcoder 4.0 

Note: The existing service has been adopted for the respective new easyDCP single licenses

easyDCP licenses not affected by the migration

All remaining licenses without service   
easyDCP Resolve Plugin  
Legacy Licenses   
Complementary Licenses

As part of the conversion to the easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio packages, we have migrated your licenses with valid service. You can find an overview of your previous licenses in My Products after the section Single Licenses with the button Previous Licenses.

NOTE: Licenses that did not have a service at the time of the migration can be upgraded to one of the new packages for a fee. For your comfort, use the new button Purchase Upgrades next to the headline Single Licenses. Here, the webshop shows the best update/upgrade options for your licenses.

Please notice that one can only generate one DKDM when generating a new DCP.

For the generation of many KDM´s easyDCP KDM Generator is still the software of your choice allowing you to generate unlimited KDMs with a simple click.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  all applications  from Version 4.0.X
IMF Studio  all applications  from Version 4.0.X


I don't want to / can't keep my computer online with the new easyDCP programs?


  • You can also activate your new licenses as before with "License & Certificate Request" and "Import License & Certificates".
  • This will disable roaming and online activation.
Tagged as: New from 2021 Ab 4.0
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player (+) Standalone  from Version 2.0.X  upto Version 3.8.X
easyDCP Creator (+)  Standalone from Version 2.2.X upto Version 3.8.X


I have a valid service but no bundle and don't need one?


  • Existing customers with single licenses and valid sercvice can use the corresponding new easyDCP programs with all its advantages.
Tagged as: New from 2021 Ab 4.0
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player (+) Standalone from Version 2.0.X  upto Version 3.8.X
easyDCP Creator (+)  Standalone from Version 2.2.X upto Version 3.8.X
easyDCP Bundle Standalone  from Version 2.X upto Version 3.8.X


I have an easyDCP Creator (and / or easyDCP Player) < easyDCP 4.0 without service. How can I use the new easyDCP program versions?


Hint: After the official launch, the upgrade to the new easyDCP PLus and/or IMF Studio packages is available for existing licenses without a service.

Tagged as: New from 2021 Ab 4.0
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator+  All license models  from Version 2.0.X  


To edit existing DCPs, the following options are available:

The easyDCP Creator can open, edit and regenerate unencrypted DCPs. Changes to the metadata can be applied within seconds using the "Save Package" function, without time-consuming new image and sound data generation.

With the easyDCP Creator+ even encrypted DCPs can be opened and regenerated as encrypted or unencrypted DCPs. Please note the limitations for editing encrypted DCPs in the following FAQ:

Why does easyDCP Creator+ generate KDMs since version 2.1?

The easyDCP Player+ can open unencrypted and encrypted DCPs, unpack and export them to j2c / dpx / tif / wav formats. If desired, an easyDCP project file (.dcpproj) will be created automatically to load the unpacked DCP later in easyDCP Creator or easyDCP Creator+, in which all metadata is supported. Subtitles or other language versions can be added directly here, but other changes can also be made, including re-encryption.

JPEG 2000 Re-encoding

The re-creation of an unpacked DCP in easyDCP Creator+ is almost as fast as copying, since the image sequences are already available in the appropriate JPEG 2000 format. Please note that for each video track, color transformation and letterboxing, as well as global JPEG 2000 re-encoding, must be disabled:


The easyDCP Resolve Plugin can be used to load unencrypted and encrypted DCPs as well.

So far the only way to check a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) was a screening in a cinema equipped with a D-Cinema Server.
With easyDCP Player and easyDCP Player+ you have now the chance to check DCPs on a standard MAC or Windows PC. easyDCP Player+ even allows for playing encrypted DCPs.

For further information please refer to:


The conversion of DPX or TIFF sequences (as well as many other video formats) is one of the basic functionalities of easyDCP Creator and easyDCP Creator+.

In order to outsource the time consuming conversion to another workstation or to operate in parallel, each version of easyDCP Creator+ contains a free single version of easyDCP JPEG 2000 Transcoder.

Additional licenses can be purchased on demand.


Both easyDCP Creator and easyDCP Creator+ enable the creation of 2k (2048 x 1080) DCPs on MAC or Windows PC.
One requirement to create 2k-Content for digital cinema is that one dimension (length or height) is 2048 respective 1080 pixels and neither width nor height is larger than the dimensions.

For further information please refer to:

If you plan to create KDMs for your DCP - the application easyDCP KDM Gnerator is availabel. For automatic generating and distribution of KDMs the online service KDM Studio is available at 
KDM Studio is developed by the DCPtools Team based on easyDCP KDM Gnerator+.

easyDCP Creator and easyDCP Creator+ can render SMPTE- as well as Interop- compliant DCPs. When you start a new project, just pick the project type and whether you want Interop or SMPTE conformity.

easyDCP Creator allows to encode unencrypted 2D DCPs (2k or 4k). easyDCP Creator+ additionally enables 3D DCPs as well as mastering of encrypted digital cinema content. Support for creating IMF packages as also a feature exclusive to easyDCP Creator.


Support for creating stereoscopic 2K DCPs is a feature exclusive to easyDCP Creator+. When you add a new picture track,  you will be prompted to specify separate file sequences for the left and right eye. Other than that, the steps are identical to creating a 2D DCP.


- creating 4K 3D DCPs is not supported

- creating a 3D picture track from side-by-side images or from stereoscopic QuickTime movies is not supported

- creating a 3D picture track from a 2D QuickTime movie is not supported. As a workaround, use easyDCP JPEG Transcoder to convert each file individually into a JPEG2000 sequence and subsequently, back in easyDCP Creator+, create a stereo picture track file based on the two JPEG2000 sequences. In easyDCP JPEG 2000 Transcoder, remember to select "3D" option, so that a configured maximum bitrate of 250Mbit/s will internaly be halfed to 125Mbit/s per eye.





Tagged as: easyDCP Creator+

Digitally equipped cinemas need Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) for playback via a digital cinema server. Conventionally, feature films are encrypted while advertisements and trailers are not encrypted.

easyDCP Creator and easyDCP Creator+ enable the production of SMPTE- as well as Interop-compliant DCPs.

easyDCP Creator encodes unencrypted 2D DCPs. easyDCP Creator+ also allows for mastering of stereoscopic (3D) packages, encrypted packages and IMF packages.
For instance DPX, TIFF, JEPG2000 or QuickTime sequences can be used as input files.

For further information please refer to:

Playback of digital cinema content, so-called DCPs (Digital Cinema Packages), requires standardized encoded image-files packed in a standardized container. These standards are specified by the SMPTE and - for transitional use – in certain Interop-specifications.

easyDCP Creator and easyDCP Creator+ enable the production of SMPTE- as well as Interop-compliant DCPs (Digital Cinema Packages) easyDCP Creator allows to encode unencrypted 2D DCPs. easyDCP Creator+ additionally enables 3D as well as mastering of encrypted digital cinema content.
For instance DPX, TIFF, JEPG2000 or QuickTime sequences can be used as input files.

For further information please refer to:

If you plan to create KDMs for your DCP - the application easyDCP KDM Gnerator is availabel. For automatic generating and distribution of KDMs the online service KDM Studio is available at 
KDM Studio is developed by the DCPtools Team based on easyDCP KDM Gnerator+.

DKDMs are used for the exchange of encrypted DCPs between postproduction houses. Processing DKDMs needs the same operation and security requirements that are used in the creation and operation of KDMs for the digital cinema.
easyDCP Creator+ enables to encrypt digital cinema content and the standard accessory easyDCP KDM Generator generates KDMs and DKDMs for the transfer of digital cinema content to postproduction houses or cinemas.

For further information please refer to:

For automatic generating and distribution of KDMs the online service KDM Studio is available at 
KDM Studio is developed by the DCPtools Team based on easyDCP KDM Gnerator+.

DCPs use the CIE X’Y’Z’ color space with a gamma of 2.6.

Since the source footage is often in an RGB color space, they have to be converted first.

easyDCP Creator supports a variety of input color spaces and can be extended to work with custom color space settings or 3D lookup tables (LUT)s as well.

For further information please refer to:



It is not possible to playback QuickTime files via D-Cinema playback systems since these devices only playback standardized SMPTE or Interop DCPs.
easyDCP Creator and easyDCP Creator+ allow to convert QuickTime-Videos to DCPs (Digital Cinema Packages). Again, the input material must comply with the required size specifications (see link above).

For further information please refer to:


With easyDCP Player and easyDCP Player+ you have the chance to check an original DCP on a standard MAC or Windows PC. easyDCP Player+ even allows the playback of encrypted DCPs.

For further information please refer to:



To optimize workflows in postproduction it can be useful to work with color transformed and compressed JPEG2000 files from an early phase on. This makes it easier to transport files to another location for further processing or to accelerate the transfer from one storage-device to another.

easyDCP Creator, easyDCP Creator+ or the easyDCP JPEG2000 Transcoder enable the production of SMPTE or Interop compliant JPEG2000 files.

easyDCP JPEG2000 Transcoder in particular is a low priced option to work with prepared and standardized JPEG2000 picture sequences long before the mastering of a DCP.

For further information please refer to :

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP DCP Resolve Plugin  macOS Users  all Versions


Update notice for users of the easyDCP Plug-in in for DaVinci Resolve on macOS:
(easyDCP Plug-in for Resolve on Windows is not affected.)

The latest update of Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve (from 19.1.4) contains an update of the easyDCP Plug-in.
The update fixes licensing issues on certain devices as a result of the macOS 15 Sequoia update.

Notice that this will require a new License and Certificate file and will result in a new server certificate for your installation of Resolve.

For more information on this process, please refer to the FAQ: How to activate my easyDCP Resolve Plug-in

To open encrypted DCPs from a third party or a different tool, make sure to request or create a KDM for your new server certificate after updating.

Your own DCPs, that were created on the same system with a previous version of the easyDCP Plug-in for DaVinci Resolve, will not be affected.


If you need further assistance please contact

This FAQ is valid for

easyDCP Plus Online-Activation
from Version 4.2.4
IMF Studio Online-Activation
from Version 4.2.4


This FAQ describes important changes related to security enhancements in the latest updates of the macOS 15 and Windows 10-2H22 operating systems. It is required that affected users of easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio update to version 4.2.4 (or higher).

A key point here is that existing signer and server certificates must be replaced with the update to version 4.2.4 (or higher). As a result, previously received KDMs (Key Delivery Messages) or DKDMs (Distribution Key Delivery Messages) become invalid. 
Users should prepare accordingly and ensure that previous KDMs/DKDMs may need to be renewed after this update.

This affects both online and offline-activated easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio 4.2.4 (or higher) applications. 


Procedure for online activation:

  • The new 4.2.4 (or higher) application starts as usual with online registration.
  • After entering the access data, this message appears: 

  • After confirming the “OK” button, the new certificates are created and loaded automatically. 


Procedure for licenses used with offline activation:

  • The new easyDCP applications always start with the online activation mode for the first time during the update (even if previous versions ≤ 4.2.3 were already installed in offline mode).
  • Switch to demo mode and carry out a offline activation.
  • By reactivating, you will receive a License & Certificate Data Set with new certificates. 


This update is also recommended for users who are not yet using the updated operating systems. As far as the operating system allows, you can use earlier easyDCP Plus and/or IMF Studio versions in parallel to the new version and continue to use the previous certificates. 

We would also like to take attention to the current compatibility information:

If you require individual support, please contact

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP  from Version 2.0.X
IMF Studio from Version 4.0.X


Installation and Activation of older easyDCP, easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio versions

Note: As part of the conversion to the new easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio packages or easyDCP Plus / IMF Studio 4.0 individual licenses we have removed the easyDCP 3.8.9 licenses used for the migration from the previous License Status and as a reference in a own view Show Previous Lizenses.   

General information for using older program versions: 

  • Operating mode Online Activation:
    Customers with subscription and permanent license can use older program versions ≥ 4.0 at any time in parallel to the current programs.
  • Operating mode Offline Activation:
    This is only available for customers with a permanent license.  For technical reasons, the use of program versions ≤ 3.8.9 is only possible in offline mode. You will find further information below⬇︎

Installation and activation of previous easyDCP Plus / IMF Studio applications

    1. Log in to the webshop with your access data and choose the overview My Products > License Packages or Subscriptions
    2. Select the current program (e.g.easyDCP Creator+) for which you want to install a previous version.

    3. Select Other Releases.

    4. Select the desired version and download the installer for your operating system.

    5. Activate the program as desired.

➡︎ Installation and Activation of previous easyDCP versions in offline mode


  • Older versions for offline licenses can be activated on the same hardware, on which the current program is offline activated.
  • Known limitations:
    macOS: macOS: Only easyDCP 3.5.5 to easyDCP 3.8.9 can run from macOS 10.12 (Sierra). easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio reuquires macOS minimum 10.14. 
    Windows: Only easyDCP 3.4.10 or higher can run on Windows 10.

How to get access to the older versions:

      1. Log in to the webshop with your access data and choose the overview My easyDCP.

      2. In Single License select the current program (e.g.easyDCP Creator+) for which you want to install a previous version.

      3. Select Other Releases.

      4. Select the desired version and download it for your operating system.   

      5. Perform the Offline Activation as usual.
        If you need help with this, you can use the appropriate FAQs.

Information on licences and certificates

    • Which versions require which licenses on the same hardware. 

      If the second digit of the version (e.g. 3.4.4) differs from the version currently installed (e.g. 3.5.5) you need a new license. If the 3rd digit (e.g. 3.4.4) matches, the same license can be used.

    • Server Certificates: 

      All versions of easyDCP/easyDCP Plus can use the same server certificates, as long the hardware has not been reconfigured or a essential OS update system has taken place.

      If you need a new license, the creation of the License & Certificate Request checks whether a server certificate already exists and if then applies it to the newly issued license.

    • Signature Certificates:

      In principle, new signature certificates are issued for each license activation.

Only the easyDCP Plugin for Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve is available on Linux.



The new website is online now. The new product separation into the packages easyDCP PLUS and IMF Studio has been completed.

With the new product generation, we introduce a new distribution and licensing model.

  • New customers can purchase the new packages on a subscription basis or as a permanent license.
  • All products 4.0 are equipped with the new online activation.
  • All products 4.0 offer the option of online roaming operation.
    You can install your respective easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio program on multiple hardware systems simultaneously. 
    It will be automatically activated for the particular hardware on which the program is started, on other computers on which the program is installed it will be deactivated in the meantime.
The loyalty of our customers was and is the basis of our success.
Of course, you will benefit from the new advantages:
Customers with valid service contract
will receive these new versions automatically


Due to the new features, there will be some adjustments in the webshop, your products and the activation process. Inform yourself about what's new with these FAQs.
How we have transferred previous licenses with service contract into the new product structure
How to find your new easyDCP Plus or IMF Studio packages
How to find your licenses up to easyDCP 3.8.9
How the new online activation works
This is how the new online roaming works
This is how you can run your new packages with offline activation as before
Special note: Customers owning easyDCP KDM Generator+

I don't have upgraded to the new easyDCP Packages. How can I to it

Please note:

  • Further development of the easyDCP "basic" programs will be discontinued.
  • Upgrades and updates of easyDCP licenses can only be made to the easyDCP PLUS or IMF Studio packages.
    Exception: Individual licenses that had a valid service at the time of the changeover can continue to extend the service as usual.

When “fullscreening” the canvas on a secondary screen, there is some space at the top left transparent (where the mac menu bar usually is).

The full screen control changed in Mac OS X Mavericks, and the new method is not yet supported by easyDCP Player.

As a workaround, deselect the option "Displays have separate spaces" in the Mission Control pane of System Preferences. A Logout is required for the changes to take effect.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP  from Version 3.X


Easy, fast and reliable packaging:

Convert a supplemental package (VF) into a new standalone package (OV) with easyDCP


Imagine the following situation:

  • The original version (OV) of a DCP or IMF package as well as an additional version file (VF) have already been generated and work flawlessly.
  • Now, from the VF, which works in the studio or cinema only together with the OV, a new independent and self-contained OV shall be generated, so that only this single package must be transferred or ingested and so errors are avoided.
  • The generation should be easy, quick and without re-encoding. Important metadata such as offset / entry point and duration remain the same.



  • The use of supplemental packages is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
  • Also works with encrypted packages.
  • Easy, fast and reliable packaging through exported project files from the easyDCP Player+.

To convert a VF as well as the data from the associated OV to a new standalone OV, follow these steps:

  1. First, download your OV and the VF in easyDCP Player+. In the opened playlist, you can recognize the identical file name, which references the VF files from the OV (here: OV contains picture and sound tracks, VF only contains the subtitle track):
  2. Now open the Export Wizard via "Asset | Export ", select "Unwrap DCP and create easyDCP project":
  3. Start the export by clicking on "Next" and "Export". After exporting, open the project file created by the easyDCP Player+ in the easyDCP Creator+ with the button "Open project in easyDCP Creator+":
  4. Make sure that in the easyDCP Creator+ under "Options | Package Generation" the option "Force re-encoding of JPEG 2000 codestreams" is deactivated to avoid time-consuming coding again:
  5. Do not forget to change the CPL title from "VF" to "OV":
  6. Finally, generate the new OV package as usual by clicking on "Generate Package". When you open the new OV package in the easyDCP Player for checking purposes, you can see that it now contains all the tracks itself needed for the playback (here: picture, sound and subtitles):

Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP Player+ / Creator+ Version 3.6.2. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions, the process may be slightly different.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP  from Version 3.6.X
IMF Studio  from Version 4.X


Easier & faster packaging:

Automatically convert frame rates (e.g. 23.98 to 24 frames/s) with easyDCP Creator+


Imagine the following situation:

  • The original footage of your movie is at a fractional frame rate, such as 23.98 frames per second (fps).
  • Now the movie shall be shown in cinemas at 24 fps.
  • The conversion should be fast, easy and without the use of separate software.



  • Use is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
  • Also works with 29.97 fps.
  • Also works in the standard version of easyDCP Creator.
  • No frames are dropped, inserted or blended, so the conversion is free from image artifacts and stuttering.

To insert a movie with a fractional frame rate (here: 23.98 fps) into a project with a different frame rate (here: 24 fps) do the following:

  1. Open an existing easyDCP project or create a new one:
  2. Drop your movie file (here: MP4 at 23,98 fps) onto the reel:
  3. Your movie at the original 23.98 fps is now automatically converted to the frame rate of the project at 24 fps. The conversion of the image track is done frame by frame. No frames will be inserted, dropped or blended to ensure smooth image reproduction. The soundtrack is stretched or compressed accordingly. Picture and sound are now the same length (see the red arrow in the timeline) and are synchronized over the entire movie length:
  4. Finally, generate your DCP as usual.

Please note:
The timeline feature is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. The procedure also works without Timeline in easyDCP Creator 3.6.3. standard. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ Version 3.6.3. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions the process may be slightly different.

Practical use of Supplemental Package (VF):

Replace selected Frames in an IMF package or DCP with easyDCP Creator+


Imagine the following situation:

  • The original version (OV) of a DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or studio.
  • Now certain frames need to be replaced (here: video frames from #280 to #329 of reel #1)
  • There is now time to produce a corrected DCP or IMP package.

HINTS: The solution lies in the usage of small supplemental packages, also known as version files. It is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
AND: The replacement of frames is very similar for video and audio


To replace certain frames in a DCP or IMF package, just follow these steps:

  1. Load the DCP or IMF package in easyDCP Creator+.
  2. To create a supplemental package, right-click on a track and choose "Supplemental > Enable for all Tracks":

    Info: All tracks should be greyed out now, which means that they are just referenced and not included in the new supplemental package:
  3. Move the playhead to the first frame you want to replace (here: frame #280). Then click on the scissors to split the reel/sequence:

    Info: A reel should automatically be added to the composition (here: reel #2).
  4. Now move the playhead to the next frame after the last frame you want to replace (here: frame #330). Then click on the scissors to split the reel/sequence:

    Info: A reel should automatically be added to the composition (here: reel #3).
  5. Add your supplemental frames as a new track and drop it onto the reel that contains the frames to be replaced (here: reel #2):
  6. Don't forget to rename the composition according to the "OV" to "VF-1".
  7. Generate the new package.

The result is a DCP or IMF package with a new composition that replaces the desired frames. In case of supplemental, please note that a supplemental package is not self-contained, which means that it must be loaded together with the OV track files in order to play correctly.

If it becomes necessary to create another Supplemental DCP / IMF package, load the Supplemental DCP / IMF package that has already been created and proceed on the basis of the previously created supplementals exactly as you have done before.
s For later use in the cinema or on Netflix both supplementals in the correct order are necessary. The naming convention provides for consecutive numbering VF-1, VF-2 and so on.

Please note:
Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ / Player+ Version 3.5.8. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but newer versions may run slightly differently.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP  from Version 3.X


Easy, fast and reliable packaging:

Create compliant packages with dummy subtitles in easyDCP Creator


Imagine the following situation:

  • Your partially subtitled DCP or IMF package contains reels / sequences like film leaders or credits that lack subtitles. Therefore it will not work in cinemas or it will be rejected by your parter / studio.
  • Now your package shall be fixed by adding blank dummy subtitles so that the package is fully compliant.
  • The dummy subtitles shall be automatically created in the proper format (e.g. conformity, frame rate, duration) eliminating manual errors.



  • Each reel must contain the same number of subtitle tracks for maximum compatibility with projectors.
  • Even works in the standard version of easyDCP Creator.
  • Also works with encrypted and IMF packages / TTML subtitle format.

To add blank dummy subtitles to a reel of your package, follow these steps:

  1. First, open your package in easyDCP Creator. Here you can see that one or more reels do not contain any subtitles (here: reel 1):
  2. Now right-click on the appropriate reel and select “Add Empty Subtitle”:
  3. A blank subtitle file called “Silence for …” will be added and created automatically during package generation. Technically speaking, it only contains a blank space in the first frame. It has the proper frame rate, format and duration:
  4. Finally, generate your new package as usual by clicking on "Generate Package".

Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ Version 3.6.4. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions, the process may be slightly different.

Practical Creation of Supplemental Packages/Version Files (VF):

Assisted Subtitling with easyDCP Player +


Imagine the following situation:

  • The original version (OV) of a compliant DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or a partner / studio.
  • Now the film is to be subtitled. However, your third party subtitling software cannot open the DCP or IMF package.
  • The delivery should be a small supplemental package (Version File) containing only one OV compatible subtitle file.

Tip: The use of supplementals is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages!


To assist subtitling with the easyDCP Player + and finally generate a VF, proceed as follows:

  1. First load the OV into easyDCP Player+:
  2. Create an Interop, SMPTE or W3C TTML subtitle file with your external subtitling software or with an editor of your choice and drop the subtitle file onto the composition:
  3. Your subtitles are now automatically inserted into the timeline and into the playlist as "external subtitles" (shown in italics):
  4. Every time you save the subtitle file with the external editor, changes are rendered directly within your DCP or IMF package. This allows you to immediately control your subtitles in the DCP or IMF package:
  5. Once you’ve completed your subtitling work, you can export the subtitle file to a directory and, if necessary, use the easyDCP Creator+ to process it further. To do this, press the "e" key, select a destination folder in the export wizard and the menu item "Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles":
  6. Go through the wizard and finally press "Open Project" to open the exported project in easyDCP Creator+:
  7. Your project will now be loaded as a VF containing the new subtitle file:
  8. Do not forget to rename the composition according to the Digital Cinema Naming Convention (e.g. "OV" to "VF-1").
  9. Finally, generate a new VF as usual.

Please note:
The Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. Please use the newest versions of easyDCP. Previous versions may not include this feature.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP KDM Generator(+)  from Version 1.4.4


Easier & faster KDM creation:

Create KDMs for several cinemas using easyDCP KDM Generator+


Imagine the following situation:

  • Your encrypted DCP incl. activation key (easyDCP-Digest / DKDM) has already been completed.
  • Now many KDMs are to be generated as a group (e.g., all KDMs for a distribution area) so that they subsequently e.g. can be sent by e-mail to the cinemas.
  • Generating should be done quickly as a mass processing, easily and without time-consuming or faulty manual re-sorting.



  • Also works in the standard version of the easyDCP KDM Generator.
  • Warning: Do not manually change the filename of the server certificates or KDMs as they will not be able to be assigned in the cinema.

To create KDMs sorted by cinema screens in a tree structure, proceed as follows:

  1. First sort your server certificates once outside of easyDCP in a tree structure, e.g. by distribution area (here: "Distribution Area 1"):
  2. Now start the easyDCP KDM Generator +. First, drag the easyDCP Digest or the DKDM into the field "easyDCP Digest / DKDM". Then simply drag the folder that contains the subfolders with the sorted server certificates into the Server Certificates / Folder field:
  3. Now activate the options "Options> Replicate easyDCP Digest / DKDM Folder Structure" and "Recursive":
  4. 4. Finally enter the target directory under "KDM Output Folder" and start the mass generation by clicking on "Generate KDM (s)". The KDM Generator now creates all KDMs and places them in the same structure as the server certificates:

The KDMs can now be conveniently processed and e.g. be sent by e-mail to the cinemas.

Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP KDM Generator + Version 1.4.411. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but newer versions may run slightly differently.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator from Version 3.7


Easier & faster packaging:

Rename DCP files with easyDCP Creator+


Imagine the following situation:

  • Your DCP has already been packaged and works flawlessly. However, the file names of the DCP do not meet the requirements of the cinema / studio - namely, content title and reel number are missing.
  • Now the files shall be renamed so that they contain the DCP’s content title, its reel numbers and are therefore human readable.
  • The conversion should be done quickly, easily and without any time-consuming re-encoding.



  • The use is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
  • Also works with the standard version of easyDCP Creator.
  • Attention: All custom presets will be used for new projects as well.
  • Warning: Do not manually alter any DCP, since this will break its internal DCP structure.
  1. Your DCP is e.g. in the following file structure (the root folder already contains the movie title, but the movie title is missing in the individual DCP files and are not human readable):
  2. To customize the filenames of your DCP, first open your DCP with your easyDCP Creator+. Then select the “Custom” preset under "File > Options > File Naming":
  3. In the right-hand pane, under "Usage", the available DCP name components are listed as placeholders (% 1,% 2,% 3, ...). Now use the placeholders to create your desired DCP file names by typing the placeholders in the desired order in the Metadata Files and Track Files text boxes. In this way, you allow the easyDCP Creator+ to inherit the components of the DCP to the file names. Check your settings in the instant "Preview":
  4. Finally, save your DCP via "File > Save Package". The files of your DCP are immediately renamed in-place and re-signed. The file names of your DCP now contain the DCP components you specified (here: the movie title, a half UUID and the respective acronym):
  5. Attention: Your user-defined file names will also be applied to all new DCPs. If you only want to use these settings for your current DCP, you must reset the file namings after saving your current DCP (see step 2).

Please note:
This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ Version 3.7. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but in newer versions the process may be slightly different.

Practical Creation of Supplemental (VF):

How to split Subtitle Files in Reels with easyDCP Player+


Imagine the following situation:

  • The original version (OV) of a DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or a partner / studio.
  • Now the film must be subtitled. However, the subtitles are only in the form of a single file, while the OV is divided into several reels / sequences.
  • The delivery should be a smaller supplemental (VF) containing only the subtitle files tailored to the OV.

Tip: Subtitle files should always be trimmed to the length of the associated reel for maximum projector compatibility.
AND: The use of Supplementals is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.


To automatically subdivide a subtitle file into reels / sequences, proceed as follows:

  1. First load the OV into the easyDCP Player+:
  2. Drop your subtitle file onto the composition:
  3. Your subtitle file will now be automatically cut and trimmed according to the existing reel / sequence boundaries and inserted in the playlist as "external subtitles" (shown in italics):
  4. The subtitle files can now be exported to a directory and, if necessary, further processed with the easyDCP Creator+. To do this, press the "e" key, select a destination folder in the export wizard and the menu item "Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles":
  5. Close the wizard and press "Open Project" to open the project in the easyDCP Creator+:
  6. Your project will now be loaded as a VF with the individual subtitle files in easyDCP Creator+:
  7. Do not forget to change the composition title according to the Digital Cinema Naming Convention e.g. "OV" to "VF-1").
  8. Finally, generate a new VF as usual.

Please note:
Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ / Player+ Version 3.5.8. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but newer versions may run slightly differently.

Convenient Creation of Supplemental (VF):

How to convert Subtitle File Formats with easyDCP Player+


Imagine the following situation:

  • The original version (OV) of a SMPTE compliant DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or a partner / studio.
  • Now the film must be subtitled. However, the subtitle files are in Interop format only, while the OV is in SMPTE format.
  • The delivery should be a smaller supplemental (VF) containing only one OV compliant subtitle file.

Tip: Subtitle files should always be delivered in the same compliance format as the OV package for maximum compatibility.
AND: The use of Supplementals is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.


To automatically convert a subtitle file to the format of the OV, proceed as follows:

  1. First load the OV into the easyDCP Player+. Your OV does not have any subtitles yet:
  2. Now simply drop your subtitle file onto the composition:
  3. Your subtitle file will automatically be added to the timeline and to the playlist as "external subtitles" (shown in italics):
  4. The converted subtitle file can now be exported to a directory and, if necessary, further processed with easyDCP Creator+. To do this, press the "e" key, select a destination folder in the export wizard and the menu item "Create supplemental easyDCP project with external subtitles":
  5. Close the export wizard and press "Open Project" to open the project in easyDCP Creator+:
  6. Your project will now be loaded as a VF with the new subtitle file in easyDCP Creator+:
  7. Do not forget to change the composition title according to the Digital Cinema Naming Convention (e.g. "OV" to "VF-1")
  8. Finally, generate a new VF as usual.

Please note:
Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. Please use the newest versions of easyDCP. Previous versions may not include this feature.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP KDM Generator(+)  Status: All Licenses  from Version 1.X
easyDCP Generator+ Status: All Licenses  from Version 2.1


This FAQ helps you for understanding what is a DKDM and how to generate it or how to use it. 

A Distribution KDM (DKDM) is technically identical to a regular KDM.

The difference is that it targets another mastering station instead of a cinema server.
You can generate a DKDM with easyDCP KDM Generator+. The procedure is identical to generating a regular KDM.

NOTE: Normally, the validity of a DKDM is significantly longer than a KDM distributed to a cinema playback system.  

The other way around is also possible with easyDCP. Your distributor can generate a DKDM to your easyDCP Player+ or easyDCP Creator+ public certificate (they each have theire own certificate). easyDCP Player+ or easyDCP Creator+ are then able to open the encrypted DCP.

Starting with version easyDCP Player+ 1.3 the DCP can be exported and loaded into easyDCP Creator+.

This is explained in the section: I have an existing DCP. Is there a way to import the DCP into easyDCP Creator?".
Please check also: I have an existing DCP. Is there a way to import the DCP into easyDCP Suite?

How to generate KDMs and DKDMs in easyDCP: 

easyDCP KDM Generator(+): see manual section from section 4
easyDCP Creator+: see manual section 10 

Due to the computational demands of decoding JPEG 2000 images and rendering images up to 4k in real-time, easyDCP Player has very specific requirements.

First, the performance bottleneck must be identified. To do that, enable the fps statistics (Playback | Statistics). The statistics list the data rate and the overall theoretically possible fps. When it says 100 fps, it means that decoding (or reading or rendering) a single frame takes 1/100th of a second in average. It does not mean that it actually does display 100 frames per second. easyDCP Player reads, decodes and renders images in parallel, i.e. either disk-read, CPU processing power or GPU-processing power or OpenGL rendering might be the bottleneck.

If "disk read" is the bottleneck:

Disk read sometimes takes too long when a DCP is first played. Play a few minutes and then restart from the beginning to benefit from the operating systems´s cache. Alternatively, copy the package to a local drive, preferably to a SSD.

If "decoding" is the bottleneck:

Please read the hardware requirements carefully to determine if your system should be capable of real-time playback.

If you know your system is too weak, but want to playback DCPs in real-time nonetheless, you can leverage from the JPEG 2000 compression´s scalability. Either change the decoder´s performance-to-quality trade-off in Options | Codec | <your current codec> or alternatively discard one or more resolution levels using the drop-down box in the main control bar. Enabling the "Fit to Window" option will cause the images to be scaled up to the window´s current size, which causes virtually no overhead.

If "rendering" is the bottleneck:

Since v3.0 easyDCP Player has two render modes: V-sync-independent rendering and V-Sync-rendering.

  •  V-sync-independent rendering: This was the only option in all versions prior to v3.0. It is still the right choice if the display runs with 60 Hz (default for "regular" computer monitors). It is also the fallback option, if V-Sync is not available or not enabled.
  •  V-sync-rendering: Especially, if the target display is a LCD-TV or a projector, or if the max. refresh rate is significantly lower than 60 Hz (e.g. only 30 Hz), then the V-Sync rendering mode should be selected. It can be activated in Options | Video | V-Sync, but only if Options | Video | General Rendering | V-Sync is currently on. Whether or not V-Sync is actually made available to easyDCP Player by the graphics driver is stated in round brackets next to the Options | Video | General Rendering | V-Sync checkbox. When you start playback in V-Sync-Rendering mode, the package´s frame-rate as well as the display´s refresh rate will be started in curly brackets next to the "Render"fps line (e.g. "Render (24 fps @ 24 Hz) in the statistics window. easyDCP will now explicitly translate between the packages´s frame-rate and the display´s refresh rate, which gives best results when both rate are equal or when the display´s refresh rate is an even multiple of the package´s frame-rate.

You experience very heavy stuttering ? If you have multiple displays attached to your computer, it is important that the V-Sync rate is identical to the refreh rate of the display, where easyDCP Player´s canvas is located. To make sure that the display is actually the V-Sync-Display open up and verify that the measured Hz-rate matches the display´s refresh rate.

Hint: Configure the display, where the canvas is loacated, to be your main display. (Windows 7: right-click desktop | Screen resolution | <select display> | Check "Make this my main display"

Hint: When using two Nvidia graphics cards (e.g. one for rendering and one for decoding with CUDA), it might be necessary, to manually specify the graphics card that will be rendering: NVIDIA Control Panel | 3D SSetings | Manage 3D settings | Global Settings | OpenGL rendering GPU | <select the graphics card that drives the display where easyDCP Player´s canvas is located>. We found that this can make a huge difference in terms of render performance.

If there is no obvious bottleneck:

Is´s likely the rendering that causes the stuttering. See "If `rendering`is the bottleneck:".






There can be many reasons that subtitles cannot be displayed.

easyDCP Player performs a whole range of checks when it loads the subtiteles.

It will automatically verify that the XML document´s structure meets the specifications and it will also make sure that all characters used in the subtitle document are actually present in the enclosed font file. (Font)

If any potential issues were identified, they will be shown in the log window.

In short, make sure no warnings are raised when the DCP is opened by eayDCP Player.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator+   all versions
IMF Creator   from Version 4.0.X


With the new version easyDCP Creator+ 3.7.3 or higher, a significant increase in performance for Windows systems in GPU mode could be achieved with maximum values of up to 125fps.

System 1:

  • Intel Core i9-9900K @ 3.60GHz 8 Cores
  • 16 GB RAM
  • Samsung SSD 970 EVO 1TB (NVMe M.2 SSD)
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 

System 2:

  • AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2950X
  • 64 GB RAM
  • Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 

System 3:

  • AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core
  • 32 GB RAM
  • Samsung SSD 970 Pro 1TB (NVMe M.2 SSD)
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti

Test results

System TIFF
2623 frames, 2K, 16-bit
2400 frames, 2K, 12-bit
System 1 77.15 fps 66.67 fps
System 2 109.29 fps 96.00 fps
System 3 124.90 fps 96.00 fps

The following settings were used in easyDCP Creator+ 3.7.3:

  • Color Transform: RGB BT.709 nach XYZ (DCI)
  • Maximum Bitrate: 250 Mbit/s

The source image material and the destination folder were in all cases on an SSD, if possible on an NVMe SSD.

Quick Installation Guide

Welcome to easyDCP!
Thank you for downloading easyDCP Plus, we are sure that this demo will convince you.

You can also install the program parts of easyDCP Plus individually or on different computers.

Installation instructions Windows

System requirements:

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Hardware requirements:

easyDCP Plus can be operated on any standard PC with at least 4 GB of RAM and 200 MB of free space.

Configuration recommendations:

You can also install the individual programs of the software suite in productive operation on different computers and platforms (Windows and MacOS). You can also install the individual program parts in parallel on several computers in order to use them alternately (license roaming).
For 2K DCP processing under Windows, we recommend a minimum configuration with a CPU with 6 cores or more, 8GB RAM and a fast HDD, RAID or SSD.  Performance improvements can be achieved through powerful CUDA-based GPUs. You can also find more information in the manual.

There is no special hardware recommendation for easyDCP KDM Generator+: All commercially available PCs are suitable for the creation of KDMs. There is no particular requirement for computing power.

Other installation instructions:

Different browsers or operating system security settings can trigger warnings during download or installation.
If you have downloaded the programs from, you can run the installation without worries despite the hints.

Installation instructions macOS

System requirements:

macOS 10.14 or higher

Hardware requirements:

easyDCP program can be installed on commercial Apple Mac with a minimum configuration of 4GB and 200 MB HDD.
easyDCP programs on Macs with M1 processor are already compatible with Apple’s own emulation with known restriction in easyDCP Player+. 
Native M1 support is coming soon.

Configuration recommendations:

For 2K DCP processing under macOS, we recommend a minimum configuration with a CPU with 8 cores or more, 8 GB RAM and a fast HDD, Raid or SSD.

There is no special hardware recommendation for easyDCP KDM Generator+: All commercially available PCs are suitable for the creation of KDMs. There is no particular requirement for computing power.

Other installation instructions:

Different browsers or security settings in macOS can trigger warnings during download or installation. If you have downloaded the programs from, you can run the installation without worries despite the hints.
Programs must be released at the first start in System Settings > Security > "Open Anyway".

Start in demo mode

To start the individual program demos please click below on „Demo/Offline Mode“.
Please leave the registration fields blank (these are only required in productive operation for registration for license roaming)

Getting Started

easyDCP Creator+

  1. Please enter a title for your project
  2. Here you can load existing DCPs
  3. Here you can load video/audio and subtitle files for your first project
  4. With Ctrl/T you can switch from Reel View to Timeline View and back
* In selection "Help" in main menu you will find a detailed manual for the easyDCP Creator+

Optional Tools and Samples:

  • easyDCP JPEG2000 Transcoder
    With the Standalone Transcoder you can create JPEG2000 files from different formats DCI  
  • Sample files for subtitles
  • Sample files for 3D Lookup Tables
  • on macOS: easyDCP Creator+ / FinalCutPro Bridge
    Install "Share" presets in Final Cut Pro for easyDCP Creator+

Find more help with questions about the performance assessment of easyDCP Creator+

Limitations in the demo version:  

  • Visibly burned-in easyDCP™ logo in all frames
  • No loading of (D)KDMs
    (for test encrypted DCPs, please use the proprietary DCP Digest)
  • No Supplementals
  • No validation report

easyDCP Player+

  1. Load your DCP here
  • In the top menu or right-click anywhere in the "Canvas" field to display the options

* In selection "Help" in main menu you will find a detailed manual for the easyDCP Player+

Optional Tools

Find more help with questions about the performance assessment of easyDCP Player+

Limitations in the demo version

  • Reduced quality and muted audio after 15 seconds of playback
  • No Export
  • No loading of (D)KDMs (To test encrypted DCPs, please use the proprietary DCP Digest from Creator+)
  • No validation report

easyDCP KDM Generator+

  1. Here you can download the digest file or DKDM (not available in the demo version)
  2. Here you can download the/the certificates of the KDM/DKDM receiver
  3. Here you can switch to Advanced mode

* Under the selection "Help" in main menu you will find a detailed manual for the easyDCP KDM Generator+

Limitations in the demo version

  • Maximum KDM validity of 2 days
  • No loading of (D)KDMs (To test KDM generation, please use the proprietary DCP digest from easyDCP Creator+)

Quick Installation Guide

Welcome to IMF Studio!
Thank you for downloading IMF Studio, we are sure that this demo will convince you.

You can also install the program parts of IMF Studio individually or on different computers.

Installation instructions Windows

System requirements:

Windows 10 (64-bit)

Hardware requirements:

IMF Studio can be operated on any standard PC with at least 4 GB of RAM and 200 MB of free space.

Configuration recommendations:

You can also install the individual programs of the software suite in productive operation on different computers and platforms (Windows and MacOS). You can also install the individual program parts in parallel on several computers in order to use them alternately (license roaming).
For 2K processing under Windows, we recommend a minimum configuration with a CPU with 6 cores or more, 8GB RAM and a fast HDD, RAID or SSD.  Performance improvements can be achieved through powerful CUDA-based GPUs. You can also find more information in the manual.

Other installation instructions:

Different browsers or operating system security settings can trigger warnings during download or installation.
If you have downloaded the programs from, you can run the installation without worries despite the hints.

Installation instructions macOS

System requirements:

macOS 10.14 or higher

Hardware requirements:

IMF Studio programs can be installed on a commercial Apple Mac with a minimum configuration of 4GB and 200 MB HDD.
IMF Studio programs on Macs with M1 processor are already running with known restrictions (IMF Player) in Apple’s own emulation.
Native M1 support is coming soon.

Configuration recommendations:

For 2K processing under macOS, we recommend a minimum configuration with a CPU with 8 cores or more, 8 GB RAM and a fast HDD, Raid or SSD.

Other installation instructions:

Different browsers or security settings in macOS can trigger warnings during download or installation. If you have downloaded the programs from, you can run the installation without worries despite the hints. Programs must be released at the first start in System Settings > Security > "Open Anyway".


Start in demo mode

To start the individual program demos please click below on „Demo/Offline Mode“.
Please leave the registration fields blank (these are only required in productive operation for registration for license roaming)

Getting Started

IMF Creator

  1. Please enter a title for your project
  2. Here you can load existing IMF packages
  3. Here you can load video/audio and subtitle files for your first project
* In selection "Help" in the main menu you will find a detailed manual for the IMF Creator

Optional Tools:

  • IMF Studio JPEG2000 Standalone Transcoder
    Standalone Transcoder for generating different IMF file formats 
  • on macOS: IMF Studio / FinalCutPro Settings
    Install the presets (share) in Final Cut Pro for IMF Studio for transfer in IMF Studio

Limitations in the demo version:  

  • Visibly burned-in easyDCP™ logo in all frames
  • No Supplementals
  • No validation report

IMF Player

  1. Load your IMF package here
  • Select "Canvas" in the top menu or right-click anywhere in the field to display the options.
 * In selection "Help" in the main menu you will find a detailed manual for the IMF Player

Limitations in the demo version:  

  • Reduced quality and muted audio after 15 seconds of playback
  • No Export
  • No validation report
Tagged as: IMF Studio
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP KDM Generator+  Status: Permanent License  up to Version 1.4.411


Print this page as document

Recommendation: security backup for (D)KDMs

Affects all Users of easyDCP KDM Generator+


This page contains:

1 Licenses and Certificates

2 Threat of loss of all (D)KDMs caused by hardware change / fault

3 Create a Backup machine using a Complementary License

4 Workflow Description

4.1 Standard (D)KDM Generation Process

4.2 Recommended Workflow utilizing a Backup Unit (BU)

4.3 Using the Backup Unit to recover (D)KDMs

5 How to activate your complementary license for easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup


1 Licenses and Certificates

In order to run properly, each installation of easyDCP KDM Generator+ needs three different sets of files issued separately for each installation:

  1. License – enables all commercial features
  2. Signer Certificates – required to digitally sign (D)KDMs issued with the software
  3. Server Certificates – An identification of the particular hardware easyDCP KDM Generator+ is installed on. (D)KDMs are issued for certain Server Certificates

During the activation process all of those files are generated using appropriate functions in the easyDCP web shop at Licenses and Server Certificates are bound to the particular hardware easyDCP KDM Generator+ is running on. Signer certificates are not tied to the hardware.


2 Threat of loss of all (D)KDMs caused by hardware change / fault

Important: If some hardware components in the production machine are changed or the machine stops operating at all, the license and server certificates will not work anymore. Using the migration function in the easyDCP web shop, a license can be ported to another machine. However, a server certificate cannot be used on another hardware. Likewise, it is not possible to re-use the certificates if certain hardware components get replaced on the system. And once the server certificates cannot be used anymore.



3 Create a Backup machine using a Complementary License

We recommend our easyDCP KDM Generator+ customers to set-up a second computer serving as backup machine for their (D)KDMs. If used properly, existing (D)KDMs can be recovered and ported to a fresh installation, in case the production machine is not working anymore. The set-up is simple and your existing (D)KDM workflow requires only small changes.

  1. Every easyDCP KDM Generator+ client gets a complementary license for a second installation of the software (called the Backup Unit - BU)
  2. From now on, we recommend to issue a backup DKDM for the Backup Unit once you receive a (D)KDM for your production system. For this, it is important that the Backup Unit must be installed on another physical hardware.
  3. Once the production machine stops working for some reason, all (D)KDMs can be recovered using the Backup Unit.

NOTE: You can use your existing easyDCP KDM Generator+ instance to issue backup-(D)KDMs of your existing (D)KDMs for your new backup easyDCP KDM Generator+ instance. This is a one-time-only job and should be performed as soon as possible.


4 Workflow Description

This chapter gives an overview over the recommended workflow when using two instances of easyDCP KDM Generator+ in parallel.

Figure 1 shows a block diagram comprising two activated instances of the software, both identified by their Server Certificate. As mentioned above, the Server Certificate is bound to a specific hardware and installation of the operating system and cannot be used on another installation.

Figure 1: Two activated instances of easyDCP KDM Generator+ running on different hardware


4.1 Standard (D)KDM Generation Process

Figure 2 shows one of the common applications using easyDCP KDM Generator+. Here, the Main Unit (MU) receives certain input data:

  1. A (D)KDM or easyDCP Digest from either the previous DCP compiling step or from another facility (step 1). An input (D)KDM can only be processed if it has been issued to the Server Certificate of the MU (compare Figure 1).
  2. Certificates from various Cinema Servers that serve to identify the output (D)KDM’s recipients (step 2).

Figure 2: Standard KDM generation process using one installation of easyDCP KDM Generator+

As result easyDCP KDM Generator+ generates a batch of KDMs for the selected Cinema Servers (step 3).


4.2 Recommended Workflow utilizing a Backup Unit (BU)

Based on the workflow described above, we recommend generating a Backup DKDM for the Backup Unit (BU) shown in Figure 1 whenever a new key is used as input format (step 1). Basically, the processing-steps are identical to the description given in 4.1, but instead of only ingesting certificates from the Cinema Servers we also point our Main Unit of easyDCP KDM Generator+ to the Server Certificate of our Backup Unit (Figure 3, step 2). By doing this, easyDCP KDM Generator+ issues a Backup DKDM that can be read from the Backup Unit later. In case the MU is not available anymore, the Backup KDM can be used to recover the original keys that were used to encrypt the DCP.

Figure 3: KDM Generation Process using the Backup Unit (BU)


4.3 Using the Backup Unit to recover (D)KDMs

In case of a hardware crash or when the system components used to assemble the Main Unit’s system hash change, it is possible that the Server Certificates of the Main Unit cannot be accessed anymore. In this case it is possible to move the main unit onto a new hardware or issue a new set of license and certificates for the new configuration of the main unit. In any case, the previous Main Unit’s Server Certificates must be replaced. Through the easyDCP-web shop it is possible to get new licenses and certificates on the fly. Indeed, none of the old (D)KDMs of the former Main Unit (MU) will work with the new installation, called New Main Unit (NMU) here, since the new Main Unit is identified by a new Server Certificate. In order to get (D)KDMs working on the NMU it is necessary to use the BU as shown in Figure 4. Please note that the BU of KDM Generator+ is used instead of the MU.

Figure 4: Issuing DKDMs for the New Main Unit (NMU) using the Backup Unit (BU)

By ingesting both, all Backup-KDMs (1) as well as the Server Certificate from the New Main Unit (NMU – step 2) new DKDMs for the New Main Unit are generated.


5 How to activate a complementary license of easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup

Step 1. Download the easyDCP KDM Generator+ Installer for your target OS from your license status again and install it.

Step 2. Request a license and certificate and send it as usual to (see also:How do I activate my easyDCP Product?.) 

Step 3. will offer you: "Activate your complementary license". Select it for activation.

Now your license status shows a new entry called: "easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup"

Step 4: Download the license and certificate data set and import it into your easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup system. 

NOTE: The complementary license is locked for migration. If you need to migrate your easyDCP KDM Generator+ Backup system please contact us at



This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus    All Versions  
IMF Studio   All Versions  


easyDCP applications require different kinds of certificates

Server Certificates:

Is required to be able to receive KDMs. If a partner wants to send you an encrypted DCP, they will need your public server certificate so that they can issue a DKDM for. 

Signer Certificate:

Will be used to digitally sign content of encrypted DCPs or KDMs. Generally, all DCPs should be digitally signed to ensure that they will be ingested without any problems into a digital cinema server. Only for unencryted DCPs with Interop conformity, a signature is optional.

Which easyDCP application needs which certificates?


Signer Certificate

Server Certificate

easyDCP Creator



easyDCP Creator+



easyDCP KDM Generator



easyDCP KDM Generator+



easyDCP Player



easyDCP Player+



easyDCP JPEG2000 Transcoder




How you get your Signer- and Server- certificate?

  1. Subscription licenses will receive automatically online for every application on each hardware indiviudal certificates.  

  2. From easyDCP Player(+) 2.0.X, easyDCP Creator(+) 2.2.X, easyDCP KDM Generator 1.4.15(+) and IMF Studio with permanent licenses and Offline License activation.

    During „License & Certificate Request“ and activation via webshop Signer- and Server Certificates will be provided in "License & Certificate".

    What kind of certificate are required, if at all, depends on the easyDCP application.

  3. Older Standalone easyDCP versions

    Please use license status on New server certificate/manage certificate

How I can access to my previous Signer- and Server Certificates?

Please use license status on Manage certificates
This option is available for customers with valid service extension


  • If you update to a newer easyDCP version, previous certificates should be maintained. When filling in a new license & certificate request, you will be prompted to enter the password that protects your current certificate. If the password can be verified, the new request will contain information, that you don´t need a new certificate.
  • Server certificates are bound to the hardware via the system hash. If you migrate to another system, you always need new server certificates.
  • Signer certificates are bound to a person rather than to a system.  However, each " License and Certificate set" contains a new signer certificate for technical reasons.

Please note: Every "Certificate Request" will be secured with a password specified by you.

You select the password when you fill in the request and will be prompted to enter it again, whey you import the License & Certificate Set and whenever a KDM is accessed. 

The password cannot be recovered!


Diese FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Resolve Plugin    from Version
DaVinci Resolve 15


To use the easyDCP plugin in DaVinci Resolve, it is necessary to go to the DaVinci Resolve Preferences and set up:

Decode Options > Use of easyDCP decoder

Note: To open encrypted DCPs in DaVinci Resolve and to use (D)KDMs, it is absolutely necessary to have the activated easyDCP decoder set up as a priority.

For further questions, please contact the technical support via your web account or send an email to:   

Diese FAQ ist gültig für

easyDCP Plus all licence types from version 4.1.X


Overview RDD52 or SMPTE DCP Bv2.1
from easyDCP 4.1

The official specification is available here:

  • The basis of the SMPTE DCP Bv2.1 specification is the already known in the SMPTE DCP specification. 
    However, it contains concretizations/restrictions (so-called flavour).
  • The specifications are already provided for SMPTE DCP but, compared to Bv2.1, not mandatory.
  • Starting with easyDCP 4.1, the RDD52 is offered as a separate project type in the Project selection.


The following functions are relevant for DCP creation:

  • Composition Marker (SMPTE 429-7)
    FFOC – First Frame of Composition, LFOC – Last Frame of Composition
    The "Composition Contend Kinds" can be automatically updated in the Package > Update CPL Marker menu. 

  • MXF Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework (MCA) (SMPTE 377-4)
    For Bv2.1 projects the labels are automatically used when adding a sound track.

    Note: DCPs with tracks like "Hearing Impared" or "Sign Language Video" must be selected as Custom. Via "Optional Channels" corresponding channels can be added or removed.

More features for SMPTE DCP Bv2.1 support:

  • easyDCP 4.1 detects corresponding errors and issues warnings before generation if the current project structure or configuration does not meet the Bv2.1 specifications.

This also applies to Bv2.1 presets, which easyDCP has no influence on, such as the number of lines in a subtitle or the CPL markers for "First Frame of End Credits".

  • Further necessary DCP meta data adjustments, which are required for a Bv2.1 DCP, are automatically created during the generation of DCPs.


For further questions, please contact us:


Tagged as: RDD 52

The newest easyDCP KDM Generator version 1.4.15 offers a simple support for TDL (Trusted Device List) for e.g. double projection in KDMs.

If a TDL for KDM is required, you only need to import the corresponding projector Certificates in the field " Trusted Device List" available at easyDCP KDM Generator 1.4.15  "Advanced Settings".

easyDCP introduces a new and important function with easyDCP+ Version 3.4: easyDCP DCP/IMF-Package Validator

The function is integrated in easyDCP Creator+ and easyDCP Player+. Validation can be performed on encrypted and unencrypted files.  

The easyDCP validation check includes:
- Syntax checks of the metadata
- Compliance check of image and sound files
- Review the current and desired DCP / IMF-Package naming convention 

For immediate diagnosis, the easyDCP Validation Report provides a traffic light view with OK, warnings and "red" for errors.
The easyDCP Validation Report also includes a detailed evaluation. It consists of an HTML file, which can also be opened offline with any browser.
This file provides detailed information on the results of the validation and, if applicable, specific notes on the occurrence of warnings and errors.

A sample of DCP validation can be found here:

To perform a validation:

easyDCP Player+

  1. Menu: File > Open Package
  2. Select the DCP or IMF package to validate and start it in the playlist
  3. Menu: Asset > Validate
  4. Press "Start"
  5. Dialog Box: Select "Open Report" to open the easyDCP Valdiation Report in your browser   

easyDCP Creator+

  1. Coose in first dialog: Open Projekt/Package
  2. Select the DCP or IMF package to validate and start it in the playlist
  3. Menu: Package > Validate
  4. Press "Start"
  5. Dialog Box: Select "Open Report" to open the easyDCP Valdiation Report in your browser


  • Interested parties can test the function in the respective demoversion but detailed hints are hidden.
  • Encrypted DCPs can currently be validated with a valid DKDM.

easyDCP Validation Report as proof of quality:

Fraunhofer IIS provided the essential prerequisite for the DCI Compliance Test Plan. With the new easyDCP Validator you get the perfect tool to run the test plan fully automatically. The conclusive easyDCP Validation Report can be attached to DCP delivery or IMF package delivery as a quality and compliance proof. 

easyDCP Validation verifies the following conformities:

  • DCP: according to SMPTE ST 429
  • IMF-Package: asccorting to SMPTE ST 2067 

as well as other "Common Practice Tests" which have resulted from years of experience. E.g. Digital Cinema Naming Convention, checks of subtitles outside of the area that can be read by the creator.  

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player  Status: All license models  all Versions
IMF Studio Status: All license models from Version 4.0.X


Time lags which occur during playback of video and audio may have different causes. In some cases, the cause is hardware-related. For an audio-visual verification of synchronous playback, we provide our customers a test DCP incl. instructions. 

It has to be distinguished between two basic video / audio types of time lag:

Offset between picture and sound is constant during playback:

Possible causes:

  • Offset of the image and / or sound track of the DCP is not entered correctly.
    Solution: Regenerate DCP with corrected offsets

  • Hardware is configured with incorrect latency.
    Solution: Tho control of the graphics and sound card of a computer varies depending on hardware and operating system. Today's operating systems determine the respective delay and provide the value of this delay as "latency" to the affected programs.
    These values ​​are also available for easyDCP Publisher and easyDCP Player (+).
    It's available for each audio device separate and can be subsequently adjusted within easyDCP programs here: Preference -> Audio -> Latency. 

Offset between picture and sound changes / grows during playback:

Possible causes:

  • The source material does not match the frame rate provided in the DCP (e.g., 23.98 versus 24fps).
    Solution: Regenerate DCP with corrected frame rate.

Note: If you're using easyDCP Creator/+ version 3.6 or higher, it is possible to convert frame rate data with 23,97 fps within 24 fps projects. Please have a look at the following MASTERCLASS FAQ how to adjust the frame rates: MASTERCLASS - Session Five: Automatically convert frame rates

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP KDM Generator+  as Permanent License up to version 1.4.411
easyDCP KDM Generator+ as Permanent License from version 4.0.X


Update easyDCP KDM Generator + 1.4.411 to version 4.0

  • With the update to the new version 4.0, there is also a major update of the easyDCP KDM Generator+ for the first time.
  • The update is available for customers with valid service.

In principle, the new programs can be operated with the new Online Activation or with the Offline Activation:

  • With Online Activation, new server certificates must be issued for technical reasons.
  • In order to be able to continue using exhibited DKDMs, we recommend to use the new easyDCP KDM Generator + 4.0 in Offline Activation on the same hardware as the previous easyDCP KDM Generator + 1.4.11.

With Offline Activation, please note that the password is required which was set during the creation of the license and certificate request for the previous server certificates.

And this is how you find your new easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.0:

  1. Login to the webshop as usual.

  2. Select My Products in the top menu.

  3. You will find a new section: Single Licenses 
    Besides easyDCP licenses up to Version 3.8.9 (without service) and easyDCP plugin licenses, you can also find your new easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.0 license. 

  4. When you select a desired easyDCP Plus / IMF Studio application entry, a submenu opens. Here you can select different services like e.g. download, migration and activation.
    Available services depend on the type and the status of the license. 

As part of the conversion to the easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio packages, we have migrated your easyDCP KDM Generator+ 1.4.411 (with valid service) to Version 4.0 as Single License. You can find an overview of your previous licenses in My Products after the section Single Licenses with the button Previous Licenses.

Complementary License

To generate a complementory license of your new easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.0, please contact us with this form.

If you have already worked with a Complimentory License in Version 1.4.411, please activate the new complimentory license from your new easyDCP KDM Generator+ 4.0 on the same hardware as the previous Complimentory License
Then the existing certificates will be adopted.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Applications  Status: Permanent License  All Versions
IMF Studio Status: Permanent License from Version 4.0.X


Your service options when using easyDCP products:

Sales support is always free:

All questions regarding the products and their features.

    • Purchase of easyDCP Products
    • Questions for manage payments,
    • Handling for discounts for Non Profit organiasations
    • usw. 

Prices for easyDCP products you can find here
Sales support is available for everyone. Please use the Service or contact form in Sales Support

License and Subscription support is always free:

Questions about activation, migration, available updates and upgrades as well as the status of licenses.
All technical service options are available in your web account at My Products  

License support is available for every customer independent from the service status. Please use the Service or contact form in Sales Support

Technical support is free when service status is valid:

 Usage and troubleshooting for all easyDCP Plus / IMF Studio solutions

Technical support requires a valid subscription or a service contract for the respective easyDCP Package/application. Please use the Service or contact form in Technical Support.

Online Roamingsupport is free when service status is valid:

Usage and troublshooting 

Online Roaming requires a valid subscription or a service contract for the respective easyDCP Package/IMF Studio application. Please use the Service or contact form in Technical Support.

Find answers to important questions about your licenses

Subsriptions prolongation for easyDCP Plus:

Customers can at any time extend and renew their subscription. The period to be extended is either seamlessly added to the term of the existing subscription.  If the subscription has already expired, it will be reactivated when the renewal is complete.

Hint: Customers are invited to use the automatic renewal with every purchase. This can also be set up manually afterwards. 
You can find more details here

Service and service extensions for customer with permanent licenses:

Each new purchased easyDCP Plus comes with a valid service contract lasting for 6 months. Within this period, technical service, cost free updates and online roaming for the respective package are included without any additional payment. 

Once the service is about to expire, customers will be notified by e-mail. It is highly recommended to extend the service extension from minimum of 6 months. It will always be appended to the end of the current service-period. If the customer decides for a automatic service subscription the service extendes for another 6 month automatically.

In case a customer decided not to prolong the support and no new version of specific package has been released, it is still possible to get back into normal service. A reactivation (calculated form the regular service fee) for the period between previous service and the date the client wants to get back into support has to be paid. 

If a new version of specific package has been released during a non-support period, no prolongation of the (expired) service is in this moment possible. Here clients have to purchase a onetime fee in order to get the latest version of the easyDCP Plus/IMF Studio package. The update price depends on the date when the previous service extension has ended and the date the client purchased the update for his respective easyDCP Plus/IMF Studio package.
The younger the last license the lower the update fee.
Note: Updates comes without automatic prolongation of service extension.

Hint: Customers are invited to use the  automatic service renewal with every purchase. This can also be set up manually afterwards. You can find more details here

Migrations is always free

Valid for Customer using their licenses with Offline Activation:

Migrating your easyDCP/IMF Studio offline licenes to a new hardware or re-activating a license after changing components in your existing hardware is always possible. 
For security reasons, repetitive migrations are blocked for 6 months without prior agreement.   
For further details please check: How can I perform a migration (hardware/operating-system-change)

Major and Minor Updates costs are dependent on type and service status see below:

Updates will arrive as needed. Estimate 2 to 6 updates per year.

  • Customers with Subscriptions can always download the the latest version and use them immidiately. 

  • Customers with Permanent License and valid service have free access to updated versions of the appropriade package.

    • Customers using Online Activation can always download the the latest version and use them immidiately.

    • Customers using Offline Activation maybe needs to request for a new license (see Release Types). 

Release Types: 
Major releases
(e.g. 4.2 to 4.3 or e.g. 3.9 to 4.0) - is free when service status is valid
always a new license is required. 
For your support please check: How do I activate my easyDCP Plus oder IMF Studio product

Minor releases (4.2.1 to 4.2.2) - is always free within a major release
do not require a new license. In principle there is no need to update the certificates (signer and/or server) for a software update.

  • Customers without valid service follow instrution in section before: Service and service extensions

  • Updates for the easyDCP Resolve plugin are always delivered by Blackmagic Design within the software DaVinci Resolve and are therefore not subject to this procedure. New functions (upgrades) may only be available to customers with a valid service.

Upgrade is free when service status is valid:

available for easyDCP Licenses < 4.0 and easyDCP / IMF Singlelicenes

The button Purchase Upgrade within your web account at Single Licenses shows the available and most cost-effective options for an upgrade.


If your question has not been answered please do not hesitate to contact use on the Service section or contact form in Sales Support

Please note: Playback of stereoscopic DCPs is an exclusive feature of easyDCP Player+. The basic edition - easyDCP Player - will play back stereoscopic DCPs, but it will only display a single channel. 

In easyDCP Player+, on the other hand, you can select from a whole range of output options, all of which you can test in the demo version.

  • For the best 3D experience, you should use a professional Nvidia Quadro graphics card.
  • Once you enable the stereo mode in your graphics driver control panel, you will be able to select the "Quad-buffered Stereo" output option in easyDCP Player+. Left and right images will be handed in full quality to the graphics driver.
  • In the graphics driver control panel you can select from different output options. For instance, it is possible to play each channel on a separate DVI link and connect your stereo-capable projector. Or you can use the active shutter glasses (e.g. 3D Vision) and view DCPs on your 120 Hz LCD display.
  • But you can also screen your stereoscopic DCPs with a regular consumer-level GeForce graphics device. easyDCP Player+ implements all the widely-used interleaving modes, such as top-and-bottom, left-and-right, line-by-line, checkerboard, etc., providing compatibility with most 3D TVs. Just full screen easyDCP Player+ and hook up your 3D TV with a DVI or HDMI cable.
  • Be aware, that for all interleaved modes, either the horizontal or vertical resolution will be halved.
  • Finally, you can select from a range of anaglyph viewing modes and others such as "difference", "blend", "left only", "right only" and "both channels alternating".
  • For dual projector playback please follow this instruction provided from NVIDEA 

A DCP contains one or more compositions.

Each composition consists of one or more reels that will be played one after another. Each reel has at least a picture an a sound track file.

Optionally, it also contains a subtitel track file. A reel´s track files must all have the same duration. In easyDCP Creator, you can edit in-and out-points by right-clicking a track file that you already dragged onto a reel.

This way you can skip a run-in or sync your audio and video track files. Keep ini mind that an Interop subtitle must not contain any time stamps beyond the reel´s duration.

Time stamps are relative to the reel´s first visible frame. A single track file can be refrenced from multiple reels of the same composition. This way it is easily possible to skip a scene or title by setting the track file´s instances´ in- and out-points accordingly.

An exemplary use of multiple compositions would be, if you wanted to distribute a movie in multiple languages. For each compositon you would use identical picture track files, but language-specific auto track files.  

Compositions will not be played one after another. Instead, the cinema operator will choose which composition to play. Don´t forget to edit the composition´s names or otherwise the cinema operator might not find it on the server.

For example, the following two composition names indicate that one version has German audio ("DE") without any subtitles ("-XX") and the other version is Engish ("EN") with German subtitles ("-DE")

MYDCP_FTR_S_DE-XX_ 51_2K_20150707_FHG_OV
MYDCP_FTR_S_EN-DE_ 51_2K_20150707_FHG_OV

Hint: You can right-click the title and open an editor to compose a title according to the rules of the Digital Cinema Naming Converions.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP all application  all Version


DKDMs are used for the exchange of encrypted DCPs between postproduction houses. Technically, there is not really a difference between a KDM and a DKDM. If the recitipient is a cinema, it's called a KDM, if it's another party involved in the postproduction, it's called a DKDM. Processing DKDMs needs the same operation and security requirements that are used in the creation and operation of KDMs for the digital cinema. 

easyDCP Creator+ enables to encrypt digital content and the standard accessory easyDCP KDM Generator generates KDMs and DKDMs for the transfer of digital cinema content to postproductions houses or cinemas. easyDCP KDM Generator+ can receive DKDMs in order to issue (D)KDMs from it.

How to generate KDMs and DKDMs in easyDCP: 

easyDCP KDM Generator(+): see manual section from section 4
easyDCP Creator+: see manual section 5.10
easyDCP Resolve Plugin: Create an encrypted DCP and KDM(orDKDM) using DaVinci Resolve

A system hash uniquely identifies a system based on its hardware and operating system.

It looks like this: 


Since only a scrambled reprensentation of the true system hash is presented, it looks different every time, even for the same system.

When do you need a system hash?

Normally, you never need it. With older versions, up to easyDCP Creator 2.2.X, easyDCP Player 2.0.X or easyDCP KDM Generator 1.4.1X, it was required to activate the product.
Newer versions must be always activated shown in this FAQ.  

How can you find out your system hash ?

  1. Download and install the up to date easyDCP demo software or (easyDCP installer software if available) on the target hardware system
  2. Start the easyDCP Software and Press F3
    Alternatively, select menue  Help | Legacy | Get machine system hash
  3. The box with the system hash opens.
Diese FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player+ NE    All Versions  


What is easyDCP Player + NE and why is this product available?


The easyDCP Player + NE is a special version of the easyDCP Player +.
The additional designation "NE" means No Export.

In this special version of easyDCP Player + NE all export options for a DCP have been removed.

At customer's request, the export functionality was removed for a secured use within studios and post-productions. So the encrypted playback of DCPs can also be made possible for non-production departments or external employees without hesitation, since the lack of an export function means that DCPs cannot be exported or converted into other video formats.

In some use cases, this version is also installed for playback in cinemas. Due to the removed export functions, some film distributors are ready to provide KDMs for an easyDCP Player + NE.

If you intend to use it in the cinema, we recommend to get confirmation from your distributor(s) in advance whether they are ready to create KDMs for an easyDCP Player + NE.
easyDCP Player+ (NE) is combliant to DCI specification but it is not a DCI certified playback unit. 

Note: When using roaming operation, mixed use of easyDCP Player + and easyDCP Player + NE is also possible.

How to get the easyDCP Player+ NE: Please download the whole easyDCP Plus Package. The download contains the easyDCP Player+ NE Installer.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  Permanent licence all versions
IMF Studio Permanent licence all versions
easyDCP Resolve Plugin Permanent licence all versions


A service reactivation fee is charged to resume the service of a licence that has expired for more than 1 month.

The cost of the reactivation fee is calculated on the basis of the past period (full months) per licence. Reactivation fees are only offered if they are combined with at least a service extension with a minimum period of 6 months 

Reactivation fees are due as long as no new version of the respective easyDCP version is available. 
However, if a new version is available, a flat-rate update fee is automatically offered, also with at least 6 months of service. 
Note: easyDCP versions prior to 4.0 always receive an upgrade offer.


The current reactivation fee for each month in the past is

easyDCP Plus 29 € 
IMF Studio 15 € 
easyDCP Resolve Plugin 7 € 


Tagged as: easyDCP Shop Service

The easyDCP Validator is paret of easyDCP Creator+ and easyDCP Player+.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player+ Windows 7/10  all versions
IMF Player Windows 7/10 from Version 4.0.X


Performance measurement easyDCP Player+ CPU/GPU


6-core CPU
(i7-3960X 3.3Ghz)

GeForce 980 GTX



100% Quality


100% Quality

DCP 2k 24 fps 2048x857 250 Mbit/s

69 fps

46 fps

138 fps

115 fps

DCP 2k 30 fps 2048x857 250 Mbit/s

67 fps

53 fps

137 fps

127 fps

DCP 2k 50 fps 2048x857 250 Mbit/s

80 fps

77 fps

156 fps

144 fps

DCP 4k 24 fps 4096x2160 150 Mbit/s

43 fps

39 fps

49 fps

45 fps

DCP 4k 24 fps 4096x1714 250 Mbit/s

36 fps

23 fps

56 fps

53 fps

IMF UHD 25 fps 3840x2160, 4:2:2 30 bit, 840 Mbit/s

30 fps

12 fps

35 fps

30 fps

IMF UHD 50 fps 3840x2160, 4:2:2 30 bit, 840 Mbit/s

26 fps

16 fps

40 fps

38 fps


Currently, three subtitle formats are supported. 

1) Texas Instruments CineCanvas subtitles, used in Interop DCPs
2) SMPTE 428-7 “SubtitleReel” subtitles, used in SMPTE DCPs
3) W3C TTML (IMSC profiles), used in IMF packages

Limitations:  Only the most common attributes of the listed subtitle formats are evaluated for rendering.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Player+   all versions
IMF Player   from Version 4.0.X


There are two different options for running easyDCP Player+/IMF Player.

1. Real-time-playback using a fast CPU.

Allows for real-time-playback of 2k/4k DCP and IMF-Packages on a standard PC/Mac. Use this option if you have a sufficiently fast CPU. The software codec will work on macOS 10.14 and Windows 7/10 64-Bit.

Minimum system specification:

    • 6-core CPU
    • At least 4 GB of RAM
    • Graphics device with at least 500 MB memory attached to monitor (primary graphics card)
    • Fast hard disk is also recommended

2. Real-time-playback using a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) as accelerator.

Allows for real-time-playback of 2k/4k DCPs and IMF-Packages *) on a standard PC.
*) limited to lossy with code block size 32x32

This option requires two graphics cards:

1. GPU: Primary device for rendering (OpenGL) to which the display is attached.
2. GPU: Secondary CUDA-enabled device for the JPEG 2000 decompression.

Minimum system specification:

    • 4-core CPU
    • 1x primary graphics device attached to monitor
      • recent NVIDIA GeForce or Quadro series graphics device
      • at least 1 GB VRAM
      • preferably connected with 16 PCIx lanes
    • 1x secondary graphics device not attached to monitor
      • NVIDIA GeForce with at least 500 CUDA cores
      • least 2 GB of VRAM
      • preferably connected with 16 PCIx lanes
    • At least 4 GB RAM
    • Fast harddisk/SSD is also recommended

The GPU-accelerated codec is only available for Windows, not for Mac OS X.

3D Video output options:

For best stereo video output, we recommend a NVIDIA Quadro device with at least 2 GB memory (e.g. Quadro K600). When using Nvidia 3D vision, the display needs to have a refresh rate of at least 120 Hz (e.g. Acer GD245QH). Alternatively, a 3D projector can be connected via Dual-DVI. This does not require a professional Nvidia Quadro card, but can also be achieved with a NVIDIA GeForce card.

Furthermore, a 3D LCD can be connected via HDMI or DVI to play out stereo in side-by-side/top-and-bottom/line-by-line or other interleaved modes.

HD-SDI output option:

easyDCP Player supports Blackmagic Design UltraStudio oder DeckLink series output devices.

When Option HD-SDI "enable subtitling, color processing and scaling" is enabled, decoded images will first be processed by the primary graphics card, before they get sent to the SDI-output device.

This works best, when the primary graphics card is a NVIDIA Quadro card. 

View our performance test:

It seems with some QuickTime codecs, the gamma is slightly changed by the QuickTime framewok when frames are decoded. This is a known problem when using QuickTime.

easyDCP Creator allows to compensate this QuickTime-Gamma-Shift. By default, a value of 2.2 is set for gamma of the input color space. You can add additional color space transformations or adapt existing transformation settings. 

To do this, please follow this steps:

  1. Open the folder containing the color transformations by right click on a Picture Track File -> "Color Processing" -> "Open Color Transformation Repository...“.

  2. Duplicate the standard XML-File for RGB -> XYZ color transformation "color_transformation_itu709_to_xyz.xml" and rename it for example to "color_transformation_itu709_to_xyz_quicktime_fix.xml"

  3. Open the new file with an editor and change the title:
    Edit the "name"-attribute in "transformation"-Node, for example "ITU 709 -> X'Y'Z'" in "ITU 709 -> X'Y'Z' (QuickTime AppleProRes)

  4. Change the source „gamma“ from 2,2 for example to 1,6*. Unfortunately we cannot give information which gamma value fits to which codec since the certain value depends on some additional factors (used operating system /variant and version of specific codec and so on)

  5. Save the changes and restart easyDCP Creator
    Now you can find the adapted color transformation as new option by navigating to Picture Track File -> "Color Processing".

Alternative solutions to prevent from Gammashift:

– Use an user defined sRGB to XYZ 3D-LUT compensating the corresponding Gammashift for the used codec.<
– Increase the gamma oft he Mov file´s gamma before you ingest it into easyDCP Creator.
– Use DPX or TIFF still image picture sequences instead of QickTime video.

CPU-accelerated encoding with CUDA®-enabled graphics card was introduced in easyDCP Creator 3.3 and easyDCP Creator+ 3.3 (Windows® only).

You can now encode DCPs faster than real-time.

We recommend enabling GPU-accelerated encoding in the menu "File|Options|Image Processing|GPU Encoding" as it usually outperforms the CPU-based encoder significantly:

Please note: The easyDCP JPEG 2000 Encoder also supports GPU acceleration. The easyDCP Publisher does not yet support GPU acceleration.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP KDM Generator+    All Versions  
easyDCP KDM Generator   up to Version 3.8.9  


The procedure is different in every country. We can't send you the certificates.

  • The best way is to ask the cinema owners directly. They should have current certificates of their projection systems in their screening rooms or tell you the model and serial number.
  • Another option is to contact the server manufacturer directly.
  • If you have the model and serial number, you can contact the server manufacturer and ask for access to their database.

According to the specifications the following aspect ratios for DCPs are valid:

The pixel array size and frame rate shall be one of the formats listed in the table below:

  • 2K Scope (2.39:1) Resolution: 2048x858 FPS:24/1 or 48/1
  • 2K Flat (1.85:1) Resolution: 1998x1080 FPS:24/1 or 48/1
  • 2K Full (1.90:1) Resolution: 2048x1080 FPS:24/1 or 48/1
  • 4K Scope (2.39:1) Resolution: 4096x1716 FPS:24/1
  • 4K Flat (1.85:1) Resolution: 3996x2160 FPS:24/1
  • 4K Full (1.90:1) Resolution: 4096x2160 FPS:24/1

Stereoscopic picture essence tracks shall be limited to the 2K formats, and shall have a frame rate of 48/1 and an edit rate equal to half the frame rate.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Resolve Plugin Permanent Licens only version 1.0.50 and 1.1
easyDCP Creator+/
easyDCP Player+
Permanent Licens only till version 3.8.9
IMF Studio all License types from version 4.0.X


IMF Studio (easyDCP Creator+/Player+ till version 3.8.9) and easydcp Resolve Plugin supports SMPTE IMF-Specifications: App2/App 2E

For more details "What is IMF" please check: IMF - Interopable Masterformat

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus  from version 4.0 Online Activation
IMF Studio from version 4.0 Online Activation

When using easyDCP Plus and IMF Studio in Online Activation mode it requires an internet connection to activate the software. Please add the following server to your firewall:

Port: 443 
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator+   all versions
IMF Creator   from Version 4.0.X


easyDCP Creator+, easyDCP JPEG 2000 Transcoder are highly optimized for running on multi-processor/multi-core machines. On Windows and from easyDCP Creator(+) 3.3.X can also use one or more CUDA® enabled graphics devices.

We recommend the following minimal system configuration:

  • Windows PC (Windows 64 bit, Version 7 or higher) or Intel Mac (Mac OS X 64 bit, Version 10.7 or higher)
  • You also need a minimum of 2 GB RAM
  • Installation occupies 200 MB free disc space
  • Fast hard disk is also recommended

For best performance, opt for the following specifications:

  • CPU with 6 cores or more
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Fast SSD
  • A CUDA-enabled graphics device for encoding with the following specifications:
    • Compute Capability 2.0 or higher
    • Minimum of 1 GB memory, better 4 GB of memory
    • Preferably connected with 16 PCI Express lanes
    • The more cores, the better
    • E.g. NVIDIA GeForce 980 Ti

Usually, on the cinema server manufacturers' FTP servers you can find both the public server certificates and the signature chain that were used to sign the certificates.

If you decide to trust the certificate by examining the signature chain, you only need the server certificate to create a KDM. The server certificate usually has either a *.pem or a *.crt suffix.

easyDCP KDM Generator will accept either, but do not use both.

Furthermore, there may be pairs of certificate and chain that state "mpeg", "sha1" and "sha256".
Like with DCPs, there are SMPTE ("sha256") and Interop ("sha1" / "mpeg") KDMs.

Almost all modern cinema servers prefer SMPTE KDMs - even for Interop DCPs. So mostly the "sha256" version is used.

Only if you surely know your recipient only accepts Interop KDMs, use the "sha1" certificate and remember to check the "Enable Interop mode" option in the easyDCP KDM Generator's options tab.

Please see also: Where can I get the server certificates needed to create the KDMs?

Since version 2.1 of easyDCP Creator+ it is possible to open encrypted DCPs and to use these DCPs as a basis for new DCPs. There are basically two ways of providing the keys in order to allow easyDCP Creator+ to decrypt the content for the preview and before generating a new DCP.

If one provides the keys by a Fraunhofer Digest, we assume that the user generated the content and that he is in charge of the source content used for the first DCP generation. In such a case you can do everything in easyDCP Creator+, including the deactivation of the encryption and the generation of a new Digest when generating a new DCP.

If one provides the keys by a Distribution KDM (or KDM), easyDCP Creator+ does not allow to disable the encryption nor lets it generate the Fraunhofer Digest for the new DCP. In order to understand this behavior we have to explain that the Fraunhofer Digest stores the encryption key as plain text on the hard drive. Without disabling the Digest-option one could easily open an encrypted DCP together with a DKDM, generate a new encrypted DCP and store the encryption keys in plaintext. Since content-owners are very diligent with their content, Fraunhofer IIS decided to disable the option since version 2.1.

This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator+     All Versions 


 pic1Beginning with version 2.1, easyDCP Creator+ is capable of opening encrypted DCPs and using these DCPs as basis for new DCPs. There are basically two ways of providing the keys in order to allow easyDCP Creator+ to decrypt the content for the preview and for generating a new DCP.

If keys are provided by means of a proprietary Fraunhofer Digest file (*.dcpdig), it is assumed that the user generated the content and that he is in charge of the sources used for the original DCP generation. In this case you can alter all properties in easyDCP Creator+, including the deactivation of the encryption or the generation of a new encrypted DCP and Digest file.

 pic2If one provides the keys by means of Distribution KDM (or KDM), easyDCP Creator+ does not allow to disable the encryption nor does it generate the Fraunhofer Digest for the new DCP. In order to understand this behavior we have to explain that the Fraunhofer Digest stores the encryption key as plain text on the hard drive. If the Digest-option were not disabled, one could easily open an encrypted DCP together with a (D)KDM, generate a new encrypted DCP and store the encryption keys in plaintext. Since content-owners are very diligent with their content, Fraunhofer IIS decided to disable the option from the beginning.

Since the software does not permit you to generate a Digest, there has to be another way for communicating the encryption keys to another software. Using easyDCP Creator+ version 2.1 or higher this can be done by generating a (D)KDM directly from within easyDCP Creator+. The “Generate DCP…” dialog was extended to offer you to generate KDMs. By design, one (D)KDM will be generated for easyDCP Creator+ itself in order to make sure that one can open the DCP on the same computer using easyDCP Creator+ later.
A second (D)KDM can be generated for another software being able to open (D)KDMs, including easyDCP KDM Generator+ and many other 3rd party hard-/and software tools.