Frequently Asked Question
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Plus in Offline Activation from Version 4.0.X
IMF Studio in Offline Activation from Version 4.0.X
easyDCP    till Version 3.8.X
easyDCP KDM Generator   till 1.4.411
easyDCP Resolve Plugin   all versions


Licenses of easyDCP software prepared for offline mode can be installed only on one computer system.

Hint: Sometimes this method is required as well to solve license issues when the hashcode doesn't match to the previous license anymore or you have lost the password. 

However, if you need to move the easyDCP license to another computer or operating system you can do this easily using Migration function in the web shop:

  1. Login in your account at
  2. Select license status
  3. Select the product you need to migrate
  4. Select: "migrate license"

easyDCP Resolve Plug-In customers can get additional important informations for migration here

After the migration is complete you can generate a new license for the new ware system. Please refer to the following FAQ on how to activate your product.


  • There is a limit of one automatic migration in six months. If you require a second migration within the six months period, please inform us via email why it´s necassary.
  • Since server certificates are tied to the system hash, they become inaccessible after a migration. New certificates will be automatically created, but all KDMs issued to the old cerificates will no longer be accessible. Please check our FAQ: Server- and Signer- Certificates.

Migration with older Versions: For version easyDCP Creator(+)2.1.X and older, easyDCP Player(+)1.9.X and older, and easyDCP KDM Generator(+)1.47 and older, be prepared to use the new hashcode of your target hardware/software.