Frequently Asked Question
This FAQ is valid for
easyDCP Creator+  All license models  from Version 2.0.X  


To edit existing DCPs, the following options are available:

The easyDCP Creator can open, edit and regenerate unencrypted DCPs. Changes to the metadata can be applied within seconds using the "Save Package" function, without time-consuming new image and sound data generation.

With the easyDCP Creator+ even encrypted DCPs can be opened and regenerated as encrypted or unencrypted DCPs. Please note the limitations for editing encrypted DCPs in the following FAQ:

Why does easyDCP Creator+ generate KDMs since version 2.1?

The easyDCP Player+ can open unencrypted and encrypted DCPs, unpack and export them to j2c / dpx / tif / wav formats. If desired, an easyDCP project file (.dcpproj) will be created automatically to load the unpacked DCP later in easyDCP Creator or easyDCP Creator+, in which all metadata is supported. Subtitles or other language versions can be added directly here, but other changes can also be made, including re-encryption.

JPEG 2000 Re-encoding

The re-creation of an unpacked DCP in easyDCP Creator+ is almost as fast as copying, since the image sequences are already available in the appropriate JPEG 2000 format. Please note that for each video track, color transformation and letterboxing, as well as global JPEG 2000 re-encoding, must be disabled:


The easyDCP Resolve Plugin can be used to load unencrypted and encrypted DCPs as well.