Frequently Asked Question

Practical use of Supplemental Package (VF):

Replace selected Frames in an IMF package or DCP with easyDCP Creator+


Imagine the following situation:

  • The original version (OV) of a DCP or IMF package has already been delivered to the cinema or studio.
  • Now certain frames need to be replaced (here: video frames from #280 to #329 of reel #1)
  • There is now time to produce a corrected DCP or IMP package.

HINTS: The solution lies in the usage of small supplemental packages, also known as version files. It is very similar for DCPs and IMF packages.
AND: The replacement of frames is very similar for video and audio


To replace certain frames in a DCP or IMF package, just follow these steps:

  1. Load the DCP or IMF package in easyDCP Creator+.
  2. To create a supplemental package, right-click on a track and choose "Supplemental > Enable for all Tracks":

    Info: All tracks should be greyed out now, which means that they are just referenced and not included in the new supplemental package:
  3. Move the playhead to the first frame you want to replace (here: frame #280). Then click on the scissors to split the reel/sequence:

    Info: A reel should automatically be added to the composition (here: reel #2).
  4. Now move the playhead to the next frame after the last frame you want to replace (here: frame #330). Then click on the scissors to split the reel/sequence:

    Info: A reel should automatically be added to the composition (here: reel #3).
  5. Add your supplemental frames as a new track and drop it onto the reel that contains the frames to be replaced (here: reel #2):
  6. Don't forget to rename the composition according to the "OV" to "VF-1".
  7. Generate the new package.

The result is a DCP or IMF package with a new composition that replaces the desired frames. In case of supplemental, please note that a supplemental package is not self-contained, which means that it must be loaded together with the OV track files in order to play correctly.

If it becomes necessary to create another Supplemental DCP / IMF package, load the Supplemental DCP / IMF package that has already been created and proceed on the basis of the previously created supplementals exactly as you have done before.
s For later use in the cinema or on Netflix both supplementals in the correct order are necessary. The naming convention provides for consecutive numbering VF-1, VF-2 and so on.

Please note:
Creation of Supplementals is only supported in easyDCP Creator+. This template was created with easyDCP Creator+ / Player+ Version 3.5.8. Previous versions may not yet include this feature, but newer versions may run slightly differently.