Frequently Asked Question
  • new: Pad Sign Language Video with black frames to match 2 second blocks.
  • new: Add information about required audio forensic disable flag to dcpdigest files.
  • new: Add CLI validation argument "--resultInFilename" to put result in report filename.
  • new: Standalone Transcoder - Add buttons to set first and last frame as index.
  • fix: Vulkan support is not required anymore to run easyDCP Creator+.
  • fix: Remove space in soundfield group MCA tag name for "7.1DS" and "7.1SDS".
  • fix: Allow burn-in of subtitles in encrypted RDD-52 DCP.
  • fix: False positive validation error regarding soundfield group for Sign Language Video channel label.
  • fix: Add required audio forensic marking disable flag to KDM when using Sign Language Video.
  • fix: Correct safe area overlay rendering in preview.
  • fix: Write correct value for ZPositionInUse to SMPTE 428-7 MXF subtitle file asset descriptor.
  • fix: MAP & IAP generation (If supported by license).
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Generation of single frames.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Show error messages on license import.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Dropping of source files does not trigger license import.
  • new: (MacOS) Universal app.
  • new: (MacOS) Use Apple VideoToolbox to encode/decode ProRes.
  • new: Always allow editing language entry of audio tracks.
  • new: Support for loading MKV files.
  • new: Improved display of sound track metadata.
  • new: Automatically synchronize FFOC and FFOC CPL markers.
  • fix: Correctly identify left and right surround channels from a wave file.
  • fix: Generated RDD-52 DCP from loaded DCP contains all expected MCASubDescriptors in CPL(s).
  • fix: Always use unique UUIDs for empty subtitle tracks.
  • fix: Allow PNG-based subtitle to be loaded without requiring font assignment.
  • fix: Show expected error messages when files are added by drag&drop.
  • fix: Metadata Inspector can be enabled/disabled from view menu.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder: Improve selection of target resolution.
  • fix: (Apple M) Standalone Transcoder: Potential crash after encoding finished when called from CLI.
  • new: Add project based settings to project file.
  • new: Store default audio layout preset and container resolution in project based settings.
  • new: Store DCNC editor configuration in project based settings.
  • new: Option to apply changed defaults in project configuration to existing elements.
  • fix: Improved composition marker compatibility.
  • fix: Improve adding of empty subtitles to reels shorter than 5 seconds.
  • fix: Default composition content kind is saved in settings.
  • fix: Enable language option on sound tracks when switching to RDD-52 via project configuration.
  • fix: Auto detect test specifications when validating package from command line.
  • fix: Make sure to always use MCA Subdescriptor of Sound Track in first Reel for writing to Composition Playlist (CPL).
  • fix: Improve stability and performance of timeline waveform generation.
  • fix: Case insensitive language tag validation as per RFC5646 section 2.1.1
  • new: Standalone Transcoder - Add start and end frame index selection to GUI.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - CLI flag "-subfolder" works as expected.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Print complete CLI help text.
  • new: Add SMPTE ST 429-16 Composition Content Kind types (Clip, Promo, ...).
  • new: Allow "Copy MXF" mode with encrypted tracks if new material is added to the package.
  • fix: Improve overall stability.
  • fix: Using custom 3DL LUT can cause crash on package generation start.
  • fix: Potential freeze with hash check in package validation.
  • fix: Improve behaviour of playhead in timeline view.
  • fix: Improve error resilience when loading corrupt packages.
  • new: Copy MXF is now a separate option to enable reuse of MXF files without the need to rewrap MXF files if not all sources are MXF files.
  • fix: Adding multiple sound tracks will not reset previous selected preset.
  • fix: Loading of single channel audio files with channel label now works when multiple sets of files are in the same folder.
  • fix: Store VF Track encryption state in project file.
  • fix: Store VF Sound Track MCA subdescriptors in project file.
  • new: Add option weather empty CPL marker tracks are written to CPL: "Options" -> "Package Generation" -> "Write empty CPL Marker Tracks".
  • new: Add detected package type to validation dialog and report.
  • new: Write used validation specifications to validation report.
  • new: Preselect validation specifications based on detected package type.
  • new: Reduce duration of empty spot in empty subtitle to 1 second to avoid potential conflict with subtitle in next reel.
  • fix: Online licensing more robust against temporary connection losses.
  • fix: Downgrade any additional framerate warning to recommendation.
  • fix: Potential crash when opening package right after generation.
  • fix: Detection of channel labels in filenames if the labels are not at the end.
  • fix: Validation of subtitels if package is encrypted.
  • fix: Loading of SMPTE subtitles with nested <font> tags.
  • fix: Generation of RDD-52 IAB packages no longer fails with "Invalid none soundfiled group" error.
  • fix: Use valid MCA soundfield group for RDD-52 "Stereo" preset.
  • fix: Retain correct CPL MCA subdescriptor when adding a new composition in a supplemental/VF RDD-52 package.
  • fix: Do not write EntryPoint and Duration for Marker Track Files.
  • fix: Automatically fill in correct notation for MainSoundConfiguration
  • in Composition Metadata whenever possible(RDD-52/Bv2.1).
  • fix: Loading of individual mono audio files in "Add Sound Track" dialog.
  • fix: Loading of 3D Lut color transformation files.
  • fix: Adding empty subtitle track will no longer trigger "First Timed Text Event" warning (RDD-52/Bv2.1).
  • fix: Validation of DCPs with supplemental Subtitel Track Files will no longer give resource access error.
  • new: Edit Rate warning in validation is downgraded to recommendation.
  • new: Support ProRes files as source for Sign Language Video.
  • new: Automatically add and update FFOC and LFOC CPL marker in RDD-52/Bv2.1 project.
  • new: Enable editing of sound configuration for Sound Tracks from loaded package
  • when package configuration was changed.
  • new: Store last selected new project configuration.
  • fix: Invalid warning "Subtitle document contains 1 subtitle entries that are never visible."
  • when InterOp subtitle is used.
  • fix: Invalid value in PKL when creating supplemental/VF from InterOp DCP.
  • fix: Add SMPTE 429-13 framerates to SMPTE 429-2 validation. Validation will
  • no longer fail for 25 fps SMPTE DCP.
  • fix: Framerate error with 25 fps RDD-52/Bv2.1 projects.
  • fix: Invalid active image warning with RDD-52/Bv2.1 projects.
  • fix: Update Sound Track UUID when generating new DCP from existing ATMOS DCP.
  • fix: RDD-52/Bv2.1 validation pollution may cause oversized validation reports.
  • fix: Dropping single channel left audio source in "Add Sound Track"
  • dialog will try to auto match other files by label in
  • filename for other configurations than 5.1 as well.
  • fix: Generating DCP with supplemental from saved project file.
  • fix: Restore DCNC dialog values so that on reopen they are not
  • set to the first available entry.
  • fix: In "Add Sound Track" dialog display correct channel labels of sources.
  • fix: "Add Sound Track" dialog presets match previous versions again.
  • fix: Correct positioning of 3D text subtitles in preview and burn-in.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Correct detection of GPUs for encoding.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Reporting of encoding progress.
  • fix: Standalone Transcoder - Correct image resolution when letterboxing is used.
  • new: SMPTE RDD 52 DCP Bv2.1 Application Profile support
  • new: Composition Markers
  • new: Multichannel Audio Labeling Framework support
  • new: Basic SMPTE 429-2 and SMPTE RDD 52 validation
  • new: Reading of DPX 12bit packed
  • new: Support for mixed 2K/4K and 2D/3D DCP and projects
  • fix: Reactivate support for PPM files
  • bugfix: fixed 4k picture encoding on GPU
  • added option to always write InterOp subtitle language to CPL
  • bugfix: easyDCP Creator doesn't launch when Windows username contains special characters
  • bugfix: original mxf framerate is written to CPL instead of project's target framerate
  • bugfix: subtitle burn-in issue using picture track file in multiple reels with and without burn-in subtitles
  • bugfix: confusing error message when trying to save package and exceeding Window's path limit
  • bugfix: timeline becoming unresponsive adding certain audio files
  • bugfix: creating subtitle mxf fails when containing more than 1522 png resources
  • bugfix: opening unsupported mxf format doesn't show error message
  • bugfix: wrong re-encode mode displayed in pre-generation summary
  • bugfix: adding custom DCNC entry does select it in combobox but not update title
  • bugfix: certain audio files can crash in timeline view
  • bugfix: merging CPL with subtitle can yield error message
  • added recommendation check for Creator tag in CPL to validation
  • bugfix: Standalone Transcoder can crash on some Mac systems
  • bugfix: "Force no re-encoding" always falling back to "Re-encode if necessary"
  • bugfix: "Copy MXF" is possible even though mxf needs to be encrypted
  • bugfix: "Copy MXF" with audio mxf as input causes a UUID mismatch between mxf and CPL/ASSETMAP
  • bugfix: validation of package containing encrypted subtitles fails when started from Generation Wizard
  • bugfix: undo of "Add CPL" in timeline doesn't clear CPL list
  • bugfix: changing CPL metadata can't be undone
  • bugfix: broken digest file saving encrypted package
  • bugfix: CPL Creator tag can't be configured for Save Package
  • bugfix: dropping package on login widgets deletes the package
  • bugfix: empty Rating entries in CPL cause package loading to fail
  • bugfix: generation to folder containing special characters fails
  • added warning when editrate of imported material doesn't match project configuration
  • bugfix: reencode mode gets reset in some cases
  • bugfix: command line interface not working in demo mode
  • bugfix: crash when validating stereoscopic DCP
  • bugfix: validating empty InterOp subtitles causes warning
  • bugfix: validation of encrypted subtitle causes error message
  • added auto-update for some DCNC entries
  • bugfix: validation mentioning Virtual Tracks
  • bugfix: validation sometimes fails on first run due to mismatch of subsampling
  • bugfix: component bitrate check issue when validating 4K DCP
  • bugfix: adding second subtitle clip in timeline not working as intended
  • bugfix: custom filenaming can break generation
  • bugfix: crash validating stereoscopic DCP
  • bugfix: frame duplication using web license when connection failure happens during generation
  • bugfix: channel preset when editing audio source doesn't match the preset in use
  • made CPL Creator tag optional
  • bugfix: wrong source color space auto-selected after decryption of standalone video mxf
  • bugfix: subtitle position in CPL preview shifted when there is a gap in front
  • bugfix: encrypted packages can't be decrypted anymore using Copy MXF option
  • bugfix: force no-reencoding possible for sources not matching target format (e.g. none JPEG 2000 encoded files)
  • bugfix: inconsistent file naming when using Copy MXF option
  • bugfix: some DCNC audio tags aren't extracted
  • updated macOS minimum requirements
  • improved Copy MXF speed
  • added possibility to merge CPLs from another package into the opened project
  • added possibility to choose XYZ destination color space
  • bugfix: duplicated mxf with track file trimming when using same track file in multiple CPLs
  • bugfix: codestream validation test fails when two CPLs use different resolutions
  • bugfix: HMAC issue with encrypted SMPTE subtitles on some servers
  • bugfix: legal range color conversion wrong
  • switching between timeline and reel view easier (View => Timeline or Ctrl + T)
  • added option to export License & Certificate Set to create a backup
  • added option to remove License & Certificate from settings to allow for an easier transition to new licensing model
  • updated DCNC entries
  • bugfix: Channel assignment labels inconsistent when adding wild track format sound track
  • Introduced new licensing model
  • Split DCP/IMF functionality into two separate tools for better user experience
  • added validation test to check for namespace prefix usage in SMPTE subtitles
  • added new reencode modes to just copy mxf files and rewrite mxf without reencoding
  • bugfix: wrong duration of sign language audio tracks with enabled trackfile trimming possible
  • bugfix: check for CPL metadata in InterOp package when sign language is present
  • bugfix: burn-in png subtitle at wrong frame position using GPU for encoding
  • bugfix: invalid warning about duration mismatch between mxf and cpl duration
  • bugfix: crash when adding empty subtitle to supplemental track
  • recently used DCNC audio language gets stored
  • added option to specify start time code of CPL for IMF packages
  • bugfix: timeline state can get invalid when switching compositions
  • bugfix: "Add composition" menu entry not working for timeline view
  • bugfix: tracks can be set to supplemental state that don't qualify for it
  • bugfix: decryption during generation not working when previewing track first
  • bugfix: decryption of sound track containing Dolby Atmos not working
  • bugfix: VF generation with enabled track file trimming not working due to changed UUIDs
  • fix regression: "Append at end" option in timeline is overlapping clip at drop position instead of really being appended
  • added possibility to relink missing sources when opening dcpproj file
  • dropping single picture file is handled as still picture track
  • changes in subtitle xml are reflected in preview and timeline
  • added separate color space for subtitles to color transform the independently from picture during burn-in
  • bugfix: no waveform rendered for silence audio track added to timeline via context menu
  • bugfix: clips in DCP timeline can get smaller than 1 second when loaded from project
  • bugfix: subtitle burn-in at wrong position with enabled track file trimming and offset on picture track
  • bugfix: wrong intrinsic duration for trimmed track files
  • bugfix: save package not working when track file trimming is enabled
  • added optional track file trimming to only encode the used frames of a track file
  • bugfix: timecode/frame editing in timeline is not applied when clicking outside
  • bugfix: timecode/frame in timeline not updated when playhead after last track
  • bugfix: export folder for Standalone Transcoder is not created automatically
  • bugfix: insert at the end of a clip appends extra frames
  • bugfix: certificate chain file was not backed up correctly
  • bugfix: wrong audio length reported for IMF mxf
  • bugfix: wrong subtitle duration when adding to timeline in DCP
  • moved validation common practice tests to separate recommendation tab
  • recently used DCNC properties for Territory, Facility, Studio and Rating are stored
  • bugfix: validation report only shows first audio track
  • bugfix: for complex projects changes in timeline can block UI for quite a while
  • Fixed file permission issue within app bundles on macOS
  • bugfix: generation of Dolby Atmos DCPs broken
  • improved waveform rendering performance
  • bugfix: auto detection of audio channels in separate files didn't always work properly via drag&drop
  • bugfix: undo setting language lead to empty subtitle language being displayed
  • bugfix: save package mode enabled when changing mca configuration in IMF
  • bugfix: invalid intrinsic duration in CPL metadata when first reel has offset/duration
  • bugfix: automatic audio channel detection for properly named single files didn't work when opening the file browser instead of drag&drop
  • bugfix: generation with LUT not working
  • added undo/redo feature
  • introduced editor for CPL metadata (for SMPTE DCPs only)
  • added CPL metadata extension presets for Dolby EDR, Eclair Color and Sign Language Video
  • added CPL metadata test to validation module
  • added new color space for Eclair Color DCPs
  • improved last opened folder handling for folders containing just a few files
  • restore last used path for still picture track
  • restore last used preset in Add Sound Track Dialog
  • added command line argument to enable/disable CPL metadata generation
  • bugfix: it could happen that wrong destination color space is loaded from settings for generation of DCPs
  • Updated Dolby Vision Mastering Tools to 5.0
  • write aux data DataType in lower case to CPL
  • bugfix: full range IMFs are loaded as legal range
  • Updated Dolby Vision Mastering Tools to 5.0
  • subtitle duration automatically gets adjusted to picture duration in DCPs
  • added "no" language code for Norwegian audio in IMFs
  • bugfix: crash when adding ProRes video as sign language audio
  • bugfix: crash when using Final Cut bridge with a video without audio
  • bugfix: crash when generating from encrypted source
  • bugfix: Final Cut bridge not working if easyDCP Creator+ 3.7.0 is not installed
  • bugfix: wrong offset when splitting reels/segments in timeline
  • bugfix: timeline actions (add empty subtitle, add silence audio, append/prepend black frames) not available for supplemental/encrypted tracks
  • bugfix: wrong offset when inserting into sequence that already have an offset in timeline
  • bugfix: display order of virtual audio tracks in timeline can be different compared to CPL
  • bugfix: preview color space was not properly stored/restored
  • bugfix: preview was not updated when loading decryption keys
  • bugfix: wrong color space displayed in preview when selecting picture track/reel, disabling color transform for preview and selecting a color transform for the picture track
  • bugfix: subtitles of all reels are rendered on top of each other in preview
  • bugfix: CPL metadata contained wrong MainPictureStoredArea
  • bugfix: channels of audio mxf files were not displayed correctly
  • bugfix: drag and drop of left audio channel on Add Sound Track dialog didn't add other channels
  • bugfix: not every entry of the DCNC dialog could be edited for CPL when opening via Package Content view
  • bugfix: default color transform was not properly stored/restored
  • bugfix: bitrate validation failed for high bitrate DCPs
  • bugfix: some dialogs always on top
  • bugfix: reel annotation text empty when loading a package
  • bugfix: generation of Dolby Vision IMF fails in case MaxFALL and MaxCLL aren't part of Dolby Vision metadata
  • bugfix: generation of 4K IMF not working
  • bugfix: InterOp subtitle generation not working when subtitle has no BOM and locale on machine uses different default encoding
  • component bitrate between 190 and 200 shows up as warning instead of error as it is standard compliant, but might cause problems on some older servers
  • improved generation speed when using GPU
  • bugfix: after splitting a clip in timeline all action are available for new clip
  • bugfix: component bitrate for 4K DCPs sometimes wrong in validation
  • bugfix: position of clip in timeline wrong with gap between inserted one and previous clip when loading project
  • bugfix: fixed rare case where generation could hang on macOS
  • bugfix: absolute font URIs in InterOp subtitles pointed to wrong system drive
  • bugfix: prepend/append black frame in timeline sometimes didn't add silent audio track
  • regression: command line generation of DCP works again
  • regression: Save Package works correctly again
  • regression: subtitle burn-in on GPU works correctly again
  • bugfix: fixed some generation checks not being executed when using command line
  • bugfix: fixed error about color space mismatch when creating Dolby Vision IMF
  • added support for DCPs containing sign language
  • added support for IMF App ProRes
  • added support for DTS:X
  • added new dialog for adding sound tracks that allows for better control over sources and channels used
  • added J2C component bitrate limit test to validation module
  • added support to edit all fields in DCNC dialog
  • added support for IMF packages containing Dolby Vision 4.0 metadata
  • added Final Cut Pro X exporter modules (macOS only)
  • improved timeline workflow for compositing
  • updated Photon to version 4.6.0
  • bugfix: dpx component order not detected correctly
  • added audio padding to next full frame
  • bugfix: maximum bitrate was always limited to a fixed value
  • bugfix: fixed encoder layout error during generation
  • bugfix: fixed audio MXF generation failing sometimes
  • fix regression: fixed import of ProRes files not working
  • added option to manually edit CPL/PKL title
  • opening existing package CPL/PKL title is used from the package
  • bugfix: size of validation report
  • bugfix: generation using GPU with low CUDA compute capability
  • added option to specify target bitdepth in generation wizard for IMF packages
  • added option to change component order for dpx input
  • bugfix: synchronisation of CPL title with PKL title
  • bugfix: facilities in naming convention dialog are ordered alphabetically
  • bugfix: fixed Y'Cb'Cr identity color transformation
  • Dolby Vision IMF support
  • added support for TTML preview and burn-in
  • added possibility to add empty subtitles to reels
  • added conformity as configurable project default
  • added photon validation for IMF packages
  • improved performance for generation of tracks with still picture (without burn-in)
  • improved software activation process
  • added new naming convention dialog, that also auto-fills entries that can be determined from the project itself
  • duplicating a CPL (with duplicate enabled) with multiple reels referencing the same tracks duplicates the tracks just once
  • VFs can be stored to .dcpproj and be correctly restored
  • it is possible to properly use e.g. 23,97fps audio in a 24fps project
  • timeline can be switched to show either time code or frames
  • deletion of picture track in timeline deletes the whole reel
  • it is possible to use a picture track file that will get burn-in subtitles in multiple reels as long as the same frame of the picture track isn't used more often than once
  • added preview for Safe Areas
  • generation of stereoscopic DCPs using QuickTime as input works as long as they're encoded with ProRes codec
  • audio track in waveform has a bigger maximum height so it's easier to see the discrete channels
  • mbits used for generation of a package can be specified also on command line
  • bugfix: fixed waveform in timeline not being correct for audio tracks
  • bugfix: fixed shutdown of Creator/deletion of audio track being stuck for a while in case waveform wasn't generated completely yet
  • bugfix: fixed order of subtitles with different languages in timeline
  • bugfix: metadata of second sound sequence in a reel is displayed correctly
  • bugfix: generating an encrypted package allows to preview it in Player without asking manually for the keys
  • fix regression: bitrate validation now works again as expected and doesn't show wrong results for encrypted packages anymore
  • added more sensible default values for track defaults (Dcp and Imf)
  • color space processing of preview now is stored/restored correctly
  • standalone attribute in CPL now can be set to false if necessary (some servers might complain otherwise)
  • bugfix: fixed rare case on some newer Macs where license import via drag and drop didn't work
  • bugfix: loaded dcpproj with source color space = destination color space now doesn't reencode anymore if it's not necessary
  • bugfix: fixed waveform in timeline not being correct for audio tracks
  • bugfix: fixed crash when validating package containing supplemental subtitle track
  • bugfix: fixed crash when duplicating a composition with a supplemental picture track and selecting the picture track afterwards
  • bugfix: fixed rare case where generation could hang
  • bugfix: fixed timeline always using 24 fps for new projects
  • bugfix: fixed possibility to split segment of IMF at reel 0
  • bugfix: fixed possibility of easyDCP Creator hanging when dragging playhead on supplemental picture track file
  • bugfix: fixed crash adding silent audio track to a referenced picture track file
  • bugfix: fixed problem with server certificate password that couldn't be restored on Macs sometimes
  • bugfix: fixed rare case on some newer Macs where license import via drag and drop didn't work
  • bugfix: audio language code for supplemental tracks is correctly loaded from CPL now (IMF only)
  • bugfix: splitting reel in timeline now updates "Edit parameters" dialog
  • bugfix: fixed mismatch of intrinsic duration and mxf ContainerDuration at least in cases where subtitle contained less spots than reel length
  • fix regression: fixed generation of supplemental IMF that was previously stored as dcpproj
  • added warning/error message before generation in case no color transformation is selected as incorrect metadata can appear in resulting package (especially IMF) otherwise
  • bugfix: duration in TTML subtitle mxf now matches real subtitle length
  • bugfix: ResourceID of TTML subtitle generated from xml now is filled properly
  • bugfix: splitting of sequence > 1 in timeline doesn't abort anymore due to wrong duration error
  • bugfix: splitting of IMF sequences with multiple entries per sequence works now
  • bugfix: dragging clip in timeline just upwards/downwards now snaps to original position again
  • added functionality to drop files and tracks directly on the timeline
  • added rearranging of sequences/reels in timeline
  • added functionality to timeline to automatically insert new track inbetween an existing reel for supplemental workflow
  • added functionality to split a reel at the playhead marker
  • added new composition content kinds for IMF
  • ruby nodes in subtitles are partially displayed now (Rb tag)
  • added functionality to directly jump to a timecode in timeline
  • added frame wise stepping using arrow left/right for timeline
  • added reel wise stepping using arrow up/down for timeline
  • bugfix: duration in SMPTE subtitle mxf now matches again real subtitle length
  • bugfix: 4K 3D DCPs created with easyDCP Creator 3.5.x now can be opened again in Creator and Player (might have caused issues on servers, too)
  • bugifx: waveform in timeline now is always rendered completely
  • fix regression: fixed crash re-generating a signed package in easyDCP Creator (non +)
  • fix regression: generating an InterOp package with special characters in subtitle with UTF-8 encoding without BOM works now again
  • fix regression: generating 3D DCP with subtitles doesn't give error message about mismatching editrate anymore
  • fix regression: subtitle burn-in on GPU works correctly again
  • bugfix: validating VF only with referenced and unreferenced pictures tracks didn't pass j2c profile consistency check
  • bugfix: "Do not show as warning anymore" for filesystem warning in Generation Wizard is stored correctly now
  • bugfix: fixed memory usage during generation with burn-in subtitles
  • bugfix: fixed crash opening encrypted package with audio after unencrypted package with audio was opened
  • fix regression: Generating package with InterOp subtitles replaces SubtitleID now correctly again when the uuid contains upper case letters
  • fix regression: for IMF packages the default edit rate is 23,98 again
  • fix regression: Generating package with UTF-8 BOM encoding works now again
  • bugfix: hash check comparison with trailing spaces/newline
  • bugfix: thumbnails in timeline after loading key for encrypted packages now are displayed correctly
  • bugfix: adding QuickTime movie with unsupported codec into reel doesn't crash anymore
  • bugfix: waveform not rendered for encrypted packages after switching composition
  • fix regression: subtitles can be previewed again when loading an InterOp package
  • fix regression: JPEG 2000 bit rate violation was detected for valid DCPs
  • (PLUS only) added timeline for preview, navigation and editing of track offset and duration
  • added new automatic letterbox assignment as Track Default
  • font merging option works now also on Mac
  • bugfix: some IMF packages could not be opened, because the the MXF essence coding label's version byte was not ignored.
  • bugfix: IMFs are generated without signature now
  • bugfix: texts of source subtitle xml stays untouched when generating InterOp DCP
  • bugfix: fixed subtitle offset editing in case of large offsets
  • bugfix: saving package is disabled if opened via KDM as saved package couldn't be opened again with the same KDM
  • bugfix: saving Atmos track to project file keeps valid path now
  • bugfix: replacing burn-in subtitle in reel with another burn-in subtitle caused both to be rendered
  • bugfix: saving DCP in place keeps digest valid now
  • bugfix: fixed subtitle burn-in on GPU when offset is set
  • bugfix: generating package with invalid subtitle font is forbidden now
  • known issue: adding subtitles with same language in different order (English in reel 1, German in reel 2, English in reel 2) messes up their order in timeline
  • known issue: Show/Edit Metadata of MAP/IAP projects broken
  • moved to IMF 1.1 (2016 version of App2/App2e)
  • enabled J2K Mainlevel Profiles (with option to use legacy BCP, if applicable)
  • additional MCA metadata editable: ContentKind, ElementKind, Title, TitleVersion
  • fixed J2K profile validation for IMF
  • creating dummy-OPLs for compliance with Netflix spec
  • changed ATMOS related MXF Label to resolve incompatibilities in the field
  • bugfix: fixed edit rate/duration issues when loading certain IMF VFs
  • bugfix: fixed an issue where licensing was not possible on some Macs with High Sierra and Apple FS
  • bugfix: fixed an issue where KDMs and certificates became inaccessible after installing Windows 10 Anniversary/Creators Update
  • bugfix: fixed a crash that occurred when creating packages from certain project files created by easyDCP Player+
  • bugfix: fixed an issue in the Standalone Transcoder command-line application, where the default bitrate was not set correctly for all project types
  • bugfix: fixed an issue in the Standalone Transcoder command-line application, where certain images could not be transcoded to IMF compliant codestreams
  • bugfix: noise at end of sound track when sound track was mix of wav file inputs and auto-generated channels (silence or Atmos sync track) and wav length was not a multiple of the video frame length
  • bugfix: characters missing from the specified font of a subtitle spot were not detected in some cases
  • bugfix: incorrect error message about track duration mismatches when loading certain IMF Packages
  • bugfix: loading audio language from IMF Trackfiles when loading full IMF Package
  • bugfix: incorrect error message about audio labeling when creating certain supplemental IMF Packages
  • bugfix: missing RegXML descriptor when creating supplemental IMF Packages from saved easyDCP project
  • bugfix: standalone transcoder cli parameter ‘-f’ was assigned twice
  • bugfix: standalone transcoder bit depth handling aligned with easyDCP Creator for IMF
  • not creating empty OPLs anymore to avoid possible future incompatibilities
  • bugfix: flickering burnt-in subtitles when using GPU encoding
  • bugfix: MCA sub-descriptors got lost when loading and re-generating IMF Packages
  • bugfix: added missing regxml descriptor elements in IMF CPLs
  • bugfix: using correct SoundCompression label for IMF Sound Trackfiles
  • bugfix: using correct JPEG2000 EssenceContainer label for IMF Picture Trackfiles
  • fix regression: burn-in timed text had antialiasing disabled
  • add support for GeForce 10 series
  • Preview window now resizes to higher resolutions
  • Added option to automatically update package date to the current date
  • replacement of missing font characters can now be dynamically enabled or disabled (Windows)
  • Improved speed when re-packing DCPs
  • Improved the detection of cases where re-encoding is not necessary
  • Improved preview with easyDCP Player functionality
  • bugfix: Correctly restore the previous window geometry
  • bugfix: Fixed am issue that provoked crashes when starting from the command line
  • Offset and duration for subtitles are now accessible in the GUI
  • Configurable Timed text rounding method (timecode to frames)
  • Several bugfixes regarding subtitle positioning and rendering
  • Several bugfixes regarding file sequences
  • bugfix: Could not load encrypted, stereoscopic DCP ("No decryption key set.")
  • bugfix: Import of WAV files with different durations
  • bugfix: Settings file size is so large that slowdowns the application
  • before starting a DCP/IMP validation, check if the selected location for HTML report file is writable
  • make default timed text outline width configurable and use a size relative to the font size so that it works well with both 2K and 4K content
  • bugfix: Generation with QuickTime on Mac was failing in some cases due to a timeout
  • bugfix: Creator incorrectly complained about a wrong target resolution in some cases, when 4K material was packaged in IMF App2E
  • bugfix: remove incorrect warning "Package contains Trackfiles of different package types" when opening certain types of supplemental DCPs/IMPs or mixed 2D/3D/2K/4K DCPs/IMPs
  • fix regression: calculate position for right-aligned timed text overlays correctly
  • bugfix: position for centered timed text overlays was slightly off by a few pixels when outlines are enabled
  • bugfix: KDM was not generated for supplemental packages
  • bugfix: Default values for Creator and Issuer were not loaded
  • (PLUS only) Validation module that validates a DCP or IMP and creates an interactive report in html format
  • Fordable redesign of main user interface
  • supports 4K 3D DCPs
  • supports creation of Higher Bit Rates (HBR) DCPs up to 500 Mbps
  • supports creation of files with custom name schemes
  • bugfix: sporadic crashes during package generation
  • GPU-accelerated JPEG 2000 Encoding
  • Advanced Scaling Features
  • New user interface
  • Preview during encoding
  • Supports IMF App2
  • Supports Archival Formats (IAP/MAP)
  • Parallel CPU/GPU encoding
  • Dolby Atmos Support
  • More scaling/cropping options
  • Supports 64bit architectures
  • Supports Retina Displays
  • Pre-Render-Playback
  • Support for Closed Subtitles/Closed Captions and Open Captions
  • Extended Pillar-/Letterboxing
  • Feature to preview and burning the subtitles directly into the image content
  • New work-flow for activating the software within minutes
  • SMPTE subtitle format supported
  • Easy to use certificate requests
  • Optimized workflow for existing supplemental and/or encrypted DCPs
  • Generation of KDMs directly in easyDCP Creator+
  • Support for QuickTime input format
  • Generation of supplemental DCPs
  • Load and save existing DCPs
  • Duplicate compositions
  • Drag and drop, insert or duplicate reels
  • Support for MXF input format
  • Open Key-Message (Key Delivery Message and Fraunhofer DCP-Digest)
  • Up to 16 audio channels
  • Performance improvements
  • 16 channel & multichannel-wav-file support
  • Support for subtitles