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Changelog IMF Studio Player
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fix: Minor bug fixes and improvements.
fix: Proper shutdown of beta decoder backend when app closed during playback.
fix: Correct parsing of --resultInFilename command line argument.
new: SystemHash v6 Support for Reliable Certification.
new: GOP Option for H264 Export under Advanced.
fix: Crash going fullscreen if monitor was unplugged.
fix: HD-SDI glitch switching to lower resolution layer while playback.
fix: Incorrect HD-SDI background color level with legal range.
new: Massive performance improvements with HD-SDI enabled.
new: Support for AAC export with 5.1 channel configuration.
fix: Crash adding external TTML with HD-SDI enabled.
fix: Fullscreen with dual monitor setups (Windows and MacOS).
fix: Opening of MAP Packages (with special license).
fix: Update Edit Rate(s) warnings and recommendations in validation to reflect latest standard.
fix: (Windows) Remove support for obsolete MME audio hosts.
new: Add CLI validation argument "--resultInFilename" to put result in report filename.
new: Resolve VF package from CLI when OV is specified as well to allow VF export.
new: Improved TTML renderer error reporting.
fix: Potential playback hang when V-Sync is enabled.
fix: (MacOS) Reenable TTML rendering support.
fix: Potential crash when project file with unequal reel parameters is played back.
fix: HD-SDI device detection if input-only Blackmagic HD-SDI device is present.
fix: Rendering of TTML subtitle with some border types.
fix: (MacOS) Improvement of fullscreen with dual monitor setups.
fix: Show current state of settings that require restart.
fix: Remove warning when decoding is done on primary GPU.
fix: Potential issues and slowdowns caused by validation when loading packages.
fix: Improved composition marker compatibility.
fix: Save and restore of custom input audio mappings.
fix: Auto detect test specifications when validating package from command line.
fix: Improve stability and performance of timeline waveform generation.
fix: Case insensitive language tag validation as per RFC5646 section 2.1.1
fix: Remove false positive errors when loading package with subtitles.
fix: Potential freeze with hash check in package validation.
fix: Improve overall stability.
fix: Improve playback performance and responsiveness (may depend on system).
fix: Improve error resilience when loading corrupt packages.
Minor bugfixes and improvements.
new: Add option to use fixed and custom number of CPU decoders to improve playback performance and stability.
new: Rewrite Hash Checker to improve stability and performance.
new: Add detected package type to validation dialog and report.
new: Write used validation specifications to validation report.
new: Preselect validation specifications based on detected package type.
new: Updated Blackmagic Design DeckLink SDK to version 12.4.2
fix: Online licensing more robust against temporary connection losses.
fix: Loading of 3D Lut color transformation files.
fix: Use correct aspect ratio in description for FLAT safe area overlay.
new: Add "Don't show again" to export output folder not empty warning dialog.
fix: On restart negative values for audio latency values where increased by one.
new: Composition Markers
new: Reading of DPX 12bit packed
fix: Reactivate support for PPM files
bugfix: IMF Studio Player doesn't launch when Windows username contains special characters
bugfix: dragging playlist item to timeline deletes it from playlist
bugfix: timeline becoming unresponsive adding certain audio files
bugfix: opening unwrapped package from export dialog doesn't work
bugfix: sometimes single frames aren't color transformed on export
added back support for 32bit wave file exports
bugfix: cancelling export to network drive causes a crash
bugfix: re-opening export dialog after a failed export causes a crash
bugfix: H.264 export with odd dimension raises error
bugfix: dropping package on login widgets deletes the package
bugfix: empty Rating entries in CPL cause package loading to fail
bugfix: command line interface not working in demo mode
added auto-update for some DCNC entries
bugfix: SDI color space selection is restored on startup but wrong one is used for display
bugfix: validation sometimes fails on first run due to mismatch of subsampling
bugfix: invalid warning about inconsistent edit rate/duration for CPL and MXF when sound track is used in two compositions
bugfix: some DCNC audio tags aren't extracted
bugfix: audio playback stops on track borders when previewing supplemental imfproj
updated macOS minimum requirements
improved compatibility with older macOS versions
bugfix: codestream validation test fails when two CPLs use different resolutions
bugfix: SDI output color space not stored/restored
bugfix: legal range color conversion in export wrong
added option to export License to create a backup
added option to remove License from settings to allow for an easier transition to new licensing model
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